Dave the Punk Rock Cat Kicks Out the Jams

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Dave the Punk Rock Cat Kicks Out the Jams: Page 4
KnaveMurdok onHello again! Knave Murdok here! ^_^
Last weeks update was extraordinarily minimal, and I apologize for that. I've been under a tremendous amount of stress, this past week has been remarkably busy, and I haven't been doing the best job of managing my time.
Here's a little update on everything that's been going down. So, I've talked in the past about my television project, yes? The terrific peeps at Cellar Door Pictures have been working hard on "Babel Records", a television series created by my good friend Aaron that I've been helping to write for.
Production is chugging happily along, but we're still very much in our beginning stages. We just got through with three days' worth of auditions, and it's left me tired and frustrated ^_^
Here's some of the info on Cellar Door and Babel Records
Cellar Door's Main Website
Babel Records on IndieGoGo
If you're the facebook type, Cellar Door has it's own fan page for you to join! :D
And here it is!
There's one for Babel as well!
Bear witness! For every new fan we get, we inch ever closer to much needed funds! At the bottom of each main page, you will also find all kinds of info on how you can help make this production a reality ^_^
Aside from this, I've also been working my ass off on ANOTHER blog! A MUSIC Blog! It's not like… critical review or anything like that. I've always wanted to write about music, but I wanted to be unique about it. So here's my schtick! This is a blog about music history, BUT, it's also about my personal experience with the music that I write about! So in that way, it's not unlike an online journal, but told through songs throughout the ages.
You can see that one HERE :D
Now! Back on to comic related news!
The convention circuit is upon us again!
I will be exhibiting at Big Wow Comic Fest (formerly "SuperCon") as well as at Anime On Display (formerly Anime Overdose).
I will be showing off with my dear friend Tricia, of Ratgirl Productions. She writes a comic about a talking rat, I write a comic about a talking cat! Why SHOULDN'T this work out??
I will be at WonderCon, but I won't have a table this year. WonderCon is too fun, I can't be working there! It's unjust!
I think the same may be true of Fanime, but I'll do my best to get a table there, strictly on principal!
I also have another piece of comic related news that I desperately want to share, but i CAN'T Not yet! It's too super secret! It's so totally exciting and when I'm able to speak on this subject, I am certain a lot of you will be crapping your pants right off!
Just bear with me, children! The time will come!
Until next time, please pimp those links out to everyone you know! If all goes according to plan, I'll be seein' ya all on the TeeVee! ;-)
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