
'26: Chapter two - Insanity -  Quite Disturbing

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'26: Chapter two - Insanity - Quite Disturbing


Sorry about last week and for today, i'm trying to see which form of speach bubble will work and/or be liked best i also have a rant which should alienate most of the people who do actully read this.

The rant: Do americans have this thing where if they travel a great distance they decide to do very stupid things, because otherwise why would five americans come into a sports bar in dundee and start ranting on about how the Scottish have no reason to hate the English and we're just racist and uneducated, which led to their through beating, and i'd like to tell others the reason the large majority of Scots hate the English is because of the 600 years of theft, murder, threating, blackmailing and bribing the people who were in charge at the time, the meny attempts at ethnic cleasing, you know Hitler related things which left as unable to run our country which meant when they passed a law making trade between England and the america colonies whic cut or national income by more than
%50 and surprise surprise the only way to not have the entire country gone was to agree to union for the last time, we have a damn brillant reason to hate the english and the next person to come to my country and insult us like that gets tied up and left out at sea.


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