Detective Fork

Bucky Fork

Author notes

Bucky Fork


When I sit there for hours covering a town meeting for work, there's bound to be boring parts that I don't care about. Instead of drawing aimless sketches, I decided to just draw a spontaneous comic like I used to do during my math classes in junior high. Maybe that's why I still count on my fingers, today. Anyway, I challenged myself to draw a comic in felt-tip pen (which I use to take notes; comes out more legible than ballpoint) without sketching first and I surprisingly made few mistakes. I did cheat later by fixing a few things with white-out. It's fun to just write something as I go along instead of planning it all out ahead of time. I might do some more of these in the future, despite the odd format.

I don't like mixing up stories but I'll straighten out everything in the archive as time goes on.


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