Devabbis Leftovers

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Devabbi onThis is crappy and extremely old, but I needed to post SOMETHING to keep my account from going too idle. Nothing much in my life right now is funny. My brother moved back in last Friday, and we're already arguing. My mom and now my brother are both bothering me to get a job, and my liscense when I'm beginning to wonder if I really just don't want to grow up. One of my very good friends may be going to juvie for attacking another guy that threw his sister into a locker and beat the crap out of her. It's finals week. I'm not sure what next semester's classes will be. My dog is getting real old and tired and I'm starting to wonder about her health. I've been forced to do everything about the house for a few weeks because my mom's health is declining. Guy issues that I won't even discuss because they're too petty…
So basically, my life ain't so great right now. No real inspiration. I might be able to get something in, but on top of all the crap, my computer ain't working anymore. My computer, which has paintshop on it. I've been using my mom's, but hers doesn't have anything past MS paint. Can't color in that.
I'll probably post old drawings that I have on my dA account for lack of anything else to put up. If I can get over to my buddy's house and we can combine our powers (my kickass scanner + her kickass tablet) then I might have something awesome up. Let's just hope.
Hope ya'll are having a better time than me!!!
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