Devabbis Leftovers

Author notes

BJ & Anya - 1
Devabbi onMeet Blackjack and Anya. They're my cats. Also, they're basically easy entertainment until I can figure out what I'm doing for art stuff. My computer with paintshop died, so I'm kind of out of stuff to put up for awhile. At least, out of good stuff. This was done up in microsoft paint, so have mercy. :P At least I'm trying.
Also, I'm currently hunting down an artist to draw my San Miedo comic. If you know anyone that might be interested, lemme know. ^^
Notes about the cats:
- Yes Anya's that fat.
- No Blackjack doesn't have a mohawk.
- Yes Blackjack has a spiked collar, and loves his squeaky mouse.
There may be more of these in the future. I may suck at drawing animals, but these aren't half-bad. At least you can tell they're cats, right? Beyond that, Blackjack makes me laugh at least twice a day… I'll try and draw some decent stuff to get up soon. No promises.
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