Deviant Prophets First Prev - Thank You - Outtakes 3 - Outtakes 2 Outtakes 1 - Thousand Miles 6 - Final - Thousand Miles 5 - Thousand Miles 4 - Thousand Miles 3 - Thousand Miles 2 Epilogue: Thousand Miles - The End - Genesis Golems - Jeslam - Kevaral and Keron - The Convention - Body Snatcher - Sin and Marduk - Babylon Issue 1 Babylon - Mad Raven - A Clever Trap - Canth's Lab - Discovery and Rebirth - Mourning Raise Ravens - Final Fight - Joy and Trust - Demon God Reborn - Making a Move - Birth of Terrall - "Into the Fray" Battered Helm storyarc Issue 3 - A Rivalry is Sparked - A Plan is Hatched - "Fickle Heart" Battered Helm Issue 2 The Rest of the Story... - Filler Sketches - Happy Holidays - Ferox's Fears - Return to the Greatroom - Wrath of Gor'Haleth - Hiatus! - Translocation - The Jump - Clone Army - Group Effort - Come Forth, Venetsalath - Oh shi-- - Into Darkness - Slumming it - Sudden Realization - Mission: Troll Hunt - The Morning After, 2.0 - The Morning After - Good Night - Nobody likes ChibiMulciber - Acerbian Lesser Gods - Acerbian Cosmolgy - Happy Birthday to Us - The World of Acerbus - How the BattleArena works, continued - How the BattleArena works... - More Fillers... - Happy Birthday Myst! - Braid my hair? - Culture Shock - Off to the Arena with you! - The Greatroom- on fire. - Drunken Twister - Filler: Zigler - The Standings - More Filler - All About Canth - More Filler - Nay's New Look - Filler - Character Background 3 - Filler - Character Background 2 - Filler - Charcter Background - More Filler - All About Ferox - Greatroom - ChibiMulciber! - TKO - Stonestrike - Less Teeth, Please - Call to Arms 1 - Wouldn't Want to Bore You Call to Arms Battered Helm Cover - Epilogue 4 - Epilogue 3 - Epilogue 2 Epilogue 1 - Legend 1 - The End - Sigil of Resurrection - Dispell - Take you all with me - Let's Finish This - Poof! - Panic - ...What's a toilet? - Vortex - Not Good Enough - Last Resort - ...And the Pitch - The Wind-up - Transformation - The Sphinx Crystal - Hhoal Costume Design - Ferox Costume Design - Anathoth Costume Design - Serious Business - Kiss of Life - HURK! - Mana Burn - Phasing Magic - What's her weak spot?! - Hecatate Reborn - All for Naught - The Barrier Falls - CHOOM! - CRAKK!!! - A Dead God No More - All Will Fear the Magus - What a Surprise - Final Heaven - If you please! - A Nice Day to Die - Take your pick FT Issue 4 "Final Rest" - Impressive, Canthlian - Abandon Dragon! - Interrupted - Mulciber's Chapel - Shortcut - A Face Full o' Axe - Move it or lose it - Aren't we cozy? - Unsteady Ground - Old Ghosts - You feel the effects - A gift of Sphinx - Fire elementals in the meat locker... - Separated - Blood Sigil - Human Sacrifice - Ye Burning Hatred - Tall, Dark and Angsty - Reunited FT Issue 3 - End Issue 2 - Hitching a ride - When fairies attack - Outsider - White Fire - Zombies heart books - Broom Closet - Gold! - Honest to Goddess - Spunky Guy - Goddess Sanctuary - Through the Looking Glass - Priest's Quarters - Diversion tactics - PBBT! - War of All Gods - Kememmotar?! - Glad you approve... - Resisting Temptation - Dead Gods wander here - Mouseathoth - Floating - Fooling the Barrier - Sucks to be you - Auto Fix Button - Gush, gush Deviant Prophets - Forgotten Temple Issue 2 - It will be done... - Unseen Servant - Demon Zoo - The Last Ultima - What the?! - Statues - Pointless Beefcake - Shifty Fella - Let's make a deal - Care for some wine? - Emoticons - YEEP! - Moving Pictures - Back on the Farm... - Bundt Cake - A Simple Matter - Rather Verbose - Moving Between - Classified as "Bad" - In Shackles - 4.5 - Chink Tink - Going Green - POOM! - Are you Magus Ferox? Deviant Prophets - Forgotten Temple Issue 1 - Pawns - Chess - Balance - I Am. - This, is their song... Prologue Deviant Prophets - Cover Next Last First Prev - Thank You - Outtakes 3 - Outtakes 2 Outtakes 1 - Thousand Miles 6 - Final - Thousand Miles 5 - Thousand Miles 4 - Thousand Miles 3 - Thousand Miles 2 Epilogue: Thousand Miles - The End - Genesis Golems - Jeslam - Kevaral and Keron - The Convention - Body Snatcher - Sin and Marduk - Babylon Issue 1 Babylon - Mad Raven - A Clever Trap - Canth's Lab - Discovery and Rebirth - Mourning Raise Ravens - Final Fight - Joy and Trust - Demon God Reborn - Making a Move - Birth of Terrall - "Into the Fray" Battered Helm storyarc Issue 3 - A Rivalry is Sparked - A Plan is Hatched - "Fickle Heart" Battered Helm Issue 2 The Rest of the Story... - Filler Sketches - Happy Holidays - Ferox's Fears - Return to the Greatroom - Wrath of Gor'Haleth - Hiatus! - Translocation - The Jump - Clone Army - Group Effort - Come Forth, Venetsalath - Oh shi-- - Into Darkness - Slumming it - Sudden Realization - Mission: Troll Hunt - The Morning After, 2.0 - The Morning After - Good Night - Nobody likes ChibiMulciber - Acerbian Lesser Gods - Acerbian Cosmolgy - Happy Birthday to Us - The World of Acerbus - How the BattleArena works, continued - How the BattleArena works... - More Fillers... - Happy Birthday Myst! - Braid my hair? - Culture Shock - Off to the Arena with you! - The Greatroom- on fire. - Drunken Twister - Filler: Zigler - The Standings - More Filler - All About Canth - More Filler - Nay's New Look - Filler - Character Background 3 - Filler - Character Background 2 - Filler - Charcter Background - More Filler - All About Ferox - Greatroom - ChibiMulciber! - TKO - Stonestrike - Less Teeth, Please - Call to Arms 1 - Wouldn't Want to Bore You Call to Arms Battered Helm Cover - Epilogue 4 - Epilogue 3 - Epilogue 2 Epilogue 1 - Legend 1 - The End - Sigil of Resurrection - Dispell - Take you all with me - Let's Finish This - Poof! - Panic - ...What's a toilet? - Vortex - Not Good Enough - Last Resort - ...And the Pitch - The Wind-up - Transformation - The Sphinx Crystal - Hhoal Costume Design - Ferox Costume Design - Anathoth Costume Design - Serious Business - Kiss of Life - HURK! - Mana Burn - Phasing Magic - What's her weak spot?! - Hecatate Reborn - All for Naught - The Barrier Falls - CHOOM! - CRAKK!!! - A Dead God No More - All Will Fear the Magus - What a Surprise - Final Heaven - If you please! - A Nice Day to Die - Take your pick FT Issue 4 "Final Rest" - Impressive, Canthlian - Abandon Dragon! - Interrupted - Mulciber's Chapel - Shortcut - A Face Full o' Axe - Move it or lose it - Aren't we cozy? - Unsteady Ground - Old Ghosts - You feel the effects - A gift of Sphinx - Fire elementals in the meat locker... - Separated - Blood Sigil - Human Sacrifice - Ye Burning Hatred - Tall, Dark and Angsty - Reunited FT Issue 3 - End Issue 2 - Hitching a ride - When fairies attack - Outsider - White Fire - Zombies heart books - Broom Closet - Gold! - Honest to Goddess - Spunky Guy - Goddess Sanctuary - Through the Looking Glass - Priest's Quarters - Diversion tactics - PBBT! - War of All Gods - Kememmotar?! - Glad you approve... - Resisting Temptation - Dead Gods wander here - Mouseathoth - Floating - Fooling the Barrier - Sucks to be you - Auto Fix Button - Gush, gush Deviant Prophets - Forgotten Temple Issue 2 - It will be done... - Unseen Servant - Demon Zoo - The Last Ultima - What the?! - Statues - Pointless Beefcake - Shifty Fella - Let's make a deal - Care for some wine? - Emoticons - YEEP! - Moving Pictures - Back on the Farm... - Bundt Cake - A Simple Matter - Rather Verbose - Moving Between - Classified as "Bad" - In Shackles - 4.5 - Chink Tink - Going Green - POOM! - Are you Magus Ferox? Deviant Prophets - Forgotten Temple Issue 1 - Pawns - Chess - Balance - I Am. - This, is their song... Prologue Deviant Prophets - Cover Next Last Author notes The Wind-up Magus Ferox on July 14, 2007 Hey batter batter? Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register ${ }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete Reply ${ }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete «previous set of pages «previous set of pages page ${ page.number }} ... next set of pages» next set of pages»
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