Devon Legacy Bios

Author notes

The Predator Grand
JustNoPoint onA pretty similar description to the Cyro Grand.
To add to what I said about my original inspiration for Cyro and Predator Grands to be Greys and Reptilians… when I was a kid I didn't remember what the alien abduction show called the reptilians so I just called them Predator Greys.
Hence Predator Grand. The old design was nothing like this one. It was a normal grey design except it had sharp teeth, claws, and the tentacles with the claw on their backs.
For those of you keeping tab in the actual story I note here (and in issue 1) that the Pred's find out about the base because the info was sent to them from earth. Who or what sent this info has not been revealed yet so don't worry if you don't remember that part.
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