Devon Legacy Bios

Author notes

Power Grand
JustNoPoint onWhew, aside for the Master Preda Grand and Primal Grand I have all the grands finally up!!! Thank goodness!
MPG and Primal will come later on. Going pretty much in order of appearance. Aside from the most important characters Fenny and Sally being at the front.
I also noticed a few pages back I messed up on my own story canon. Luckily I didn't do it in the comic itself… boy that would suck.
I mentioned on the Cyro and Pred profiles that they were on Earth 10,000 years ago. That was wrong. They were on Earth 500,000 years ago.
My original story years back had it only 10,000 but that didn't compute well when I started researching more. I updated those profiles.
Power Grand is my favorite bad alien. Even more than MPG. I just love this guy and his overpowered abilty.
I was really leery abut giving him a power this potent. Like, how the heck are my characters going to kill him? He's gotta be dead by issue FIVE!
Luckily Cutter Grand had the perfect power to take him on. No need for energy attacks when you can move things with your mind! Including moving energy around.
Power Grand's design was heavily inspired by the aliens from "Aliens" and some arachnid for good measure. Probably some Guyver too. Everyone says he looks like a Zoanoid from there. And I did like Guyver as a kid so it's possible that without knowing features from Guyver fell into the grands.
Though more Mega Man fell into them IMO, especially the Cyro Grand armor designs.
Luckily most characters in the prologue are not very deep. So even though he was powerful, he'll be forgotten pretty quickly. So he won't outshine my new villains that will come in. It will be nice to actually slow down a bit so I can add some depth to some characters. The prologue is just too fast for character depth. Aside from a bit I try to squeeze in with Fenny and Sally.
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