- Captain Apathy Page 3
- Captain Apathy Page 2
- Captain Apathy Page 1
- The Political Spectrum Ninja Association Page 3
- The Political Spectrum Ninja Association Page 2
- The Political Spectrum Ninja Association Page 1
- Comic Book Challenge 2008 Sketches page 1
- Captain Apathy Pitch page 1
- My Macy's Application
- The Messenger
- The Political Spectrum Ninja Association, Issue 1 page 2
- The Political Spectrum Ninja Association: Issue 1, page 1
- The Three Mutually Loathesome Amigos
- Stealth Ballads
- Rapture Spectacular!
- Journaistic Hardships
- Stereotyping 101
- Bond Begins
- The Political Spectrum versus Collusive Chertoff
- An unsettling Announcement
- A Certain Lack of Foresight
- My Kind of Journalist
- A Mighty Mess
- Comic Book Challenge Announcement
- The Political Spectrum versus Vice Presidentman
- Stephen's Worst Nightmare
- Another Handy Guide
- The Scandalous Truth
- The Political Spectrum versus Kerrytron
- Tazed and Confused
- Kids These Days...
- Apple Juice
- Vice Presidentman
- A Wholly Futile Effort
- The Eternal Question
- Bill's Handy Guide
- We Have A New Policy
- The Political Spectrum versus Doctor Rummy
- Of Marians and Chickens
- "M" is for "Mysterious"
- The Political Spectrum Ninja Association
- Midnight Snack
- Monopoly Night
- The Refund
- Ryan's Return
- National Security
- Pool Party X
- YOU be soft
- Pimp my Patience
- Dealing with Management
- A Handly Little Device
- Genius God
- Splinter Cell Etiquette
- Photoshop Troubles
- Decisions, decisions
- A Halo Story
- Cody's Choice
- A Prize Inside
- Red Sun
- Gpo-San: The Game!
- Rachel's Wrath
- The Secret Weapon
- Gpo-San
- I am a filthy Democrat
- Captain Apathy vs. Tim Burton
- Martians!
- They call it "justice"
- Big Suck
- Ryan the Sadist
- How to end the world's problems
- Von's Rules
- Giandroid
- Oh, that Gemma
- Natural Selection
- Benefits of Subservience
- Spoon Damage
Author notes
Once again, Comic Book Challenge stuff. This is Captain Apathy, one of my most favorite creations. Not that I don't love the PSNA too! Written/illustrated/lettered by Giando Sigurani (That's me). Coloring by Rori DeClue.
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