Doctor Who Fade Away

Author notes

Doctor Who: Fade Away Page 9
svb909 onThis is page 9 of Doctor Who: Fade Away by my talented pal and collaborator Paul Hanley (story, colors, and lettering) and myself (pencils and inks). It is our (very fond) farewell to Nicholas Courtney. The final page. So now you all know what I've known since I first opened Paul's script a few months ago. It's a bit timey-wimey. Thanks everybody for all of your kind comments and fav's.
This was easily one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had working in comics. So thanks, Paul for writing it and for never letting me be lazy about it. You're a gentleman and scholar.
Paul's commentary: The final and slightly timey-wimey page. Art by my talented bud and collaborator Shawn Van Briesen, story, colors, and lettering by me.
A huge thanks to Shawn for drawing this so splendidly, and to all the kind comments and faves we've been getting.
If you've enjoyed this and feel like leaving a "tip", let me point ya here, to a very worthy charity in Mr. Courtney's name:
Shawn and I will be back later this summer with an 8th Doctor strip, "The Doctor & I"- the strangest and most unexpected multi-Doctor story ever told…
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