- Professor Vessant: Escape - Professor Vessant: Selection - Professor Vessant: Hi Res - Just a Stage: Scare - Dog the Spot: Sell Out - Just a Stage: Early Future - Dog the Spot: Eternal Flame - Just a Stage: Have a Seat - Dog the Spot: Inspiration - Just a Stage: Alone - Dog the Spot: Timely - Just a Stage: On Track - Dog the Spot: The Art of Hiding - Just a Stage: That's Rich - Dog the Spot: Some Hide - Just a Stage: Pushing Buttons - Dog the Spot: Pony - Just a Stage: Still Got It - Dog the Spot: DIY - Just a Stage: Farewell - Dog the Spot: Travel - Just a Stage: Lights Out - Dog the Spot: May Day! Spillage! - Just a Stage: Lower - Dog the Spot: In Print - Just a Stage: Fill In Fill In - Dog the Spot: A Tale - Just a Stage: Control - Dog the Spot: Just Imagine - Just a Stage: Operating - Dog the Spot: All By Myself - Just a Stage: Hero - Dog the Spot: Getting Rid of Spots - Just a Stage: Face Facts - Dog the Spot: Nothing to Say - Just a Stage: Masked - Dog the Spot: Nothing - Just a Stage: Lead Role - Dog the Spot: Unity - Just a Stage: Reopening - Dog the Spot: Face Facts - Dog the Spot: Meditative - Dog the Spot: Keep Away - Dog the Spot: Way Out - Dog the Spot: Drinks - Dog the Spot: A Bit Late - Dog the Spot: Been Away - Dog the Spot: I thought you'd gone... Dog the Spot: Back So Soon? - Dog the Spot: Bye! - Professor Vessant: Newniverse - Just a Stage: Shocking Performance - Dog the Spot: Wait! - Professor Vessant: Dream - Just a Stage: Coffee - Dog the Spot: You - Professor Vessant: Fromage - Just a Stage: In the House - Dog the Spot: Kids - Professor Vessant: The Six - Just a Stage: Let's Dance - Dog the Spot: Three Laws - Professor Vessant: What is is Good For? - Just a Stage: Manners Count - Dog the Spot: Electronica - Professor Vessant: Pop It Goes - Just a Stage: Burn - Dog the Spot: Note - Professor Vessant: Possibilities - Just a Stage: Replacement - Dog the Spot: Ohs - Professor Vessant: Nutter - Just a Stage: With Friends - Dog the Spot: Dine Fining - Professor Vessant: And on that... - Just a Stage: Minimal - Dog the Spot: Fear - Professor Vessant: Hear the Word - Just a Stage: Brrr - Dog the Spot: Talk - Professor Vessant: Safe - Just a Stage: Suds - Dog the Spot: Consistency - Professor Vessant: Deathly - Just a Stage: Resident President - Dog the Spot: Horseless Carriage - Professor Vessant: Toaster - Just a Stage: Cleaning Up - Dog the Spot: A Yolk - Professor Vessant: Charge - Just a Stage: Sincerity - Dog the Spot: Spot of Weather - Professor Vessant: Life - Just a Stage: Prepare - Dog the Spot: Don't Have One - Professor Vessant: Blissful - Just a Stage: Duke's Up - Dog the Spot: Ray - Professor Vessant: Round Tuit - Just a Stage: Soph are So Good - Dog the Spot: Encore - Professor Vessant: Dream Dream Dream - Just a Stage: Dave'll Do It - Dog the Spot: Same Old - Professor Vessant: Board - Just a Stage: Grey Portrait of Dorian - Dog the Spot: Wha? - Professor Vessant: Brave New Future - Just a Stage: Ghost of a Chance - Dog the Spot: Sorry State - Professor Vessant: Shopping - Just a Stage: Doctor Doctor - Dog the Spot: Full Fall - Professor Vessant: Pure Evil - Just a Stage: Simone Says - Dog the Spot: Change Over - Professor Vessant: Thorough - Just a Stage: Dirge Gently - Dog the Spot: Boredumb - Professor Vessant: Philosophical No-tions - Just a Stage: When I Met Sally - Dog the Spot: Fall - Professor Vessant: Illness - Just a Stage: Duncan Doughnuts - Dog the Spot: Big Cat - Professor Vessant: For You - Just a Stage: Hello, It's Me - Dog the Spot: Nothing to Say - Professor Vessant: Year in Review - Just a Stage: Dickens - Dog the Spot: Dinner Time - Professor Vessant: Complex - Just a Stage: Get Back - Dog the Spot: Rising - Professor Vessant: Home Invasion - Just a Stage: Go, Go, Go! - Dog the Spot: Great - Professor Vessant: Ducks Go - Just a Stage: Pop - Dog the Spot: Fight Club - Professor Vessant: It's Magic - Just a Stage: Step In Something - Dog the Spot: Greater - Professor Vessant: Secrets - Just a Stage: Deadly - Dog the Spot: Interface - Professor Vessant: Simplicity - Just a Stage: Chill - Dog the Spot: Tease - Professor Vessant: Past Tense - Just a Stage: Broke - Dog the Spot: Groan - Professor Vessant: Free-Dumb - Just a Stage: Waiting for Silence - Dog the Spot: Fear Factor - Professor Vessant: Pop It Goes - Just a Stage: Mispresentation - Dog the Spot: Deep Skin - Professor Vessant: Army Dreamers - Just a Stage: A Small Thing - Dog the Spot: Stacking It On - Professor Vessant: Petty - Just a Stage: Pause - Dog the Spot: Porpoise - Professor Vessant: Second Voyage - Just a Stage: Big Event - Dog the Spot: Puzzling - Professor Vessant: Ahoy! - Just a Stage: It Marks - Dog the Spot: The Meaning of It All - Professor Vessant: To Do List - Just a Stage: The Biggest - Dog the Spot: Sarcasm - Professor Vessant: Sound Board - Just a Stage: Mrs Hamlet - Dog the Spot: Twenty - Professor Vessant: Observatory - Just a Stage: Roles of Fat - Dog the Spot: Educavised - Professor Vessant: With Friends... - Just a Stage: Punctuate - Dog the Spot: Latin The Day - Professor Vessant: Improvements - Just a Stage: Gotta Go - Dog the Spot: If I... - Professor Vessant: Same Old - Just a Stage: Big Big Big - Dog the Spot: Water You Up To? - Professor Vessant: Vhat? - Just a Stage: Enough Rope - Dog the Spot: In Hand - Professor Vessant: The Write Stuff - Just a Stage: First Things First - Dog the Spot: Rail Roaded - Professor Vessant: Everything New - Just a Stage: Here Comes the Flood - Dog the Spot: Built to Spill - Professor Vessant: It's a Small World - Just a Stage: LOL - Dog the Spot: All Tied Up - Professor Vessant: She'll Be Apples - Just a Stage: Thinking - Dog the Spot: Nothing Here - Professor Vessant: Friendly - Just a Stage: That's the Way it Crumbles - Dog the Spot: Piece at Last - Professor Vessant: Muse - Just a Stage: Ungood - Dog the Spot: Going - Professor Vessant: That First Step's a Doozy - Just a Stage: Water - Dog the Spot: Lost - Professor Vessant: When Hadrons Collide - Just a Stage: Villain - Dog the Spot: Keeping Up - Professor Vessant: Assistance - Just a Stage: Never Work... - Dog the Spot: Solitude - Professor Vessant: D'Solver - Just a Stage: Coytains - Dog the Spot: Look at the Stars, See How They Shine - Professor Vessant: Non Linear - Just a Stage: Best Laid Plans - Dog the Spot: Blue Dog - Professor Vessant: Comma'D - Just a Stage: Kids - Dog the Spot: In Tents - Professor Vessant: Angry or Insane - Just A Stage: Sleepless - Dog the Spot: I Wander - Professor Vessant: Wormy - Just a Stage: Shoe In - Dog the Spot: On My Mind - Professor Vessant: Last Time... - Just a Stage: Alarmed - Dog the Spot: A Jarring Episode - Professor Vessant: Fission - Just a Stage: High Powered - Dog the Spot: Help Him Out - Professor Vessant: Object to Force - Just a Stage: Under Studied - Dog the Spot: Melt - Professor Vessant: Cross - Just a Stage: All By Myself - Dog the Spot: Comes Undone - Professor Vessant: We're Going Bowling - Just a Stage: Freebies - Dog the Spot: Celebration! - Professor Vessant: Next Big Thing - Just a Stage: Ch--ch-changes - Dog the Spot: You Who? - Professor Vessant: Tacky tacky tachy - Just a Stage: Hmm - Dog the Spot: No Here This Week - Professor Vessant: Possibilities - Just a Stage: Exercisum - Dog the Spot: Bite - Professor Vessant: Ghost of a Chance - Just a Stage: Return to your Seats - Dog the Spot: Jokers to My Right - Professor Vessant: Souper - Just a Stage: Not This Little Black Bunny - Dog the Spot: Bookish - Professor Vessant: Bad Day - Just a Stage: By Any Other Name - Dog the Spot: Red Herring - Professor Vessant: Reading - Just a Stage: For a Very Important Date - Dog the Spot: Modern - Professor Vessant: Msitaeks - Just a Stage: Zombies - Dog the Spot: In the Corner - Professor Vessant: Diet - Just a Stage: 200! - Dog the Spot: Same Old... - Professor Vessant: Conditioning - Just a Stage: Disaster - Dog the Spot: Mis-Tech - Professor Vessant: Bad Hair Day - Just a Stage: No - Dog the Spot: Positive Vibes - Professor Vessant: Quote Unquote - Just a Stage: Changes - Dog the Spot: Empty Space - Professor Vessant: Cars - Just a Stage: Legs - Dog the Spot: Aniseed - Professor Vessant: Pretty - Just a Stage: Yes, Virginia - Dog the Spot: Down - Professor Vessant: 'Fee for Two - Just a Stage: The Seven - Dog the Spot: He Ain't Heavy... - Professor Vessant: LIfe Support - Just a Stage: It's Curtains - Dog the Spot: Joyous - Professor Vessant: Why I Don't Love Saturn - Just a Stage: Fire! - Dog the Spot: Spot the Explorer - Professor Vessant: Less Than Trivial Pursuits - Just a Stage: Syntax Error - Dog the Spot: Stick to It - Professor Vessant: All's Wells - Just a Stage: Gotta Hand It To You - Dog the Spot: Going Viral - Professor Vessant: Truth - Just a Stage: Another Lert - Dog the Spot: Feeding Ideas - Professor Vessant: Safety Second - Just a Stage: Make Mine a Triple - Dog the Spot: Monster! - Professor Vessant: Wisdom - Just a Stage: Going On - Dog the Spot: Water You Doing? - Professor Vessant: Collision - Just a Stage: Jogging - Dog the Spot: There He Is! - Professor Vessant: Stringing Along - Just a Stage: Red Herring - Dog the Spot: Burger - Professor Vessant: Quarking Heads - Just a Stage: Shoosh! - Dog the Spot: Soon... - Professor Vessant: This Goes With That - Just a Stage: Trek - Dog the Spot: Knot a Problem - Professor Vessant: Quark Talk - Just a Stage: Going National - Dog the Spot: Blackest - Professor Vessant: Dumpty - Just a Stage: Disappearing Act - Dog the Spot: Heartless - Professor Vessant: Mnemonics - Just a Stage: Laugh - Dog the Spot: Communication - Professor Vessant: Carbon - Just a Stage: It is Written - Dog the Spot: Spotty Spot Spot - Professor Vessant Supplement: Origins - Professor Vessant: Year 2 Begins - Just a Stage: Painting - Dog the Spot: Something - Professor Vessant: Knowledge - Just a Stage: Beep - Dog the Spot: Leg Up - Professor Vessant: More or Less - Just a Stage: History - Dog the Spot: That's Me All Over - Professor Vessant: Word! - Just a Stage: Just a Game - Dog the Spot: No Plants Here - Professor Vessant: Everything's Useful - Just a Stage: Past It - Dog the Spot: Pepper - Professor Vessant: Forget About It - Just a Stage: Highly Polished Performance - Dog the Spot: Similarities - Professor Vessant: You say - Just a Stage: The Horror! - Dog the Spot: Freckless - Professor Vessant: Teaching - Just a Stage: Inflagration Exhalation - Dog the Spot: Scaredy Spot - Professor Vessant: The Beginning - Just a Stage: The End - Dog the Spot: The Pain - Professor Vessant: Vast Knowledge - Just a Stage: Exit - Dog the Spot: Merry X Marks! - Professor Vessant: I Don't Like It - Just a Stage: Suits You - Dog the Spot: See Dog - Professor Vessant: Last Chance - Just a Stage: Impertinent News! - Dog the Spot: Needles and Pins - Professor Vessant: Professor's Dictionary - Just a Stage: Over - Dog the Spot: Who Knows? - Professor Vessant: Mind Yours - Just a Stage: Bar None - Dog the Spot: Lawyers, Guns and Money - Professor Vessant: Coming Soon - Just a Stage: Lighten the Mood - Dog the Spot: Primitive - Professor Vessant: Tasteful - Just a Stage: Nutrition - Dog the Spot: Absentee - Professor Vessant: Holding - Just a Stage: Woes - Dog the Spot: Close to You - Professor Vessant: In the Stars - Just a Stage: Tape - Dog the Spot: Meaning - Professor Vessant: Beauty - Just a Stage: Rabbit Season - Dog the Spot: In French - Professor Vessant: Ice Cold - Just a Stage: Be Yourself - Dog the Spot: Gone with the Wind - Professor Vessant: Plane Sailing - Just a Stage: Be Seated - Dog the Spot: Bad - Professor Vessant: Light Show - Just a Stage: Fear - Dog the Spot: Tripresent - Professor Vessant: Meditation - Just a Stage: Vanilla Poetry Forest - Dog the Spot: Shaw Hand - Professor Vessant: Call Me a Cab - Just a Stage: Here's the Thing - Dog the Spot: Look! Listen! - Professor Vessant: Mars Antics - Just a Stage: Ahoy! - Dog the Spot: Bubbles - Professor Vessant: Tempered - Just a Stage: Animal - Dog the Spot: Environmentalist - Professor Vessant: Nature Boy - Just a Stage: Voices - Dog the Spot: Bright - Professor Vessant: Bigger - Just a Stage: Poetry in Emotion - Dog the Spot: Team Work - Professor Vessant: Stalker - Just a Stage: Chilling - Dog the Spot: Brains - Professor Vessant: Atomic - Just a Stage: Parlez Vous? - Dog the Spot: Colourful - Professor Vessant: Logically - Just a Stage: Tan - Dog the Spot: Softy - Professor Vessant: Explosive - Just a Stage: Tempestuous - Dog the Spot: Fatalism - Professor Vessant: Cookies - Just a Stage: Panto - Dog the Spot: Shopping - Professor Vessant: Resolution - Just a Stage: Taking it Easy - Dog the Spot: Resolute - Professor Vessant: Perchance - Just a Stage: Party Party Party - Dog the Spot: Lap Dog - Professor Vessant: Old Haunts - Just a Stage: Chemistry - Dog the Spot: Built Up - Professor Vessant: Cat Skills - Just a Stage: So? - Dog the Spot: Drifting into the Future - Professor Vessant: My Robot - Just a Stage: The Only Way is Up - Dog the Spot: Tele-non-Kinetic - Professor Vessant: Venus was Her Name - Just a Stage: Gengangere - Dog the Spot: World View - Professor Vessant: Everything Old - Just a Stage: Inspiration - Dog the Spot: Not the Same - Professor Vessant: P^HOwnage - Just a Stage: Aerobics - Dog the Spot: Topsy-Turvy - Professor Vessant: Hat's Off - Just a Stage: Special Guest - Dog the Spot: Latest Technology - Professor Vessant: Fear - Just a Stage: Double Melt - Dog the Spot: Same as it Ever Was - Professor Vessant: Star Role - Just a Stage: Meltdown - Dog the Spot: ... and Recreation - Professor Vessant: WoW! - Just a Stage: Extra Duties - Dog the Spot: In the Room - Professor Vessant: Pi - Just a Stage: Repetition - Dog the Spot: Joke? - Professor Vessant: Star Light - Just a Stage: Taking Precautions - Dog the Spot: Grown - Professor Vessant: Faster Than The Eye - Just a Stage: Head Line - Dog the Spot: Unfolding Events - Professor Vessant: Blue Sky MIning - Just a Stage: Wry Catch - Dog the Spot: Getting it Right - Professor Vessant: Dunno - Just a Stage: To the Barn! - Dog the Spot: Emptiness - Professor Vessant: Other Things - Just a Stage: Student Model - Dog the Spot: Another 5 Years - Professor Vessant: Expertise - Just a Stage: Big Strategies - Dog the Spot: History - Professor Vessant: Introductions - Just a Stage: Strategies - Dog the Spot: Dyslexia - Just a Stage: Day Out - Dog the Spot: Spot in Progress - Just a Stage: Howler - Dog the Spot: Unbelievable - Just a Stage: Too Successful - Dog the Spot: Cease - Just a Stage: Welcome Back - Dog the Spot: In 3D - Just a Stage: Walk in the Park - Dog the Spot: Sunny - Just a Stage: Makin' Up - Dog the Spot: Dis-Order - Just a Stage: You're Bard - Dog the Spot: Super, Man - Just a Stage: So Long Sucker - Dog the Spot: The Beginning - Just a Stage: Wilde Times - Dog the Spot: Card Credit - Just a Stage: Unmasked - Dog the Spot: Don't forget Menacing - Just a Stage: Let's Dance - Dog the Spot: Firmamental - Just a Stage: Twice the Fun - Dog the Spot: Call Me Ishmael - Just a Stage: Discount - Dog the Spot: Everything's Fine - Just a Stage: Funk - Dog the Spot: Purpose - Just a Stage: Rain - Dog the Spot: Dull Morning - Just a Stage: Not Bacon - Dog the Spot: It Is Here - Just a Stage: Overflow - Dog the Spot: 200! - Just a Stage: And Call Me In The Morning - Dog the Spot: Fear - Just a Stage: The Right Stuff - Dog the Spot: Reality - Just a Stage: Deep Fried Scripts - Dog the Spot: Icky - Just a Stage: I Could Watch It All Day - Dog the Spot: Anyone for Dennis? - Just a Stage: One Step Ahead - Dog the Spot: Heavy - Just a Stage: Laugh Out Loud - Dog the Spot: Blots - Just a Stage: Ch-Ch-Changes - Dog the Spot: Sign of the Times - Just a Stage: Stand Up and Be Counted - Dog the Spot: Again - Just a Stage: Half Time - Dog the Spot: As Good as a Holiday - Just a Stage: Tempestuous - Dog the Spot: Seeing Red - Just a Stage: That Time of the Year - Dog the Spot: All a Twitter - Just a Stage: Parlez-vous espagnol? - Dog the Spot: Shiny - Just a Stage: Skeleton Staff - Dog the Spot: A World of Possibilities - Just a Stage: Resolve - Dog the Spot: Load of Abstraction - Just a Stage: Getting Behind - Dog the Spot: Dawn - Just a Stage: Comadegy - Dog the Spot: Dark Spark - Just a Stage: Busy - Dog the Spot: Snow Way - Just a Stage: He's Ba-a-a-ack - Dog the Spot: Magic - Just a Stage: The Wait is Over - Dog the Spot: Heavenly - Just a Stage: Pure Emotion - Dog the Spot: Angle - Just a Stage: Scripts Down - Dog the Spot: Vegging Out - Just a Stage: Honk Boom - Dog the Spot: What I Thought - Just a Stage: Take a Bow - Dog the Spot: Where's Doggy? - Just a Stage: Making It Up - Dog the Spot: Formally Known As - Just a Stage: Early Riser - Dog the Spot: Torque Torque - Just a Stage: Cheap Seats - Dog the Spot: Narrative - Just a Stage: Any Minute Now - Dog the Spot: And Beyond - Just a Stage: Lost - Dog the Spot: Childhood - Just a Stage: Go Green - Dog the Spot: End of Story - Just a Stage: Exit Stage Bottom - Dog the Spot: Got It - Just a Stage: More Ado - Dog the Spot: Contradictions - Just a Stage: Brandoed - Dog the Spot: Then There Were Three - Just a Stage: Never the Same - Dog the Spot: Four Singles - Just a Stage: Profit - Dog the Spot: Story - Just a Stage: It Has To Happen - Dog the Spot: One of Those Days - Just a Stage: Sales - Dog the Spot: Sequence - Just a Stage: Presentation Layer - Dog the Spot: Opposites - Just a Stage: Smiley Face - Dog the Spot: Vampires Too - Just a Stage: SFX - Dog the Spot: Made in Australia - Just a Stage: Chain of Events - Dog the Spot: Education - Just a Stage: The Key - Dog the Spot: This and That - Just a Stage: Rattle Battle - Dog the Spot: Go Away! - Just a Stage: Dead Playwrights Society - Dog the Spot: Read Me - Just a Stage: Let there be Light - Dog the Spot: I'm Saying Nothing - Just a Stage: Friends - Dog the Spot: My Word - Just a Stage: Say What? - Dog the Spot: Fired Up - Just a Stage: I'm Scared - Dog the Spot: Have You Taken Gravity Into Account? - Just a Stage: What It Is - Dog the Spot: Everyone Knows - Just a Stage: Butlers - Dog the Spot: Where to Look - Just a Stage: Spotty - Dog the Spot: Coffee Time - Just a Stage: Desire - Dog the Spot: Reality Bites - Just a Stage: Play Right - Dog the Spot: Black on White or... - Just a Stage: Bad Influence - Dog the Spot: Work, Work, Work! - Just a Stage: Age of Enlightenment - Dog the Spot: Flu Away - Just a Stage: Perfection - Dog the Spot: Blue Genes - Just a Stage: The Whole World - Dog the Spot: Time to Split - Just a Stage: Training - Dog the Spot: Eureka - Just a Stage: Night Off - Dog the Spot: Secret Spot - Just a Stage: Cash - Dog the Spot: Put Off - Just a Stage: Traitor - Dog the Spot: Happy Thoughts - Just a Stage: Chickens and Eggs - Dog the Spot: Day Off - Just a Stage: Red It - Dog the Spot: Dog Hair - Just a Stage: Step Up - Dog the Spot: Parallel Dimensions - Just a Stage: Between Small and Large - Dog the Spot: Entering the Fourth Dimension - Just a Stage: Mesmer - Dog the Spot: Entering the Third Dimension - Just a Stage: Posters-a-Plenty - Dog the Spot: Choose Life? - Just a Stage: Credit Where Blame's Due - Dog the Spot: Odysseus - Just a Stage: The Price is Wrong - Dog the Spot: Basket Case - Just a Stage: An End to Habits - Dog the Spot: Having a Thought - Just a Stage: Habitiativise - Dog the Spot: A Funny Thing - Just a Stage: Habit 5 - Dog the Spot: Lies - Just a Stage: Habit 4 - Dog the Spot: Carpe Burn - Just a Stage: Habit 3 - Dog the Spot: I Can See You - Just a Stage: Habit 2 - Dog the Spot: Read This - Just a Stage: Habit 1 - Dog the Spot: Existential Thoughts - Just a Stage: Room to Improv - Dog the Spot: Typo - Just a Stage: What a Save - Dog the Spot: Weighty Issues - Just a Stage: Improvability - Dog the Spot: More on Sundays - Just a Stage: Total Control - Dog the Spot: Camera Camera - Just a Stage: Current Project - Dog the Spot: Here and Now - Just a Stage: Godot Help Us - Dog the Spot: Keane Observation - Just a Stage: Close but No Cigar - Dog the Spot: Stretching it - Just a Stage: Bring it on - Dog the Spot: Owls of Laughter - Just a Stage: Are You Having a Lend? - Dog the Spot: Fencing - Just a Stage: Play Right - Dog the Spot: Feeling Blue - Just a Stage: Next Season - Dog the Spot: Stages - Just a Stage: Quote - Dog the Spot: Special - Just a Stage: All Singing - Dog the Spot: No-Gag - Dog the Spot: Magic of Comics - Just a Stage: Queen Beatle - Dog the Spot: Location - Just a Stage: Chorus Line - Dog the Spot: Round Objects - Just a Stage: Let's Dance - Dog the Spot: Flares - Just a Stage: The Horror! The Horror! - Dog the Spot: Comic Strip - Just a Stage: New Haunts - Dog the Spot: Pieces of Eight - Just a Stage: Legs - Dog the Spot: Efficiency - Just a Stage: Sure Thing - Dog the Spot: Dark Thoughts - Just a Stage: Burgers - Dog the Spot: Management - Just a Stage: The Look - Dog the Spot: Hit the Road - Just a Stage: Opening - Dog the Spot: Conformity - Just a Stage: Tonight - Dog the Spot: 100th Strip! - Just a Stage: Promptness - Dog the Spot: Neighbour - Just a Stage: Denmark - Dog the Spot: Download - Just a Stage: Step - Dog the Spot: Balance - Just a Stage: The Day After - Dog the Spot: Rex - Just a Stage: Interlude - Dog the Spot: Within - Just a Stage: Stinks - Dog the Spot: Lite - Just a Stage: Dirge - Dog the Spot: Radio - Just a Stage: Hamlet - Dog the Spot: Ascent - Dog the Spot: Claer Haed - Dog the Spot: Religion Revisited - Dog the Spot: Television - Dog the Spot: Pen - Dog the Spot: Completion - Dog the Spot: On Hold - Dog the Spot: The Big Questions - Dog the Spot: Thoughts - Dog the Spot: Brains - Dog the Spot: Little Spots - Dog the Spot: Conviction - Dog the Spot: Some Days - Dog the Spot: Ophthalmology - Dog the Spot: Spots Assemble! - Dog the Spot: Emphasis - Dog the Spot: Evolution - Dog the Spot: Gesundheit - Dog the Spot: Clouds - Dog the Spot: Rush Hour - Dog the Spot: Idea - Dog the Spot: Fishy - Dog the Spot: Filfulling - Dog the Spot: Deep - Dog the Spot: Letter - Dog the Spot: Bother - Dog the Spot: The Whole Spot - Dog the Spot: I Got It - Dog the Spot: Get Out - Dog the Spot: Trying - Dog the Spot: Cut it Out - Dog the Spot: Location - Dog the Spot: Entropy - Dog the Spot: Good Ol' Dog the Spot - Dog the Spot: Reminiscing - Dog the Spot: Special Effect - Dog the Spot: Third - Dog the Spot: Self - Dog the Spot: Spots before my eyes - Dog the Spot: Marching On - Favour - Dream - Tipsy - Walk - Real life - Stress - Dot - Pets - Dot - Headache - Have you got any blacker? - Grid - Family - Signs - Deep - That look - Leak - Art at Last - Archaeology - Same old - Hypothesis - Think... - Emerging - Mistaken identity - One of these things - Two Philosophers - Jingle - Haircut - Variations on a theme - Spot sPot spOt spoT - Widescreen - Spotless - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Author notes Have you got any blacker? horque on April 14, 2007 Another in the series of "How lazy can Dudley be trying to create strips by just doing whatever comes into his head that requires zero effort?" 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