- Professor Vessant: Escape
- Professor Vessant: Selection
- Professor Vessant: Hi Res
- Just a Stage: Scare
- Dog the Spot: Sell Out
- Just a Stage: Early Future
- Dog the Spot: Eternal Flame
- Just a Stage: Have a Seat
- Dog the Spot: Inspiration
- Just a Stage: Alone
- Dog the Spot: Timely
- Just a Stage: On Track
- Dog the Spot: The Art of Hiding
- Just a Stage: That's Rich
- Dog the Spot: Some Hide
- Just a Stage: Pushing Buttons
- Dog the Spot: Pony
- Just a Stage: Still Got It
- Dog the Spot: DIY
- Just a Stage: Farewell
- Dog the Spot: Travel
- Just a Stage: Lights Out
- Dog the Spot: May Day! Spillage!
- Just a Stage: Lower
- Dog the Spot: In Print
- Just a Stage: Fill In Fill In
- Dog the Spot: A Tale
- Just a Stage: Control
- Dog the Spot: Just Imagine
- Just a Stage: Operating
- Dog the Spot: All By Myself
- Just a Stage: Hero
- Dog the Spot: Getting Rid of Spots
- Just a Stage: Face Facts
- Dog the Spot: Nothing to Say
- Just a Stage: Masked
- Dog the Spot: Nothing
- Just a Stage: Lead Role
- Dog the Spot: Unity
- Just a Stage: Reopening
- Dog the Spot: Face Facts
- Dog the Spot: Meditative
- Dog the Spot: Keep Away
- Dog the Spot: Way Out
- Dog the Spot: Drinks
- Dog the Spot: A Bit Late
- Dog the Spot: Been Away
- Dog the Spot: I thought you'd gone...
Dog the Spot: Back So Soon?
- Dog the Spot: Bye!
- Professor Vessant: Newniverse
- Just a Stage: Shocking Performance
- Dog the Spot: Wait!
- Professor Vessant: Dream
- Just a Stage: Coffee
- Dog the Spot: You
- Professor Vessant: Fromage
- Just a Stage: In the House
- Dog the Spot: Kids
- Professor Vessant: The Six
- Just a Stage: Let's Dance
- Dog the Spot: Three Laws
- Professor Vessant: What is is Good For?
- Just a Stage: Manners Count
- Dog the Spot: Electronica
- Professor Vessant: Pop It Goes
- Just a Stage: Burn
- Dog the Spot: Note
- Professor Vessant: Possibilities
- Just a Stage: Replacement
- Dog the Spot: Ohs
- Professor Vessant: Nutter
- Just a Stage: With Friends
- Dog the Spot: Dine Fining
- Professor Vessant: And on that...
- Just a Stage: Minimal
- Dog the Spot: Fear
- Professor Vessant: Hear the Word
- Just a Stage: Brrr
- Dog the Spot: Talk
- Professor Vessant: Safe
- Just a Stage: Suds
- Dog the Spot: Consistency
- Professor Vessant: Deathly
- Just a Stage: Resident President
- Dog the Spot: Horseless Carriage
- Professor Vessant: Toaster
- Just a Stage: Cleaning Up
- Dog the Spot: A Yolk
- Professor Vessant: Charge
- Just a Stage: Sincerity
- Dog the Spot: Spot of Weather
- Professor Vessant: Life
- Just a Stage: Prepare
- Dog the Spot: Don't Have One
- Professor Vessant: Blissful
- Just a Stage: Duke's Up
- Dog the Spot: Ray
- Professor Vessant: Round Tuit
- Just a Stage: Soph are So Good
- Dog the Spot: Encore
- Professor Vessant: Dream Dream Dream
- Just a Stage: Dave'll Do It
- Dog the Spot: Same Old
- Professor Vessant: Board
- Just a Stage: Grey Portrait of Dorian
- Dog the Spot: Wha?
- Professor Vessant: Brave New Future
- Just a Stage: Ghost of a Chance
- Dog the Spot: Sorry State
- Professor Vessant: Shopping
- Just a Stage: Doctor Doctor
- Dog the Spot: Full Fall
- Professor Vessant: Pure Evil
- Just a Stage: Simone Says
- Dog the Spot: Change Over
- Professor Vessant: Thorough
- Just a Stage: Dirge Gently
- Dog the Spot: Boredumb
- Professor Vessant: Philosophical No-tions
- Just a Stage: When I Met Sally
- Dog the Spot: Fall
- Professor Vessant: Illness
- Just a Stage: Duncan Doughnuts
- Dog the Spot: Big Cat
- Professor Vessant: For You
- Just a Stage: Hello, It's Me
- Dog the Spot: Nothing to Say
- Professor Vessant: Year in Review
- Just a Stage: Dickens
- Dog the Spot: Dinner Time
- Professor Vessant: Complex
- Just a Stage: Get Back
- Dog the Spot: Rising
- Professor Vessant: Home Invasion
- Just a Stage: Go, Go, Go!
- Dog the Spot: Great
- Professor Vessant: Ducks Go
- Just a Stage: Pop
- Dog the Spot: Fight Club
- Professor Vessant: It's Magic
- Just a Stage: Step In Something
- Dog the Spot: Greater
- Professor Vessant: Secrets
- Just a Stage: Deadly
- Dog the Spot: Interface
- Professor Vessant: Simplicity
- Just a Stage: Chill
- Dog the Spot: Tease
- Professor Vessant: Past Tense
- Just a Stage: Broke
- Dog the Spot: Groan
- Professor Vessant: Free-Dumb
- Just a Stage: Waiting for Silence
- Dog the Spot: Fear Factor
- Professor Vessant: Pop It Goes
- Just a Stage: Mispresentation
- Dog the Spot: Deep Skin
- Professor Vessant: Army Dreamers
- Just a Stage: A Small Thing
- Dog the Spot: Stacking It On
- Professor Vessant: Petty
- Just a Stage: Pause
- Dog the Spot: Porpoise
- Professor Vessant: Second Voyage
- Just a Stage: Big Event
- Dog the Spot: Puzzling
- Professor Vessant: Ahoy!
- Just a Stage: It Marks
- Dog the Spot: The Meaning of It All
- Professor Vessant: To Do List
- Just a Stage: The Biggest
- Dog the Spot: Sarcasm
- Professor Vessant: Sound Board
- Just a Stage: Mrs Hamlet
- Dog the Spot: Twenty
- Professor Vessant: Observatory
- Just a Stage: Roles of Fat
- Dog the Spot: Educavised
- Professor Vessant: With Friends...
- Just a Stage: Punctuate
- Dog the Spot: Latin The Day
- Professor Vessant: Improvements
- Just a Stage: Gotta Go
- Dog the Spot: If I...
- Professor Vessant: Same Old
- Just a Stage: Big Big Big
- Dog the Spot: Water You Up To?
- Professor Vessant: Vhat?
- Just a Stage: Enough Rope
- Dog the Spot: In Hand
- Professor Vessant: The Write Stuff
- Just a Stage: First Things First
- Dog the Spot: Rail Roaded
- Professor Vessant: Everything New
- Just a Stage: Here Comes the Flood
- Dog the Spot: Built to Spill
- Professor Vessant: It's a Small World
- Just a Stage: LOL
- Dog the Spot: All Tied Up
- Professor Vessant: She'll Be Apples
- Just a Stage: Thinking
- Dog the Spot: Nothing Here
- Professor Vessant: Friendly
- Just a Stage: That's the Way it Crumbles
- Dog the Spot: Piece at Last
- Professor Vessant: Muse
- Just a Stage: Ungood
- Dog the Spot: Going
- Professor Vessant: That First Step's a Doozy
- Just a Stage: Water
- Dog the Spot: Lost
- Professor Vessant: When Hadrons Collide
- Just a Stage: Villain
- Dog the Spot: Keeping Up
- Professor Vessant: Assistance
- Just a Stage: Never Work...
- Dog the Spot: Solitude
- Professor Vessant: D'Solver
- Just a Stage: Coytains
- Dog the Spot: Look at the Stars, See How They Shine
- Professor Vessant: Non Linear
- Just a Stage: Best Laid Plans
- Dog the Spot: Blue Dog
- Professor Vessant: Comma'D
- Just a Stage: Kids
- Dog the Spot: In Tents
- Professor Vessant: Angry or Insane
- Just A Stage: Sleepless
- Dog the Spot: I Wander
- Professor Vessant: Wormy
- Just a Stage: Shoe In
- Dog the Spot: On My Mind
- Professor Vessant: Last Time...
- Just a Stage: Alarmed
- Dog the Spot: A Jarring Episode
- Professor Vessant: Fission
- Just a Stage: High Powered
- Dog the Spot: Help Him Out
- Professor Vessant: Object to Force
- Just a Stage: Under Studied
- Dog the Spot: Melt
- Professor Vessant: Cross
- Just a Stage: All By Myself
- Dog the Spot: Comes Undone
- Professor Vessant: We're Going Bowling
- Just a Stage: Freebies
- Dog the Spot: Celebration!
- Professor Vessant: Next Big Thing
- Just a Stage: Ch--ch-changes
- Dog the Spot: You Who?
- Professor Vessant: Tacky tacky tachy
- Just a Stage: Hmm
- Dog the Spot: No Here This Week
- Professor Vessant: Possibilities
- Just a Stage: Exercisum
- Dog the Spot: Bite
- Professor Vessant: Ghost of a Chance
- Just a Stage: Return to your Seats
- Dog the Spot: Jokers to My Right
- Professor Vessant: Souper
- Just a Stage: Not This Little Black Bunny
- Dog the Spot: Bookish
- Professor Vessant: Bad Day
- Just a Stage: By Any Other Name
- Dog the Spot: Red Herring
- Professor Vessant: Reading
- Just a Stage: For a Very Important Date
- Dog the Spot: Modern
- Professor Vessant: Msitaeks
- Just a Stage: Zombies
- Dog the Spot: In the Corner
- Professor Vessant: Diet
- Just a Stage: 200!
- Dog the Spot: Same Old...
- Professor Vessant: Conditioning
- Just a Stage: Disaster
- Dog the Spot: Mis-Tech
- Professor Vessant: Bad Hair Day
- Just a Stage: No
- Dog the Spot: Positive Vibes
- Professor Vessant: Quote Unquote
- Just a Stage: Changes
- Dog the Spot: Empty Space
- Professor Vessant: Cars
- Just a Stage: Legs
- Dog the Spot: Aniseed
- Professor Vessant: Pretty
- Just a Stage: Yes, Virginia
- Dog the Spot: Down
- Professor Vessant: 'Fee for Two
- Just a Stage: The Seven
- Dog the Spot: He Ain't Heavy...
- Professor Vessant: LIfe Support
- Just a Stage: It's Curtains
- Dog the Spot: Joyous
- Professor Vessant: Why I Don't Love Saturn
- Just a Stage: Fire!
- Dog the Spot: Spot the Explorer
- Professor Vessant: Less Than Trivial Pursuits
- Just a Stage: Syntax Error
- Dog the Spot: Stick to It
- Professor Vessant: All's Wells
- Just a Stage: Gotta Hand It To You
- Dog the Spot: Going Viral
- Professor Vessant: Truth
- Just a Stage: Another Lert
- Dog the Spot: Feeding Ideas
- Professor Vessant: Safety Second
- Just a Stage: Make Mine a Triple
- Dog the Spot: Monster!
- Professor Vessant: Wisdom
- Just a Stage: Going On
- Dog the Spot: Water You Doing?
- Professor Vessant: Collision
- Just a Stage: Jogging
- Dog the Spot: There He Is!
- Professor Vessant: Stringing Along
- Just a Stage: Red Herring
- Dog the Spot: Burger
- Professor Vessant: Quarking Heads
- Just a Stage: Shoosh!
- Dog the Spot: Soon...
- Professor Vessant: This Goes With That
- Just a Stage: Trek
- Dog the Spot: Knot a Problem
- Professor Vessant: Quark Talk
- Just a Stage: Going National
- Dog the Spot: Blackest
- Professor Vessant: Dumpty
- Just a Stage: Disappearing Act
- Dog the Spot: Heartless
- Professor Vessant: Mnemonics
- Just a Stage: Laugh
- Dog the Spot: Communication
- Professor Vessant: Carbon
- Just a Stage: It is Written
- Dog the Spot: Spotty Spot Spot
- Professor Vessant Supplement: Origins
- Professor Vessant: Year 2 Begins
- Just a Stage: Painting
- Dog the Spot: Something
- Professor Vessant: Knowledge
- Just a Stage: Beep
- Dog the Spot: Leg Up
- Professor Vessant: More or Less
- Just a Stage: History
- Dog the Spot: That's Me All Over
- Professor Vessant: Word!
- Just a Stage: Just a Game
- Dog the Spot: No Plants Here
- Professor Vessant: Everything's Useful
- Just a Stage: Past It
- Dog the Spot: Pepper
- Professor Vessant: Forget About It
- Just a Stage: Highly Polished Performance
- Dog the Spot: Similarities
- Professor Vessant: You say
- Just a Stage: The Horror!
- Dog the Spot: Freckless
- Professor Vessant: Teaching
- Just a Stage: Inflagration Exhalation
- Dog the Spot: Scaredy Spot
- Professor Vessant: The Beginning
- Just a Stage: The End
- Dog the Spot: The Pain
- Professor Vessant: Vast Knowledge
- Just a Stage: Exit
- Dog the Spot: Merry X Marks!
- Professor Vessant: I Don't Like It
- Just a Stage: Suits You
- Dog the Spot: See Dog
- Professor Vessant: Last Chance
- Just a Stage: Impertinent News!
- Dog the Spot: Needles and Pins
- Professor Vessant: Professor's Dictionary
- Just a Stage: Over
- Dog the Spot: Who Knows?
- Professor Vessant: Mind Yours
- Just a Stage: Bar None
- Dog the Spot: Lawyers, Guns and Money
- Professor Vessant: Coming Soon
- Just a Stage: Lighten the Mood
- Dog the Spot: Primitive
- Professor Vessant: Tasteful
- Just a Stage: Nutrition
- Dog the Spot: Absentee
- Professor Vessant: Holding
- Just a Stage: Woes
- Dog the Spot: Close to You
- Professor Vessant: In the Stars
- Just a Stage: Tape
- Dog the Spot: Meaning
- Professor Vessant: Beauty
- Just a Stage: Rabbit Season
- Dog the Spot: In French
- Professor Vessant: Ice Cold
- Just a Stage: Be Yourself
- Dog the Spot: Gone with the Wind
- Professor Vessant: Plane Sailing
- Just a Stage: Be Seated
- Dog the Spot: Bad
- Professor Vessant: Light Show
- Just a Stage: Fear
- Dog the Spot: Tripresent
- Professor Vessant: Meditation
- Just a Stage: Vanilla Poetry Forest
- Dog the Spot: Shaw Hand
- Professor Vessant: Call Me a Cab
- Just a Stage: Here's the Thing
- Dog the Spot: Look! Listen!
- Professor Vessant: Mars Antics
- Just a Stage: Ahoy!
- Dog the Spot: Bubbles
- Professor Vessant: Tempered
- Just a Stage: Animal
- Dog the Spot: Environmentalist
- Professor Vessant: Nature Boy
- Just a Stage: Voices
- Dog the Spot: Bright
- Professor Vessant: Bigger
- Just a Stage: Poetry in Emotion
- Dog the Spot: Team Work
- Professor Vessant: Stalker
- Just a Stage: Chilling
- Dog the Spot: Brains
- Professor Vessant: Atomic
- Just a Stage: Parlez Vous?
- Dog the Spot: Colourful
- Professor Vessant: Logically
- Just a Stage: Tan
- Dog the Spot: Softy
- Professor Vessant: Explosive
- Just a Stage: Tempestuous
- Dog the Spot: Fatalism
- Professor Vessant: Cookies
- Just a Stage: Panto
- Dog the Spot: Shopping
- Professor Vessant: Resolution
- Just a Stage: Taking it Easy
- Dog the Spot: Resolute
- Professor Vessant: Perchance
- Just a Stage: Party Party Party
- Dog the Spot: Lap Dog
- Professor Vessant: Old Haunts
- Just a Stage: Chemistry
- Dog the Spot: Built Up
- Professor Vessant: Cat Skills
- Just a Stage: So?
- Dog the Spot: Drifting into the Future
- Professor Vessant: My Robot
- Just a Stage: The Only Way is Up
- Dog the Spot: Tele-non-Kinetic
- Professor Vessant: Venus was Her Name
- Just a Stage: Gengangere
- Dog the Spot: World View
- Professor Vessant: Everything Old
- Just a Stage: Inspiration
- Dog the Spot: Not the Same
- Professor Vessant: P^HOwnage
- Just a Stage: Aerobics
- Dog the Spot: Topsy-Turvy
- Professor Vessant: Hat's Off
- Just a Stage: Special Guest
- Dog the Spot: Latest Technology
- Professor Vessant: Fear
- Just a Stage: Double Melt
- Dog the Spot: Same as it Ever Was
- Professor Vessant: Star Role
- Just a Stage: Meltdown
- Dog the Spot: ... and Recreation
- Professor Vessant: WoW!
- Just a Stage: Extra Duties
- Dog the Spot: In the Room
- Professor Vessant: Pi
- Just a Stage: Repetition
- Dog the Spot: Joke?
- Professor Vessant: Star Light
- Just a Stage: Taking Precautions
- Dog the Spot: Grown
- Professor Vessant: Faster Than The Eye
- Just a Stage: Head Line
- Dog the Spot: Unfolding Events
- Professor Vessant: Blue Sky MIning
- Just a Stage: Wry Catch
- Dog the Spot: Getting it Right
- Professor Vessant: Dunno
- Just a Stage: To the Barn!
- Dog the Spot: Emptiness
- Professor Vessant: Other Things
- Just a Stage: Student Model
- Dog the Spot: Another 5 Years
- Professor Vessant: Expertise
- Just a Stage: Big Strategies
- Dog the Spot: History
- Professor Vessant: Introductions
- Just a Stage: Strategies
- Dog the Spot: Dyslexia
- Just a Stage: Day Out
- Dog the Spot: Spot in Progress
- Just a Stage: Howler
- Dog the Spot: Unbelievable
- Just a Stage: Too Successful
- Dog the Spot: Cease
- Just a Stage: Welcome Back
- Dog the Spot: In 3D
- Just a Stage: Walk in the Park
- Dog the Spot: Sunny
- Just a Stage: Makin' Up
- Dog the Spot: Dis-Order
- Just a Stage: You're Bard
- Dog the Spot: Super, Man
- Just a Stage: So Long Sucker
- Dog the Spot: The Beginning
- Just a Stage: Wilde Times
- Dog the Spot: Card Credit
- Just a Stage: Unmasked
- Dog the Spot: Don't forget Menacing
- Just a Stage: Let's Dance
- Dog the Spot: Firmamental
- Just a Stage: Twice the Fun
- Dog the Spot: Call Me Ishmael
- Just a Stage: Discount
- Dog the Spot: Everything's Fine
- Just a Stage: Funk
- Dog the Spot: Purpose
- Just a Stage: Rain
- Dog the Spot: Dull Morning
- Just a Stage: Not Bacon
- Dog the Spot: It Is Here
- Just a Stage: Overflow
- Dog the Spot: 200!
- Just a Stage: And Call Me In The Morning
- Dog the Spot: Fear
- Just a Stage: The Right Stuff
- Dog the Spot: Reality
- Just a Stage: Deep Fried Scripts
- Dog the Spot: Icky
- Just a Stage: I Could Watch It All Day
- Dog the Spot: Anyone for Dennis?
- Just a Stage: One Step Ahead
- Dog the Spot: Heavy
- Just a Stage: Laugh Out Loud
- Dog the Spot: Blots
- Just a Stage: Ch-Ch-Changes
- Dog the Spot: Sign of the Times
- Just a Stage: Stand Up and Be Counted
- Dog the Spot: Again
- Just a Stage: Half Time
- Dog the Spot: As Good as a Holiday
- Just a Stage: Tempestuous
- Dog the Spot: Seeing Red
- Just a Stage: That Time of the Year
- Dog the Spot: All a Twitter
- Just a Stage: Parlez-vous espagnol?
- Dog the Spot: Shiny
- Just a Stage: Skeleton Staff
- Dog the Spot: A World of Possibilities
- Just a Stage: Resolve
- Dog the Spot: Load of Abstraction
- Just a Stage: Getting Behind
- Dog the Spot: Dawn
- Just a Stage: Comadegy
- Dog the Spot: Dark Spark
- Just a Stage: Busy
- Dog the Spot: Snow Way
- Just a Stage: He's Ba-a-a-ack
- Dog the Spot: Magic
- Just a Stage: The Wait is Over
- Dog the Spot: Heavenly
- Just a Stage: Pure Emotion
- Dog the Spot: Angle
- Just a Stage: Scripts Down
- Dog the Spot: Vegging Out
- Just a Stage: Honk Boom
- Dog the Spot: What I Thought
- Just a Stage: Take a Bow
- Dog the Spot: Where's Doggy?
- Just a Stage: Making It Up
- Dog the Spot: Formally Known As
- Just a Stage: Early Riser
- Dog the Spot: Torque Torque
- Just a Stage: Cheap Seats
- Dog the Spot: Narrative
- Just a Stage: Any Minute Now
- Dog the Spot: And Beyond
- Just a Stage: Lost
- Dog the Spot: Childhood
- Just a Stage: Go Green
- Dog the Spot: End of Story
- Just a Stage: Exit Stage Bottom
- Dog the Spot: Got It
- Just a Stage: More Ado
- Dog the Spot: Contradictions
- Just a Stage: Brandoed
- Dog the Spot: Then There Were Three
- Just a Stage: Never the Same
- Dog the Spot: Four Singles
- Just a Stage: Profit
- Dog the Spot: Story
- Just a Stage: It Has To Happen
- Dog the Spot: One of Those Days
- Just a Stage: Sales
- Dog the Spot: Sequence
- Just a Stage: Presentation Layer
- Dog the Spot: Opposites
- Just a Stage: Smiley Face
- Dog the Spot: Vampires Too
- Just a Stage: SFX
- Dog the Spot: Made in Australia
- Just a Stage: Chain of Events
- Dog the Spot: Education
- Just a Stage: The Key
- Dog the Spot: This and That
- Just a Stage: Rattle Battle
- Dog the Spot: Go Away!
- Just a Stage: Dead Playwrights Society
- Dog the Spot: Read Me
- Just a Stage: Let there be Light
- Dog the Spot: I'm Saying Nothing
- Just a Stage: Friends
- Dog the Spot: My Word
- Just a Stage: Say What?
- Dog the Spot: Fired Up
- Just a Stage: I'm Scared
- Dog the Spot: Have You Taken Gravity Into Account?
- Just a Stage: What It Is
- Dog the Spot: Everyone Knows
- Just a Stage: Butlers
- Dog the Spot: Where to Look
- Just a Stage: Spotty
- Dog the Spot: Coffee Time
- Just a Stage: Desire
- Dog the Spot: Reality Bites
- Just a Stage: Play Right
- Dog the Spot: Black on White or...
- Just a Stage: Bad Influence
- Dog the Spot: Work, Work, Work!
- Just a Stage: Age of Enlightenment
- Dog the Spot: Flu Away
- Just a Stage: Perfection
- Dog the Spot: Blue Genes
- Just a Stage: The Whole World
- Dog the Spot: Time to Split
- Just a Stage: Training
- Dog the Spot: Eureka
- Just a Stage: Night Off
- Dog the Spot: Secret Spot
- Just a Stage: Cash
- Dog the Spot: Put Off
- Just a Stage: Traitor
- Dog the Spot: Happy Thoughts
- Just a Stage: Chickens and Eggs
- Dog the Spot: Day Off
- Just a Stage: Red It
- Dog the Spot: Dog Hair
- Just a Stage: Step Up
- Dog the Spot: Parallel Dimensions
- Just a Stage: Between Small and Large
- Dog the Spot: Entering the Fourth Dimension
- Just a Stage: Mesmer
- Dog the Spot: Entering the Third Dimension
- Just a Stage: Posters-a-Plenty
- Dog the Spot: Choose Life?
- Just a Stage: Credit Where Blame's Due
- Dog the Spot: Odysseus
- Just a Stage: The Price is Wrong
- Dog the Spot: Basket Case
- Just a Stage: An End to Habits
- Dog the Spot: Having a Thought
- Just a Stage: Habitiativise
- Dog the Spot: A Funny Thing
- Just a Stage: Habit 5
- Dog the Spot: Lies
- Just a Stage: Habit 4
- Dog the Spot: Carpe Burn
- Just a Stage: Habit 3
- Dog the Spot: I Can See You
- Just a Stage: Habit 2
- Dog the Spot: Read This
- Just a Stage: Habit 1
- Dog the Spot: Existential Thoughts
- Just a Stage: Room to Improv
- Dog the Spot: Typo
- Just a Stage: What a Save
- Dog the Spot: Weighty Issues
- Just a Stage: Improvability
- Dog the Spot: More on Sundays
- Just a Stage: Total Control
- Dog the Spot: Camera Camera
- Just a Stage: Current Project
- Dog the Spot: Here and Now
- Just a Stage: Godot Help Us
- Dog the Spot: Keane Observation
- Just a Stage: Close but No Cigar
- Dog the Spot: Stretching it
- Just a Stage: Bring it on
- Dog the Spot: Owls of Laughter
- Just a Stage: Are You Having a Lend?
- Dog the Spot: Fencing
- Just a Stage: Play Right
- Dog the Spot: Feeling Blue
- Just a Stage: Next Season
- Dog the Spot: Stages
- Just a Stage: Quote
- Dog the Spot: Special
- Just a Stage: All Singing
- Dog the Spot: No-Gag
- Dog the Spot: Magic of Comics
- Just a Stage: Queen Beatle
- Dog the Spot: Location
- Just a Stage: Chorus Line
- Dog the Spot: Round Objects
- Just a Stage: Let's Dance
- Dog the Spot: Flares
- Just a Stage: The Horror! The Horror!
- Dog the Spot: Comic Strip
- Just a Stage: New Haunts
- Dog the Spot: Pieces of Eight
- Just a Stage: Legs
- Dog the Spot: Efficiency
- Just a Stage: Sure Thing
- Dog the Spot: Dark Thoughts
- Just a Stage: Burgers
- Dog the Spot: Management
- Just a Stage: The Look
- Dog the Spot: Hit the Road
- Just a Stage: Opening
- Dog the Spot: Conformity
- Just a Stage: Tonight
- Dog the Spot: 100th Strip!
- Just a Stage: Promptness
- Dog the Spot: Neighbour
- Just a Stage: Denmark
- Dog the Spot: Download
- Just a Stage: Step
- Dog the Spot: Balance
- Just a Stage: The Day After
- Dog the Spot: Rex
- Just a Stage: Interlude
- Dog the Spot: Within
- Just a Stage: Stinks
- Dog the Spot: Lite
- Just a Stage: Dirge
- Dog the Spot: Radio
- Just a Stage: Hamlet
- Dog the Spot: Ascent
- Dog the Spot: Claer Haed
- Dog the Spot: Religion Revisited
- Dog the Spot: Television
- Dog the Spot: Pen
- Dog the Spot: Completion
- Dog the Spot: On Hold
- Dog the Spot: The Big Questions
- Dog the Spot: Thoughts
- Dog the Spot: Brains
- Dog the Spot: Little Spots
- Dog the Spot: Conviction
- Dog the Spot: Some Days
- Dog the Spot: Ophthalmology
- Dog the Spot: Spots Assemble!
- Dog the Spot: Emphasis
- Dog the Spot: Evolution
- Dog the Spot: Gesundheit
- Dog the Spot: Clouds
- Dog the Spot: Rush Hour
- Dog the Spot: Idea
- Dog the Spot: Fishy
- Dog the Spot: Filfulling
- Dog the Spot: Deep
- Dog the Spot: Letter
- Dog the Spot: Bother
- Dog the Spot: The Whole Spot
- Dog the Spot: I Got It
- Dog the Spot: Get Out
- Dog the Spot: Trying
- Dog the Spot: Cut it Out
- Dog the Spot: Location
- Dog the Spot: Entropy
- Dog the Spot: Good Ol' Dog the Spot
- Dog the Spot: Reminiscing
- Dog the Spot: Special Effect
- Dog the Spot: Third
- Dog the Spot: Self
- Dog the Spot: Spots before my eyes
- Dog the Spot: Marching On
- Favour
- Dream
- Tipsy
- Walk
- Real life
- Stress
- Dot
- Pets
- Dot
- Headache
- Have you got any blacker?
- Grid
- Family
- Signs
- Deep
- That look
- Leak
- Art at Last
- Archaeology
- Same old
- Hypothesis
- Think...
- Emerging
- Mistaken identity
- One of these things
- Two Philosophers
- Jingle
- Haircut
- Variations on a theme
- Spot sPot spOt spoT
- Widescreen
- Spotless
Author notes
Hopefully, the expression is not lost on the audience, but for years I've known "doing a solid" to mean to perform a large favour. Anyway, I hope you like the 3D Dog the Spot, or blob or whatever he is in 3D.
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