Korean MMOs have never appealed to me. I live in an area not serviced by broadband, so downloading a 600 megaton (bytes are for heretics and turdburglars) has never really been an option. I've played a couple of them, ones that offer CDs for installation. I played Lineage, for example. I got out of that within about 2 days of playing.
Ragnaro…stone, I have tried. One of my friends from town downloaded it, and I gave it a quick whirl, along with Ma…CEDAR Story. I'm not a big anime fan, so a lot of that was lost on me, but all in all it was hard to get into it. A little too cutesie for my tastes. Particularly the latter, but unlike Ragnastone, it was free, so I give it a little credit.
Jesus, don't sue me.
Also, and referencing the comic at some point, I totally dig boobs. I do. Don't get me wrong. Boobs are sweet. But holy shit, look at some of the ads these companies toss out as bait. Everybody joins up for the prospect of seeing catgirl boobs, because god knows that's what makes a video game.
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