Dragonaur First Prev - Happily Ever After - Best Hubby - Best Carver - Best Inlaws - Best Posse - Best Grandparents - Patient Friend - Photo Album - ... The End - The End ... - It's Official - The last I Do - I Do, I Do... - Home Run - Ryuichi's Vow - At the Altar - Wedding Jitters - The Princess - Intermission - Xara's turn - Dramatic Kiss - Wife and Wife - Happy Halloween! - Here comes Rhea! - Husband and Wife - Carla Regains Her Composure - Carla Loses Her Composure! - Here comes Carla - Here comes the Bride(s) - The Charge to the Couple(s) - Wedding Bells - Intermission - 2 - Intermission - Words of Wisdom - We Love You! - Acceptance Speech - Awards Ceremony - Thanking the Rescue Squad - Stepping out! - She wouldn't hurt a fly! - Tough Spot - Broken Brain - Truce - No one left behind - Intermission - Repeat After Me: Will You Please Marry Me? - I Got You! - Not Again! - Waterfall Time! - Welcome Home! - About That - Blessings - Intermission - 4 - Intermission - 3 - Intermission - 2 - Intermission - 1 - Reconciliation - You care! - Passive Aggressive Princess - Welcome Back! - Returning Home - Last Goodbye - Goodbyes - Back from the Brink - Crossroads - The Moment - The Choice - The Rules - Emotional Ties - Thank Goodness it's not Raining... - Ryuichi hits bottom! - No More Delay - Stopped! - Found! - Not forgetting someone... - Halloween Intermission - 3 - Halloween Intermission - 2 - Halloween Intermission - Once more into the Breach! - Congratulations! - The Cure - The Injury - Sedated - Running Interference - Magic Strike! - Intermission - Back Stabber! - Spurned Again - Turning on the Charm - Sweet Talker - Return of the Prince - Unhappy Reunion - Dive Bomber - Responsibility - Intermission - 3 - Intermission - 2 - Intermission - 1 - Deorbit - A Stellar Dragon is Born! - Here comes the Cavalry! - Sayonara! - Tag Team Rescue! - A Princess Imperiled - A Princess is Born - Now Hatch! - She's Back - Happy Egg - Bouncing Baby Egg! - It was a Dark and Stormy Night - Monologue - Down for the Count - Headache! - The Big Reveal - Payback - Hard Landing - Too many Masters - The Treasury! - Threshold - Twice committed - No turning back - Merry Christmas 2014 part 2 - Merry Christmas 2014 - Second Thoughts - Meanwhile... meanwhile - Meanwhile - Always Prepared - Squishy Rescue - Big trouble in a little box! - In the Presence of Flattery. - Mini Mountaineers - Opportunity! - Trust Issues - Meanwhile - Well Played - I Hate You! - Splish splash, take'n a bath! - Jackpot! - How to use your Dragon - Retreat! - Feel my Rage! - Drrrrraaaagon Rage! - Breakout! - Ain't Misbehavin! - Stoned! - Stunned! - The Hammer! - Hard Negotiation - Arrival - Partners in Crime - Tortured - Wild Cards - Talking Much! - Don't Kill Me Yet! - Apology - Intermission - 4 - Intermission - 3 - Intermission - 2 - Intermission - 1 - Announcement! - It Worked! - Breakdown! - True Confessions - Second Fall - Relentless! - Her Bravest Moment - The Promise - The Save! - The Right Thing. - Spotted! - Faithful - Fall - Losing her heart - Flee! - No Hesitation! - Merry Christmas - Again! - Merry Christmas! - Hesitation - She's back! - The Pact - Strange Servants - She Can! - You can't do that! - Transformation - Initiation - Responsibility - Conference - I can help! - We Must be Close! - Wind Up! - Communication - The Spy - Rascally Dragon - And One Other Thing... - Mystery - Intermission - The Link - The Party is Over! - Let's Party! - Premonition - Still Searching - The Controller - Greeters - Break in! - Castle Monterra - Intermission - Intermission - Intermission - This Guy is Evil! - Collared! The Choice - Intermission - The Meaning - The Disguise - The Proposal - Alighting - Patched Page - 500 Pages! - Be Good! - The Split - Intermission - Fury - Commitment - Don't Hate Me. - My Vow - My Promise - .ps I love you! - The Grievance - Intermission - Swept Away - Bad Day! - Bombs Away! - Dive Bomber! - Death! - Intermission - Meanwhile - That One! - Excuse Me - Realization! - Fail! - Well... - Broken Spell! - Was it You? - Third Time is a Charm! - Deadly Intentions - Mirror Mirror - Sneaker - Intermission - By the Lake - Ryu's Brother - In Which the Gorgon Shows Her Humanity - Moment of Truth! - Truth or Dare - Intermission - Attack! - Intermission - The Challenge - Intermission - The waiting spot. - The Eagle has Landed - She's off! - Patience - Last Test! - Splash - Hesitation - Intermission - Frienemies - Almost! - Free Pass - Stoned - Third Test - Next! - Second Success! - Epiphany - Worried - A Demonstration - Second Test - Answer - First Test - Merry Christmas 2011 - The Tests The Great Conjunction! - I'll kick some butt! - Last minute advice. - How to Raise your Dragon - The Task Master! - Those Pesky Emotions! - I won't cry... maybe! - Lay it on me! - All's well that ends well! - Healing Power - Xara Passes a Test - Apology - Jessica's Visit - Exploding Place - Not so Happy Place - Happy Place - Nervous - Frenzy - Intermision - Head Spin - Special Visit - Strife at the family tree - Good night! - The Rules - Xara's Confessions - True Confessions! - Round Two - Panic Attack - Rebuild - Rescue - Discovery - Broken - Lassoed! - Round Up! - Interloper - 2 - Interloper - Wiggle Worm - I'm Purring - I'm a cat! - Home Again - The Next Big Idea! - Talk to the Claw! - Be my Valentine - Drat and Double Drat - Truth or Dare! - Prettier! - Ooohhh Pretty - We're here! - Getting There is Half the Fun! - Where do you want to go? - Love is Blooming - Let's walk, in the sky! - How to get a Mate! - Introductions - Dragon Slayer? - Hugs All Around! - Appraisal - Rescue! - Emergency! - A New Day! - So Proud! - Oops! - Best Friends - 2 - Best Friends - The Solution - Busted - Monster Match 5 - Intermission - 4 - Monster Match 4 - Monster Match 3 - Intermission - 3 - Intermission - 2 - Intermission - Monster Match 2 - Monster Match! - Intermission - Things that howl in the night - Meanwhile... - Team Player - Schemers - Memorial Day 2010 - Elsewhere in a dark place... - Thinking Back - Meanwhile - The Promise - Family Time - 4 - Family Time - 3 - Family Time - 2 - Family Time - Cookie Time - Cookie Compromise - A Cookie!! - Caught! - Nobody said there'd be days like these! - New Considerations - Passion! - Remorse - Being in Love - I'm Back! - You Fool! - Grandma is Calling! - Not doing anything - Honest! - Merry Cristmas - Oops! - Inconvenient Transformation - Satisfaction - Non opposable thumbs! - Intermission - Food!! - The Problem - First Conflict! - First Date - Intermission - Reunion Complications? - Happy Reunion - Intermission - Um is she OK? - Return of the Dragon - Not Dissapointed! - Disappointed! - The Dragon and the Butcher - Intermission/Flashback - Next stop - Remember pay with Cash! - Shopping?! - Wisdom - Intermission - 2 - Intermission - Her Weakness! - Mad Kitteh! - Hands Up! - Perhaps Tomorrow? - Grin and Bear it. - Truth or Dare! - The Truth - Could be Love! - Cold Snap - New Friends - Truce? - Introductions - Cowabunga! - Intermission - Signed Sealed and Delivered! - The Payoff? - The Execution! - The Plan - Hey Mr. Sun - Time Alone - Feeling Gloomy - Second Thoughts. - How about this? - I'm sorry - No, I'm sorry. - Enter Duncan - Wiggly Worm - Happy New Year 2009 - Splashdown! - You're Dead! - Put me Dooowwwwnnnn! - Joy Ride - Saucy Dragon - Intermission - Informant - Interlude - Chihuahua Squirrel - What to do? - Proof you are not evil! - Going Emo! - Uh Oh - It's not easy being green! - Saved! - Out of the fire - You! - It came from below! - Payback - Ultimatum - Fight! - Surprise Guest - Intermission - Ending! - Intermission - Mission Accomplished - Hungry Bugger - Now I know - A Mother's Lecture! - Saved - Again - Trouble Maker - Still Friends The Dragon and the Kappa - All Better - Feelings! - All you need is love - Can we fix it? - Hugs for Everyone! - I'm Sorry - Ka Boom! - Gaining Steam - Water Colors - Building Trust - Failure - The Trial - Epiphany - Adding it Up - Oh, it's that. - Inside Out - Good Morning - Dragonling - Merry Christmas - Reconciliation - Jealousy - Gasp! - Intermission - I'll Rule All! - Ooops! - Aftermath - The Key Master - Commitment - Change of Plans - Moment of Truth! - Reconciliation - Fey Mood - It's a Girl! - Reprieve - Death - Rebirth! - Melting - Check - Stalemate! - Intermission - Dinner is Served - Toast - Chicken - Rebirth! - Great for Me - Uh oh - So Frightening - Time to Play - I'm not a Worm, am I? - Enter the Dragon. - This is your life! - Am I Dead? - Dream Weaver - Put our service to the test! - Time for... - Dramic turnaround - Dance this Mess around - Is it hot in here? - Memories - Chain gang - Hostile takeover! - Bad Credit - Girlfight! - Ungainly exit - entry. - Down the Rabbit Hole Next Last First Prev - Happily Ever After - Best Hubby - Best Carver - Best Inlaws - Best Posse - Best Grandparents - Patient Friend - Photo Album - ... The End - The End ... - It's Official - The last I Do - I Do, I Do... - Home Run - Ryuichi's Vow - At the Altar - Wedding Jitters - The Princess - Intermission - Xara's turn - Dramatic Kiss - Wife and Wife - Happy Halloween! - Here comes Rhea! - Husband and Wife - Carla Regains Her Composure - Carla Loses Her Composure! - Here comes Carla - Here comes the Bride(s) - The Charge to the Couple(s) - Wedding Bells - Intermission - 2 - Intermission - Words of Wisdom - We Love You! - Acceptance Speech - Awards Ceremony - Thanking the Rescue Squad - Stepping out! - She wouldn't hurt a fly! - Tough Spot - Broken Brain - Truce - No one left behind - Intermission - Repeat After Me: Will You Please Marry Me? - I Got You! - Not Again! - Waterfall Time! - Welcome Home! - About That - Blessings - Intermission - 4 - Intermission - 3 - Intermission - 2 - Intermission - 1 - Reconciliation - You care! - Passive Aggressive Princess - Welcome Back! - Returning Home - Last Goodbye - Goodbyes - Back from the Brink - Crossroads - The Moment - The Choice - The Rules - Emotional Ties - Thank Goodness it's not Raining... - Ryuichi hits bottom! - No More Delay - Stopped! - Found! - Not forgetting someone... - Halloween Intermission - 3 - Halloween Intermission - 2 - Halloween Intermission - Once more into the Breach! - Congratulations! - The Cure - The Injury - Sedated - Running Interference - Magic Strike! - Intermission - Back Stabber! - Spurned Again - Turning on the Charm - Sweet Talker - Return of the Prince - Unhappy Reunion - Dive Bomber - Responsibility - Intermission - 3 - Intermission - 2 - Intermission - 1 - Deorbit - A Stellar Dragon is Born! - Here comes the Cavalry! - Sayonara! - Tag Team Rescue! - A Princess Imperiled - A Princess is Born - Now Hatch! - She's Back - Happy Egg - Bouncing Baby Egg! - It was a Dark and Stormy Night - Monologue - Down for the Count - Headache! - The Big Reveal - Payback - Hard Landing - Too many Masters - The Treasury! - Threshold - Twice committed - No turning back - Merry Christmas 2014 part 2 - Merry Christmas 2014 - Second Thoughts - Meanwhile... meanwhile - Meanwhile - Always Prepared - Squishy Rescue - Big trouble in a little box! - In the Presence of Flattery. - Mini Mountaineers - Opportunity! - Trust Issues - Meanwhile - Well Played - I Hate You! - Splish splash, take'n a bath! - Jackpot! - How to use your Dragon - Retreat! - Feel my Rage! - Drrrrraaaagon Rage! - Breakout! - Ain't Misbehavin! - Stoned! - Stunned! - The Hammer! - Hard Negotiation - Arrival - Partners in Crime - Tortured - Wild Cards - Talking Much! - Don't Kill Me Yet! - Apology - Intermission - 4 - Intermission - 3 - Intermission - 2 - Intermission - 1 - Announcement! - It Worked! - Breakdown! - True Confessions - Second Fall - Relentless! - Her Bravest Moment - The Promise - The Save! - The Right Thing. - Spotted! - Faithful - Fall - Losing her heart - Flee! - No Hesitation! - Merry Christmas - Again! - Merry Christmas! - Hesitation - She's back! - The Pact - Strange Servants - She Can! - You can't do that! - Transformation - Initiation - Responsibility - Conference - I can help! - We Must be Close! - Wind Up! - Communication - The Spy - Rascally Dragon - And One Other Thing... - Mystery - Intermission - The Link - The Party is Over! - Let's Party! - Premonition - Still Searching - The Controller - Greeters - Break in! - Castle Monterra - Intermission - Intermission - Intermission - This Guy is Evil! - Collared! The Choice - Intermission - The Meaning - The Disguise - The Proposal - Alighting - Patched Page - 500 Pages! - Be Good! - The Split - Intermission - Fury - Commitment - Don't Hate Me. - My Vow - My Promise - .ps I love you! - The Grievance - Intermission - Swept Away - Bad Day! - Bombs Away! - Dive Bomber! - Death! - Intermission - Meanwhile - That One! - Excuse Me - Realization! - Fail! - Well... - Broken Spell! - Was it You? - Third Time is a Charm! - Deadly Intentions - Mirror Mirror - Sneaker - Intermission - By the Lake - Ryu's Brother - In Which the Gorgon Shows Her Humanity - Moment of Truth! - Truth or Dare - Intermission - Attack! - Intermission - The Challenge - Intermission - The waiting spot. - The Eagle has Landed - She's off! - Patience - Last Test! - Splash - Hesitation - Intermission - Frienemies - Almost! - Free Pass - Stoned - Third Test - Next! - Second Success! - Epiphany - Worried - A Demonstration - Second Test - Answer - First Test - Merry Christmas 2011 - The Tests The Great Conjunction! - I'll kick some butt! - Last minute advice. - How to Raise your Dragon - The Task Master! - Those Pesky Emotions! - I won't cry... maybe! - Lay it on me! - All's well that ends well! - Healing Power - Xara Passes a Test - Apology - Jessica's Visit - Exploding Place - Not so Happy Place - Happy Place - Nervous - Frenzy - Intermision - Head Spin - Special Visit - Strife at the family tree - Good night! - The Rules - Xara's Confessions - True Confessions! - Round Two - Panic Attack - Rebuild - Rescue - Discovery - Broken - Lassoed! - Round Up! - Interloper - 2 - Interloper - Wiggle Worm - I'm Purring - I'm a cat! - Home Again - The Next Big Idea! - Talk to the Claw! - Be my Valentine - Drat and Double Drat - Truth or Dare! - Prettier! - Ooohhh Pretty - We're here! - Getting There is Half the Fun! - Where do you want to go? - Love is Blooming - Let's walk, in the sky! - How to get a Mate! - Introductions - Dragon Slayer? - Hugs All Around! - Appraisal - Rescue! - Emergency! - A New Day! - So Proud! - Oops! - Best Friends - 2 - Best Friends - The Solution - Busted - Monster Match 5 - Intermission - 4 - Monster Match 4 - Monster Match 3 - Intermission - 3 - Intermission - 2 - Intermission - Monster Match 2 - Monster Match! - Intermission - Things that howl in the night - Meanwhile... - Team Player - Schemers - Memorial Day 2010 - Elsewhere in a dark place... - Thinking Back - Meanwhile - The Promise - Family Time - 4 - Family Time - 3 - Family Time - 2 - Family Time - Cookie Time - Cookie Compromise - A Cookie!! - Caught! - Nobody said there'd be days like these! - New Considerations - Passion! - Remorse - Being in Love - I'm Back! - You Fool! - Grandma is Calling! - Not doing anything - Honest! - Merry Cristmas - Oops! - Inconvenient Transformation - Satisfaction - Non opposable thumbs! - Intermission - Food!! - The Problem - First Conflict! - First Date - Intermission - Reunion Complications? - Happy Reunion - Intermission - Um is she OK? - Return of the Dragon - Not Dissapointed! - Disappointed! - The Dragon and the Butcher - Intermission/Flashback - Next stop - Remember pay with Cash! - Shopping?! - Wisdom - Intermission - 2 - Intermission - Her Weakness! - Mad Kitteh! - Hands Up! - Perhaps Tomorrow? - Grin and Bear it. - Truth or Dare! - The Truth - Could be Love! - Cold Snap - New Friends - Truce? - Introductions - Cowabunga! - Intermission - Signed Sealed and Delivered! - The Payoff? - The Execution! - The Plan - Hey Mr. Sun - Time Alone - Feeling Gloomy - Second Thoughts. - How about this? - I'm sorry - No, I'm sorry. - Enter Duncan - Wiggly Worm - Happy New Year 2009 - Splashdown! - You're Dead! - Put me Dooowwwwnnnn! - Joy Ride - Saucy Dragon - Intermission - Informant - Interlude - Chihuahua Squirrel - What to do? - Proof you are not evil! - Going Emo! - Uh Oh - It's not easy being green! - Saved! - Out of the fire - You! - It came from below! - Payback - Ultimatum - Fight! - Surprise Guest - Intermission - Ending! - Intermission - Mission Accomplished - Hungry Bugger - Now I know - A Mother's Lecture! - Saved - Again - Trouble Maker - Still Friends The Dragon and the Kappa - All Better - Feelings! - All you need is love - Can we fix it? - Hugs for Everyone! - I'm Sorry - Ka Boom! - Gaining Steam - Water Colors - Building Trust - Failure - The Trial - Epiphany - Adding it Up - Oh, it's that. - Inside Out - Good Morning - Dragonling - Merry Christmas - Reconciliation - Jealousy - Gasp! - Intermission - I'll Rule All! - Ooops! - Aftermath - The Key Master - Commitment - Change of Plans - Moment of Truth! - Reconciliation - Fey Mood - It's a Girl! - Reprieve - Death - Rebirth! - Melting - Check - Stalemate! - Intermission - Dinner is Served - Toast - Chicken - Rebirth! - Great for Me - Uh oh - So Frightening - Time to Play - I'm not a Worm, am I? - Enter the Dragon. - This is your life! - Am I Dead? - Dream Weaver - Put our service to the test! - Time for... - Dramic turnaround - Dance this Mess around - Is it hot in here? - Memories - Chain gang - Hostile takeover! - Bad Credit - Girlfight! - Ungainly exit - entry. - Down the Rabbit Hole Next Last Author notes Great for Me Dragonaur on June 24, 2007 Looks like Rhea doesn't have any regrets. As a matter of fact, it seems things are kinda boring for her! Xara better hurry back. Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register Marushi at 25 Jun, 2007, 11:51 AM The girl looks really cool! Nice job :D
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Login or RegisterMarushi at
The girl looks really cool! Nice job :D