Dreams of 1337ness
Author notes
Fan Art - Used Books
ShinGen onWOO HOO! More fanart. This one from usedbooks. I'm so happy to finally get one for Maniac. ^_^ Thanks much =D. And omg look she also happens to have an AMAZING Comic right here. Go check it out, trust me. You'll thank me afterwards.
Peipei: lol; Yup that's Fayt ^_^. And thanks, I'm glad I made ya laugh. ;D
Akki: Sure no problem, I'll take fifty cents or a ball of lint.
crocty: Hey bro do me a favor. Stay away from me. J/k. lol. Hey but how's the community project coming? You getting many submissions?
leaderofstars: Very true. Also (as a slight disclaimer) I personally have nothing against God, it was all just showing how fickle people can be. Nothing against the big man.
Eddie Jensen: How did you know my plotline for the next ten pages! Laser eyes = pure WIN.
usedbooks: lol; Yeah I thought giving her a retro name would be kinda cool. ^_^ Oh the other girl. I'm kinda at a cross roads between Iris and Eve. What do you think?
magickmaker: There's no axe near by I assure you. ^_^ I make no promises about machetes though.
seanh: Like paprika? Ooh or maybe Garlic salt. Anyone have any Garlic salt? My ramen noodle man demands sacrifice!
Midge: 0.0 Dude please tell me you're serious. I demand pictures!
Fitz: lol; Thanks mate ^_^. And yeah Chris Crocker can be funny but mostly he just annoys me. Seems like he tried too hard, ya know?
Dante: See we're on the same page here. And nice avie btw. Reminds me of something… hmm…
Rage: Thank you kind sir. Ranting is my specialty.
Rockster: Oh thou of little words.
Laura(ObsidianSoul): Silence or she'll be wearing a care bears hat next scene…
Drazi: You know Fayt? You sure it's the same Fayt?
Bocaj: Right on brother. Let us go forth and make a ramen noodle man NATION.
Kyupol: Ah ramen's nemesis. Spaghetti. Maybe I'll do a Sparta parody with the two later on.
Sphinx: Oh god that sounds messy. And delicious… any left overs?
Ten chan: Yup; good old Genesis: putting household appliances to misuse every day. ^_^
Terminal: That's why you febreeze him every half hour. ^_^
Weirdo: Hold on, cheese it… ramen noodles… omg. We can be rich.
Janen: Heh heh heh… yeah… ^___^
Fayt: Yeah I'm kinda surprised about that myself. I thought someone would comment on it for sure. Oh well. *shrugs*
Threeboy: No problem =D And gracias on commenting mine as well. =D
PIT FACE: Awesome. ^_^ Thanks mate. I love your comic too. It's got a definite grunge feel to it that's really appealing to me.
Zippo: ph34r h!m.
Bella: We're gonna need a really big fork… Also WELCOME TO THE DUCK! ^_^ If you've been here for a long time and I just never noticed you then please disregard my over ambitious welcome.
Well that's about it. Not much more to say. Until next time folks.
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