Dreams of 1337ness

The Cheese Will Protect You

Author notes

The Cheese Will Protect You


Okay this page is sort of filler. It's just a way to separate the last storyline and the next one. I had nothing for that so I came up with this on the fly which is why it's so crappy. Anyways that guy is Ice and this page is in reference to some earlier pages. (Page two and… the one with the ramen noodle guy) You'll see more of him later on.

Another reason it didn't come out right is because this is the first time I ever drew Ice so the second panel and the third/fourth don't really look like the same guy. Anyways enough excuses sorry about the slightly late update. All right on to…


Not much to say here. I got the side bar up and running sort of. The Xbox controller goes to the forums and the rest basically go to the home page for now. Eventually we'll have a Game section and a Shop along with some other cool stuff.

Also I edited to top bar pages and they a little bit better now. Besides that though not much more goin' on.


usedbooks: lol; Indeed. ^_^ This is the millenia of the gamer. ;D

Terminal: With they're little shells and evil piercing eyes… Plus I mean come on, mushrooms? They're obvious all druggies.

Fitz: lol; He does indeed rock! And I saw that submission it was freakin' awesome. Bocaj = WIN.

Rutger: Yup yup!

Cain: His secret has been revealed!

Peipei: Oh good question. Philosophically he ninja's therefore his is. But poetically, to ninja or not to ninja. That is the question.

BlkKnight: lol; It makes complete sense! No one would ever suspect him… it's the perfect crime.

Midge: Tis true. Bocaj is awesome in all manner of speaking! And I think he was stealing it cause that's all they've been playing so far.

leaderofstars: lol; I bet he did. I didn't even think of that.

crocty: Ask and ye shall receive!

magickmaker: Yeah they're like very cute zerglings. A Toad rush is nothing to mock.

Dred: Thanks for reading. ^_^

crocty: Ye hath received thine thou hast hither. What was I saying?

nyj: Yup yup! HAIL BOCAJ!!!

kyupol: I enjoyed it quite a bit. =D

Rage: Agreed. =)

Eddie: LMAO! That reminds me of the "Safety Dance"

trevor: Yup don't mess with Toad. (Crap that Family Guy song is in my head now. "Give up the Toad now doot doot doot")

Gedanken: Oh I see, well awesome. Thank you for reading so much. I'm glad you enjoy it. =D

Janen: Toad = 1337. And lol! Yeah Ash likes to do that. He's the true ninja.

Bocaj: lol; Go ahead man! You deserve it. Thank you so much, you rock Bocaj!

Welp that's all she wrote! next update will be comin' up on Monday. Till then. \/,


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