Drunk Duck Awards 2023
Duck and Quail in "Therapy"

Author notes

Duck and Quail in "Therapy"


I got plenty of FYC pages in the first week of being open for them. I'm going to go ahead and start out slow at first, but will more than likely release several a day as we go on.

Also, genejoke has decided to make a side project for the awards of having some Duck and Quail in therapy comics. A sneak peak of the pages and discussion for creating more are in the awards Discord server. (Link to left).

Just a reminder about FYC pages. The rules are simple: keep the page rated PG or so and use the theme in your page. This year the theme that got the most positive reaction is “At the Therapist.” There are many different forms this can take, but if your comic characters need therapy what would it look like? There are plenty of archetypes for therapists, from Dr. Scrathandsniff from the Animaniacs to Lucy to Peanuts to Bob Newhart. If you are looking for something closer to home, you can use Tantz_Aerine or my avatars. Tantz asks that if you use her likeness please do not use the cliché Freudian couch.


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