Dying to Live First Prev - Now this is the end... - Not quite the end yet. - The party winds down - The first cameo group - You said it, Emmie. - Drumrolls, Please... - The Plan - Taking her sweet time... - He's Just Gotta Sing... - Vampire Interrupted - Bitter-Sweet Moment... - Alas, Poor Fred... - Is this the end of Fred? - The Mob Converges - The Mob Arrives - Dragon Snack - Well that didn't work... - A familiar face... - Life and Death? You betcha. - The Plot Thickens - :O - Mr. Obvious - A mob is born - Thoughtful - Putting things in perspective... - Stupid Chair... - The flames went hiiiiiiigher! - Way to go, drunky! - Larry isn't a happy drunk... - The first attack - Well, he is a skeleton... - Well if Lucy could do it, so can you - Nobody did, Tom. - Splash! - To the village! - Poor Larry - Back at the lab - Different priorities, I suppose... - She doesn't appear to care... - He cares. He does, I swear! - Logic: doesn't apply to mad scientists - Over-reaction, just a bit... - Something is not right! Miss Tom turned on the lights... - Sounds appetizing. - That was a close one... - Here he goes again... - The first technical murder in DTL - ...Where did he get that bottle? - A nightmare...? - You're making a convincing argument, Fred. - It's designer. - You want exposition? I'LL GIVE YOU EXPOSITION!! - Double Whammy - Let THAT be a lesson to you! - And you've been the spirit of undeath for HOW long? - Radio-activity. Green wave of the future!!! - A first encounter...again. - an AFFAIR?! - I hate that book... - Greensleeves - If she were in California...she'd be illegal. Barring the fact that it's 1880-something. - Boom! - He's baaaaaaaaaaaaack - No one is safe from Fred's 'CHARMS'... - Sepia blush. That's almost as weird as a skeleton blushing at all! - And tomorrow is a new...year. - let there be...SEPIA! - Swirly-swirly... - Better hurry up - I just couldn't wait. - Green glow... - Well, maybe she just needs to figure it out for herself... - The Kitchen Door - Oooo Shadowy. - Blocking the Hallway - Patterns...MORE...PATTERNS!! - Sounds...Yummy...? Chapter 9 - Psychadellic - What is this 'Privacy' you Speak of? - Rub a Dub Dub - Hide and Speak - A fond return - Guest Comic - Night Vision is my Friend - Convenience, thy Name is Badly Written - Short attention spans much? - Clear? Crystal. - Flashback time! - Of course I'm not stalling for time - Third time's the charm - I wonder if they ring... - Plot device ahoy! - Well, at least SOMEONE reacted to that news... - But we all knew that, of course. - So THAT'S why he hasn't been hanging around Emmie much anymore... - Mishi, king of tact - Curiosity killed the-...oh wait, she's already dead. Never mind. - Obviously someone from Texas - The plot thickens! - Am I totally sure that Mishi is a guy? - Medic! Medic! Someone order this guy a gag, stat! - Another update!? Someone take the pen away before Maddy hurts herself with it... - Mmmm...tea....I think... - Now that wasn't very nice! - Oh, it's on... - Cut paste, cut paste... - I don't even think a spanish person would pronounce it like that... - It seemed like a good idea at the time - Preview of A Troll and Princess - Bluh...luh...bluh... - Fill Fill Fill - 300! - Dungeon? - This isn't about your love life. - For the last time, NO! - Aw, you're not very good at much...are you? - Hey, that's a tacky coat. - A Dirty secret - Now that he's gone - ...Where did that beer bottle come from? - Liable to catch flies - Meet Spyder - Patience Chapter 8 - End of chapter - That...TRAMP - Bam-chicka-wow-wow - Doesn't look like a spaceship to me... - Rescue mission - To smell or not to-er...heh, I meant to smell. JUST...to smell. - Missing page - On the trail - Well there's a mood-killer... - Wait...on second thought... - Convincing Godfrey - Questions answered - Your point? - Special gif - Where'd the bars go? - Calculations - Everyone's a critic - Confused? Thought so. - Arriving home - Guest filler - Heading home - bitch bitch bitch - No, he isn't in love - In case you can't tell, it's another meanwhile - Cloud nine is sadistic... - Oh Mishi, what will we do with you? - The return of...BURGER! - Mrs. Sensual - Meet the new neighbor! - knock...knock knock...knock knock knoc-I could do this all day - That...is just wrong. - The new IMPROVED dtl - BOOT! - Would you like some cheese with your wine? - They grow up so fast Chapter 7 - And so the chapter ends - Contest winner! - The Movie Starts. - Not Everyone's a Comedian - Ungraphic violence - The fight commences! - Oh, IT'S ON! - Here we go... - Photo booth - Man she's got big hands... - Those are the movie times, by the way - WHEW! - Oh no!!! - Meh, it's not so bad - The Big Date - Short Temper - The couch returns - Back early just for you! - It's alive! - Burger's final stand - Yay, I posted today! - And the winner is... - Vote for the outcome - The shame of a fat-filled filler... - God, what a jerk... - Drawn with...PEN?! - What a surprise! - A phone call - Yay! Top 100! - Stubborn Chef - The Burger Begins - ...BRILLIANT - A perfect plan fails - Stupid monkey - Oops - Leisurely flight - Howard Stern, meet Mister Hammer Chapter 6 - It's just too much for one night! - How about someone else? - Pffft, Ringo... - Well who else? - Spidra - Admire the coffin! - Delayed reaction - Arriving home - Bah, who cares? - Yum, ice cream! - Final interview - Sunday's update - Harlequinn - Picky picky picky - Late page - Anyone else scared now? - Black mail - ~Sigh~ Some spiders, man... - How do the fearless vampire killers do it? - Patience, young web-hanger - Poor faerie... - Walk in the line, rock your body and walk... - Hey, they're at a couch! - the beginning Chapter 5...Unemployment - End of this chapter - Guest strip - Some like it...dear god that dress is ugly - And it's not over yet! - Around and round we go - I'm sure he's a minor anyway... - The Doctor Takes His Leave...*finally* - Ba-break - He's got a point there, whitey - We all make mistakes - Bah! Logic is for fools! Logical fools ~scoff~ - Bwah...fillers... - If only... - Plot with a twist of lemon...or lime... - ...now even I'M confused, and I wrote this! - He stopped lovin' heeeeeeeeeer today! - ~sigh~ Damn it Pepe! - The Return of the Ambiguously named gypsy - An eerily familiar shadow...I think...sort of...that is, if you'd seen her shadow before...which you probably haven't... - Accent Smaccent - ~rubs magical 8-ball~ This background shall be...RED!...no BLUE! RED AGAIN! Back, a wee bit early...Ch. 4 - Short break - End of chapter three - Jt's second guest strip! EVER! - Sunning inside - Dun-duh-speech bubbles! - Copy and paste heaven - Return of the living Maddy - Plot hole - Spanish Spider - Sheesh, what a running joke - f***ing cold - Crazy? Maybe? Yes...of course. - Cry....BABY! CRY BABY! - Mist-o Change-background-o - I smell something sinister afoot...no wait, that's just my foot. - Bouncin's what zombies do best! - Man, what a moral dilemna! - A proposition of epic proportions! - Something isn't right here... - Shock and confusion - Speech bubbles - Rotten luck, stupid door! - I vanquish thee - Another wall pattern! Am I CRAZY?! - A resolve... - Exorcism's a bitch - Pink cloud - Happy New Year! - The checkered wall...RETURNETH! - And so it begins for er...what's-her-name - Courtesy of a friend... - Another character history - Why yes, yes I WAS bored - Could it be?! A NEW WALL TEXTURE?! - The beauty of dialogue - Merry Christmas - What a flamboyant dog house... - Another visit with the puppy - Cleanliness is next to godliness...unless you're really stinky...then it's not... - Quickest ps job in my life...well, not really - Is this going anywh-oh...that's where it's going... - Just another morbid joke at DTL - ...it begins...er...after that last chapter page, that is... Chapter three...begins - Happy 100 - And back to the couch! - I'm back and I've brought updates - English credit - So here's the real reason I've been lazy - New room mate... - A rare scene with Emmie - To the room-mobile! - What kind of name is Godfrey? - Oooo, bikini - Friday filler - Meanwhile at the spooky residence - Delayed reaction - Waking up - Radio-active DOOM! - Okay, wait...back to the topic at hand! - Corpse Bride fan filler - ...Oh dear, there's going to be another flashback, DAMN IT! - Ladies and gentleman, the wereman! - The Pet Shelter...OF EVIL! - Damn French Logic... - Yeah, I changed my mind - Filler with a lime couch - Emmie breaks it up - Ninja romance - Broken window Chapter two - End of Chapter 1 - GAH?! NOOOOO! - Heh, he's a mousy ^_^ - Oh no! He's been Zapped! - The penguin is caught! - Someone should do something... - An unfortunate interruption - Yay, flashback! - A discovery that may shock and apall - The quest to quest all quests...in a very questly fashion - The super amazing team of...super...dead people - Oh, SMOKE OF DOOM! - Ah damn, you evil pengie! - An introduction to undeath! - A one-track mind - Finally, back to the comic! - Going to rest a bit. - Dun dun dun - Pengie, finally alone - MISHI meet Pengie - Emmie, meet Pengie - A rivalry begins - Logic Shmogic, I've got a penguin! - Attack of the penguin lover - Evil revealed - A thoroughly though not quite entirely disturbing experience for at least one chap of service-able age to be considered a toddler - To the broom closet! - Excuses excuses... - JT Krueger - The beginning of the second beginning Chapter one: The ULTIMATE evil... - This is getting her nowhere! - Oh Mishi, will you ever learn? - Blah! Crappy eraser...you spite me... - Finally, they find what they seek - A special present - Guest Strip...Kinda... - The discovery... - Madame Tatame - A perfect plan backfires...IN COLOR! - A perfect plan backfires! - Don't even ask - It all makes sense now! - Gasp! Twins?! - Here JT! - Oh Mishi, if only you knew... - Another filler?! Yes, I'm crazy - Ah, the change of subject - Pffft, and you thought this would be a dramatic scene! - Is this the end of our flesh- eating friend? - Rude Awakening - The mystery has been solved! - Fillers taste like pocky - Hippocritical zombie - Relationship issues - Doctor Lublama's Curse - That's MAH AH! - Fear the possessive lady's man! - A fate worse than death twice... - Heh...shadowy... - The fridge! The dead! The appetite! - Meet Lord Rtinvlochq - Meh, coffins are cool too - Dead people have feelings too! - Moustaches rock - And the saga continues... - You know what's really strange? - I would say that the final panel is the best I've ever drawn - Pfft...Geometry's my bitch. - Mishi the Dense... - Bleh! I hate the divine wrath of my pencil... - Ah, nothing better than your best friend's remains... - Drama and chibis, perfect combination... - So...about the pathway and the human flesh... - Yeah it isn't like that time... - Back to the story! - We interrupt this comic for some bitching... - I like my men like I like my asphyxiation - The end of her cleaning saga... - Emmie, woman of cleaning...and yeah, the zombie thing too... - And now for a bite to eat! - Notice anything? - And now, for something completely crappy - Sleep deprivation makes a person a bad conversationalist - Mansion sweet...MOTHER OF GOD! The beginning Next Last First Prev - Now this is the end... - Not quite the end yet. - The party winds down - The first cameo group - You said it, Emmie. - Drumrolls, Please... - The Plan - Taking her sweet time... - He's Just Gotta Sing... - Vampire Interrupted - Bitter-Sweet Moment... - Alas, Poor Fred... - Is this the end of Fred? - The Mob Converges - The Mob Arrives - Dragon Snack - Well that didn't work... - A familiar face... - Life and Death? You betcha. - The Plot Thickens - :O - Mr. Obvious - A mob is born - Thoughtful - Putting things in perspective... - Stupid Chair... - The flames went hiiiiiiigher! - Way to go, drunky! - Larry isn't a happy drunk... - The first attack - Well, he is a skeleton... - Well if Lucy could do it, so can you - Nobody did, Tom. - Splash! - To the village! - Poor Larry - Back at the lab - Different priorities, I suppose... - She doesn't appear to care... - He cares. He does, I swear! - Logic: doesn't apply to mad scientists - Over-reaction, just a bit... - Something is not right! Miss Tom turned on the lights... - Sounds appetizing. - That was a close one... - Here he goes again... - The first technical murder in DTL - ...Where did he get that bottle? - A nightmare...? - You're making a convincing argument, Fred. - It's designer. - You want exposition? I'LL GIVE YOU EXPOSITION!! - Double Whammy - Let THAT be a lesson to you! - And you've been the spirit of undeath for HOW long? - Radio-activity. Green wave of the future!!! - A first encounter...again. - an AFFAIR?! - I hate that book... - Greensleeves - If she were in California...she'd be illegal. Barring the fact that it's 1880-something. - Boom! - He's baaaaaaaaaaaaack - No one is safe from Fred's 'CHARMS'... - Sepia blush. That's almost as weird as a skeleton blushing at all! - And tomorrow is a new...year. - let there be...SEPIA! - Swirly-swirly... - Better hurry up - I just couldn't wait. - Green glow... - Well, maybe she just needs to figure it out for herself... - The Kitchen Door - Oooo Shadowy. - Blocking the Hallway - Patterns...MORE...PATTERNS!! - Sounds...Yummy...? Chapter 9 - Psychadellic - What is this 'Privacy' you Speak of? - Rub a Dub Dub - Hide and Speak - A fond return - Guest Comic - Night Vision is my Friend - Convenience, thy Name is Badly Written - Short attention spans much? - Clear? Crystal. - Flashback time! - Of course I'm not stalling for time - Third time's the charm - I wonder if they ring... - Plot device ahoy! - Well, at least SOMEONE reacted to that news... - But we all knew that, of course. - So THAT'S why he hasn't been hanging around Emmie much anymore... - Mishi, king of tact - Curiosity killed the-...oh wait, she's already dead. Never mind. - Obviously someone from Texas - The plot thickens! - Am I totally sure that Mishi is a guy? - Medic! Medic! Someone order this guy a gag, stat! - Another update!? Someone take the pen away before Maddy hurts herself with it... - Mmmm...tea....I think... - Now that wasn't very nice! - Oh, it's on... - Cut paste, cut paste... - I don't even think a spanish person would pronounce it like that... - It seemed like a good idea at the time - Preview of A Troll and Princess - Bluh...luh...bluh... - Fill Fill Fill - 300! - Dungeon? - This isn't about your love life. - For the last time, NO! - Aw, you're not very good at much...are you? - Hey, that's a tacky coat. - A Dirty secret - Now that he's gone - ...Where did that beer bottle come from? - Liable to catch flies - Meet Spyder - Patience Chapter 8 - End of chapter - That...TRAMP - Bam-chicka-wow-wow - Doesn't look like a spaceship to me... - Rescue mission - To smell or not to-er...heh, I meant to smell. JUST...to smell. - Missing page - On the trail - Well there's a mood-killer... - Wait...on second thought... - Convincing Godfrey - Questions answered - Your point? - Special gif - Where'd the bars go? - Calculations - Everyone's a critic - Confused? Thought so. - Arriving home - Guest filler - Heading home - bitch bitch bitch - No, he isn't in love - In case you can't tell, it's another meanwhile - Cloud nine is sadistic... - Oh Mishi, what will we do with you? - The return of...BURGER! - Mrs. Sensual - Meet the new neighbor! - knock...knock knock...knock knock knoc-I could do this all day - That...is just wrong. - The new IMPROVED dtl - BOOT! - Would you like some cheese with your wine? - They grow up so fast Chapter 7 - And so the chapter ends - Contest winner! - The Movie Starts. - Not Everyone's a Comedian - Ungraphic violence - The fight commences! - Oh, IT'S ON! - Here we go... - Photo booth - Man she's got big hands... - Those are the movie times, by the way - WHEW! - Oh no!!! - Meh, it's not so bad - The Big Date - Short Temper - The couch returns - Back early just for you! - It's alive! - Burger's final stand - Yay, I posted today! - And the winner is... - Vote for the outcome - The shame of a fat-filled filler... - God, what a jerk... - Drawn with...PEN?! - What a surprise! - A phone call - Yay! Top 100! - Stubborn Chef - The Burger Begins - ...BRILLIANT - A perfect plan fails - Stupid monkey - Oops - Leisurely flight - Howard Stern, meet Mister Hammer Chapter 6 - It's just too much for one night! - How about someone else? - Pffft, Ringo... - Well who else? - Spidra - Admire the coffin! - Delayed reaction - Arriving home - Bah, who cares? - Yum, ice cream! - Final interview - Sunday's update - Harlequinn - Picky picky picky - Late page - Anyone else scared now? - Black mail - ~Sigh~ Some spiders, man... - How do the fearless vampire killers do it? - Patience, young web-hanger - Poor faerie... - Walk in the line, rock your body and walk... - Hey, they're at a couch! - the beginning Chapter 5...Unemployment - End of this chapter - Guest strip - Some like it...dear god that dress is ugly - And it's not over yet! - Around and round we go - I'm sure he's a minor anyway... - The Doctor Takes His Leave...*finally* - Ba-break - He's got a point there, whitey - We all make mistakes - Bah! Logic is for fools! Logical fools ~scoff~ - Bwah...fillers... - If only... - Plot with a twist of lemon...or lime... - ...now even I'M confused, and I wrote this! - He stopped lovin' heeeeeeeeeer today! - ~sigh~ Damn it Pepe! - The Return of the Ambiguously named gypsy - An eerily familiar shadow...I think...sort of...that is, if you'd seen her shadow before...which you probably haven't... - Accent Smaccent - ~rubs magical 8-ball~ This background shall be...RED!...no BLUE! RED AGAIN! Back, a wee bit early...Ch. 4 - Short break - End of chapter three - Jt's second guest strip! EVER! - Sunning inside - Dun-duh-speech bubbles! - Copy and paste heaven - Return of the living Maddy - Plot hole - Spanish Spider - Sheesh, what a running joke - f***ing cold - Crazy? Maybe? Yes...of course. - Cry....BABY! CRY BABY! - Mist-o Change-background-o - I smell something sinister afoot...no wait, that's just my foot. - Bouncin's what zombies do best! - Man, what a moral dilemna! - A proposition of epic proportions! - Something isn't right here... - Shock and confusion - Speech bubbles - Rotten luck, stupid door! - I vanquish thee - Another wall pattern! Am I CRAZY?! - A resolve... - Exorcism's a bitch - Pink cloud - Happy New Year! - The checkered wall...RETURNETH! - And so it begins for er...what's-her-name - Courtesy of a friend... - Another character history - Why yes, yes I WAS bored - Could it be?! A NEW WALL TEXTURE?! - The beauty of dialogue - Merry Christmas - What a flamboyant dog house... - Another visit with the puppy - Cleanliness is next to godliness...unless you're really stinky...then it's not... - Quickest ps job in my life...well, not really - Is this going anywh-oh...that's where it's going... - Just another morbid joke at DTL - ...it begins...er...after that last chapter page, that is... Chapter three...begins - Happy 100 - And back to the couch! - I'm back and I've brought updates - English credit - So here's the real reason I've been lazy - New room mate... - A rare scene with Emmie - To the room-mobile! - What kind of name is Godfrey? - Oooo, bikini - Friday filler - Meanwhile at the spooky residence - Delayed reaction - Waking up - Radio-active DOOM! - Okay, wait...back to the topic at hand! - Corpse Bride fan filler - ...Oh dear, there's going to be another flashback, DAMN IT! - Ladies and gentleman, the wereman! - The Pet Shelter...OF EVIL! - Damn French Logic... - Yeah, I changed my mind - Filler with a lime couch - Emmie breaks it up - Ninja romance - Broken window Chapter two - End of Chapter 1 - GAH?! NOOOOO! - Heh, he's a mousy ^_^ - Oh no! He's been Zapped! - The penguin is caught! - Someone should do something... - An unfortunate interruption - Yay, flashback! - A discovery that may shock and apall - The quest to quest all quests...in a very questly fashion - The super amazing team of...super...dead people - Oh, SMOKE OF DOOM! - Ah damn, you evil pengie! - An introduction to undeath! - A one-track mind - Finally, back to the comic! - Going to rest a bit. - Dun dun dun - Pengie, finally alone - MISHI meet Pengie - Emmie, meet Pengie - A rivalry begins - Logic Shmogic, I've got a penguin! - Attack of the penguin lover - Evil revealed - A thoroughly though not quite entirely disturbing experience for at least one chap of service-able age to be considered a toddler - To the broom closet! - Excuses excuses... - JT Krueger - The beginning of the second beginning Chapter one: The ULTIMATE evil... - This is getting her nowhere! - Oh Mishi, will you ever learn? - Blah! Crappy eraser...you spite me... - Finally, they find what they seek - A special present - Guest Strip...Kinda... - The discovery... - Madame Tatame - A perfect plan backfires...IN COLOR! - A perfect plan backfires! - Don't even ask - It all makes sense now! - Gasp! Twins?! - Here JT! - Oh Mishi, if only you knew... - Another filler?! Yes, I'm crazy - Ah, the change of subject - Pffft, and you thought this would be a dramatic scene! - Is this the end of our flesh- eating friend? - Rude Awakening - The mystery has been solved! - Fillers taste like pocky - Hippocritical zombie - Relationship issues - Doctor Lublama's Curse - That's MAH AH! - Fear the possessive lady's man! - A fate worse than death twice... - Heh...shadowy... - The fridge! The dead! The appetite! - Meet Lord Rtinvlochq - Meh, coffins are cool too - Dead people have feelings too! - Moustaches rock - And the saga continues... - You know what's really strange? - I would say that the final panel is the best I've ever drawn - Pfft...Geometry's my bitch. - Mishi the Dense... - Bleh! I hate the divine wrath of my pencil... - Ah, nothing better than your best friend's remains... - Drama and chibis, perfect combination... - So...about the pathway and the human flesh... - Yeah it isn't like that time... - Back to the story! - We interrupt this comic for some bitching... - I like my men like I like my asphyxiation - The end of her cleaning saga... - Emmie, woman of cleaning...and yeah, the zombie thing too... - And now for a bite to eat! - Notice anything? - And now, for something completely crappy - Sleep deprivation makes a person a bad conversationalist - Mansion sweet...MOTHER OF GOD! The beginning Next Last Author notes To the village! Disgruntledrm on June 11, 2009 Poor Fred… Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register ${ comment.author }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete Reply ${ comment.author }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete «previous set of pages «previous set of pages page ${ page.number }} ... next set of pages» next set of pages»
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