Dying to Live First Prev - Now this is the end... - Not quite the end yet. - The party winds down - The first cameo group - You said it, Emmie. - Drumrolls, Please... - The Plan - Taking her sweet time... - He's Just Gotta Sing... - Vampire Interrupted - Bitter-Sweet Moment... - Alas, Poor Fred... - Is this the end of Fred? - The Mob Converges - The Mob Arrives - Dragon Snack - Well that didn't work... - A familiar face... - Life and Death? You betcha. - The Plot Thickens - :O - Mr. Obvious - A mob is born - Thoughtful - Putting things in perspective... - Stupid Chair... - The flames went hiiiiiiigher! - Way to go, drunky! - Larry isn't a happy drunk... - The first attack - Well, he is a skeleton... - Well if Lucy could do it, so can you - Nobody did, Tom. - Splash! - To the village! - Poor Larry - Back at the lab - Different priorities, I suppose... - She doesn't appear to care... - He cares. He does, I swear! - Logic: doesn't apply to mad scientists - Over-reaction, just a bit... - Something is not right! Miss Tom turned on the lights... - Sounds appetizing. - That was a close one... - Here he goes again... - The first technical murder in DTL - ...Where did he get that bottle? - A nightmare...? - You're making a convincing argument, Fred. - It's designer. - You want exposition? I'LL GIVE YOU EXPOSITION!! - Double Whammy - Let THAT be a lesson to you! - And you've been the spirit of undeath for HOW long? - Radio-activity. Green wave of the future!!! - A first encounter...again. - an AFFAIR?! - I hate that book... - Greensleeves - If she were in California...she'd be illegal. Barring the fact that it's 1880-something. - Boom! - He's baaaaaaaaaaaaack - No one is safe from Fred's 'CHARMS'... - Sepia blush. That's almost as weird as a skeleton blushing at all! - And tomorrow is a new...year. - let there be...SEPIA! - Swirly-swirly... - Better hurry up - I just couldn't wait. - Green glow... - Well, maybe she just needs to figure it out for herself... - The Kitchen Door - Oooo Shadowy. - Blocking the Hallway - Patterns...MORE...PATTERNS!! - Sounds...Yummy...? Chapter 9 - Psychadellic - What is this 'Privacy' you Speak of? - Rub a Dub Dub - Hide and Speak - A fond return - Guest Comic - Night Vision is my Friend - Convenience, thy Name is Badly Written - Short attention spans much? - Clear? Crystal. - Flashback time! - Of course I'm not stalling for time - Third time's the charm - I wonder if they ring... - Plot device ahoy! - Well, at least SOMEONE reacted to that news... - But we all knew that, of course. - So THAT'S why he hasn't been hanging around Emmie much anymore... - Mishi, king of tact - Curiosity killed the-...oh wait, she's already dead. Never mind. - Obviously someone from Texas - The plot thickens! - Am I totally sure that Mishi is a guy? - Medic! Medic! Someone order this guy a gag, stat! - Another update!? Someone take the pen away before Maddy hurts herself with it... - Mmmm...tea....I think... - Now that wasn't very nice! - Oh, it's on... - Cut paste, cut paste... - I don't even think a spanish person would pronounce it like that... - It seemed like a good idea at the time - Preview of A Troll and Princess - Bluh...luh...bluh... - Fill Fill Fill - 300! - Dungeon? - This isn't about your love life. - For the last time, NO! - Aw, you're not very good at much...are you? - Hey, that's a tacky coat. - A Dirty secret - Now that he's gone - ...Where did that beer bottle come from? - Liable to catch flies - Meet Spyder - Patience Chapter 8 - End of chapter - That...TRAMP - Bam-chicka-wow-wow - Doesn't look like a spaceship to me... - Rescue mission - To smell or not to-er...heh, I meant to smell. JUST...to smell. - Missing page - On the trail - Well there's a mood-killer... - Wait...on second thought... - Convincing Godfrey - Questions answered - Your point? - Special gif - Where'd the bars go? - Calculations - Everyone's a critic - Confused? Thought so. - Arriving home - Guest filler - Heading home - bitch bitch bitch - No, he isn't in love - In case you can't tell, it's another meanwhile - Cloud nine is sadistic... - Oh Mishi, what will we do with you? - The return of...BURGER! - Mrs. Sensual - Meet the new neighbor! - knock...knock knock...knock knock knoc-I could do this all day - That...is just wrong. - The new IMPROVED dtl - BOOT! - Would you like some cheese with your wine? - They grow up so fast Chapter 7 - And so the chapter ends - Contest winner! - The Movie Starts. - Not Everyone's a Comedian - Ungraphic violence - The fight commences! - Oh, IT'S ON! - Here we go... - Photo booth - Man she's got big hands... - Those are the movie times, by the way - WHEW! - Oh no!!! - Meh, it's not so bad - The Big Date - Short Temper - The couch returns - Back early just for you! - It's alive! - Burger's final stand - Yay, I posted today! - And the winner is... - Vote for the outcome - The shame of a fat-filled filler... - God, what a jerk... - Drawn with...PEN?! - What a surprise! - A phone call - Yay! Top 100! - Stubborn Chef - The Burger Begins - ...BRILLIANT - A perfect plan fails - Stupid monkey - Oops - Leisurely flight - Howard Stern, meet Mister Hammer Chapter 6 - It's just too much for one night! - How about someone else? - Pffft, Ringo... - Well who else? - Spidra - Admire the coffin! - Delayed reaction - Arriving home - Bah, who cares? - Yum, ice cream! - Final interview - Sunday's update - Harlequinn - Picky picky picky - Late page - Anyone else scared now? - Black mail - ~Sigh~ Some spiders, man... - How do the fearless vampire killers do it? - Patience, young web-hanger - Poor faerie... - Walk in the line, rock your body and walk... - Hey, they're at a couch! - the beginning Chapter 5...Unemployment - End of this chapter - Guest strip - Some like it...dear god that dress is ugly - And it's not over yet! - Around and round we go - I'm sure he's a minor anyway... - The Doctor Takes His Leave...*finally* - Ba-break - He's got a point there, whitey - We all make mistakes - Bah! Logic is for fools! Logical fools ~scoff~ - Bwah...fillers... - If only... - Plot with a twist of lemon...or lime... - ...now even I'M confused, and I wrote this! - He stopped lovin' heeeeeeeeeer today! - ~sigh~ Damn it Pepe! - The Return of the Ambiguously named gypsy - An eerily familiar shadow...I think...sort of...that is, if you'd seen her shadow before...which you probably haven't... - Accent Smaccent - ~rubs magical 8-ball~ This background shall be...RED!...no BLUE! RED AGAIN! Back, a wee bit early...Ch. 4 - Short break - End of chapter three - Jt's second guest strip! EVER! - Sunning inside - Dun-duh-speech bubbles! - Copy and paste heaven - Return of the living Maddy - Plot hole - Spanish Spider - Sheesh, what a running joke - f***ing cold - Crazy? Maybe? Yes...of course. - Cry....BABY! CRY BABY! - Mist-o Change-background-o - I smell something sinister afoot...no wait, that's just my foot. - Bouncin's what zombies do best! - Man, what a moral dilemna! - A proposition of epic proportions! - Something isn't right here... - Shock and confusion - Speech bubbles - Rotten luck, stupid door! - I vanquish thee - Another wall pattern! Am I CRAZY?! - A resolve... - Exorcism's a bitch - Pink cloud - Happy New Year! - The checkered wall...RETURNETH! - And so it begins for er...what's-her-name - Courtesy of a friend... - Another character history - Why yes, yes I WAS bored - Could it be?! A NEW WALL TEXTURE?! - The beauty of dialogue - Merry Christmas - What a flamboyant dog house... - Another visit with the puppy - Cleanliness is next to godliness...unless you're really stinky...then it's not... - Quickest ps job in my life...well, not really - Is this going anywh-oh...that's where it's going... - Just another morbid joke at DTL - ...it begins...er...after that last chapter page, that is... Chapter three...begins - Happy 100 - And back to the couch! - I'm back and I've brought updates - English credit - So here's the real reason I've been lazy - New room mate... - A rare scene with Emmie - To the room-mobile! - What kind of name is Godfrey? - Oooo, bikini - Friday filler - Meanwhile at the spooky residence - Delayed reaction - Waking up - Radio-active DOOM! - Okay, wait...back to the topic at hand! - Corpse Bride fan filler - ...Oh dear, there's going to be another flashback, DAMN IT! - Ladies and gentleman, the wereman! - The Pet Shelter...OF EVIL! - Damn French Logic... - Yeah, I changed my mind - Filler with a lime couch - Emmie breaks it up - Ninja romance - Broken window Chapter two - End of Chapter 1 - GAH?! NOOOOO! - Heh, he's a mousy ^_^ - Oh no! He's been Zapped! - The penguin is caught! - Someone should do something... - An unfortunate interruption - Yay, flashback! - A discovery that may shock and apall - The quest to quest all quests...in a very questly fashion - The super amazing team of...super...dead people - Oh, SMOKE OF DOOM! - Ah damn, you evil pengie! - An introduction to undeath! - A one-track mind - Finally, back to the comic! - Going to rest a bit. - Dun dun dun - Pengie, finally alone - MISHI meet Pengie - Emmie, meet Pengie - A rivalry begins - Logic Shmogic, I've got a penguin! - Attack of the penguin lover - Evil revealed - A thoroughly though not quite entirely disturbing experience for at least one chap of service-able age to be considered a toddler - To the broom closet! - Excuses excuses... - JT Krueger - The beginning of the second beginning Chapter one: The ULTIMATE evil... - This is getting her nowhere! - Oh Mishi, will you ever learn? - Blah! Crappy eraser...you spite me... - Finally, they find what they seek - A special present - Guest Strip...Kinda... - The discovery... - Madame Tatame - A perfect plan backfires...IN COLOR! - A perfect plan backfires! - Don't even ask - It all makes sense now! - Gasp! Twins?! - Here JT! - Oh Mishi, if only you knew... - Another filler?! Yes, I'm crazy - Ah, the change of subject - Pffft, and you thought this would be a dramatic scene! - Is this the end of our flesh- eating friend? - Rude Awakening - The mystery has been solved! - Fillers taste like pocky - Hippocritical zombie - Relationship issues - Doctor Lublama's Curse - That's MAH AH! - Fear the possessive lady's man! - A fate worse than death twice... - Heh...shadowy... - The fridge! The dead! The appetite! - Meet Lord Rtinvlochq - Meh, coffins are cool too - Dead people have feelings too! - Moustaches rock - And the saga continues... - You know what's really strange? - I would say that the final panel is the best I've ever drawn - Pfft...Geometry's my bitch. - Mishi the Dense... - Bleh! I hate the divine wrath of my pencil... - Ah, nothing better than your best friend's remains... - Drama and chibis, perfect combination... - So...about the pathway and the human flesh... - Yeah it isn't like that time... - Back to the story! - We interrupt this comic for some bitching... - I like my men like I like my asphyxiation - The end of her cleaning saga... - Emmie, woman of cleaning...and yeah, the zombie thing too... - And now for a bite to eat! - Notice anything? - And now, for something completely crappy - Sleep deprivation makes a person a bad conversationalist - Mansion sweet...MOTHER OF GOD! The beginning Next Last First Prev - Now this is the end... - Not quite the end yet. - The party winds down - The first cameo group - You said it, Emmie. - Drumrolls, Please... - The Plan - Taking her sweet time... - He's Just Gotta Sing... - Vampire Interrupted - Bitter-Sweet Moment... - Alas, Poor Fred... - Is this the end of Fred? - The Mob Converges - The Mob Arrives - Dragon Snack - Well that didn't work... - A familiar face... - Life and Death? You betcha. - The Plot Thickens - :O - Mr. Obvious - A mob is born - Thoughtful - Putting things in perspective... - Stupid Chair... - The flames went hiiiiiiigher! - Way to go, drunky! - Larry isn't a happy drunk... - The first attack - Well, he is a skeleton... - Well if Lucy could do it, so can you - Nobody did, Tom. - Splash! - To the village! - Poor Larry - Back at the lab - Different priorities, I suppose... - She doesn't appear to care... - He cares. He does, I swear! - Logic: doesn't apply to mad scientists - Over-reaction, just a bit... - Something is not right! Miss Tom turned on the lights... - Sounds appetizing. - That was a close one... - Here he goes again... - The first technical murder in DTL - ...Where did he get that bottle? - A nightmare...? - You're making a convincing argument, Fred. - It's designer. - You want exposition? I'LL GIVE YOU EXPOSITION!! - Double Whammy - Let THAT be a lesson to you! - And you've been the spirit of undeath for HOW long? - Radio-activity. Green wave of the future!!! - A first encounter...again. - an AFFAIR?! - I hate that book... - Greensleeves - If she were in California...she'd be illegal. Barring the fact that it's 1880-something. - Boom! - He's baaaaaaaaaaaaack - No one is safe from Fred's 'CHARMS'... - Sepia blush. That's almost as weird as a skeleton blushing at all! - And tomorrow is a new...year. - let there be...SEPIA! - Swirly-swirly... - Better hurry up - I just couldn't wait. - Green glow... - Well, maybe she just needs to figure it out for herself... - The Kitchen Door - Oooo Shadowy. - Blocking the Hallway - Patterns...MORE...PATTERNS!! - Sounds...Yummy...? Chapter 9 - Psychadellic - What is this 'Privacy' you Speak of? - Rub a Dub Dub - Hide and Speak - A fond return - Guest Comic - Night Vision is my Friend - Convenience, thy Name is Badly Written - Short attention spans much? - Clear? Crystal. - Flashback time! - Of course I'm not stalling for time - Third time's the charm - I wonder if they ring... - Plot device ahoy! - Well, at least SOMEONE reacted to that news... - But we all knew that, of course. - So THAT'S why he hasn't been hanging around Emmie much anymore... - Mishi, king of tact - Curiosity killed the-...oh wait, she's already dead. Never mind. - Obviously someone from Texas - The plot thickens! - Am I totally sure that Mishi is a guy? - Medic! Medic! Someone order this guy a gag, stat! - Another update!? Someone take the pen away before Maddy hurts herself with it... - Mmmm...tea....I think... - Now that wasn't very nice! - Oh, it's on... - Cut paste, cut paste... - I don't even think a spanish person would pronounce it like that... - It seemed like a good idea at the time - Preview of A Troll and Princess - Bluh...luh...bluh... - Fill Fill Fill - 300! - Dungeon? - This isn't about your love life. - For the last time, NO! - Aw, you're not very good at much...are you? - Hey, that's a tacky coat. - A Dirty secret - Now that he's gone - ...Where did that beer bottle come from? - Liable to catch flies - Meet Spyder - Patience Chapter 8 - End of chapter - That...TRAMP - Bam-chicka-wow-wow - Doesn't look like a spaceship to me... - Rescue mission - To smell or not to-er...heh, I meant to smell. JUST...to smell. - Missing page - On the trail - Well there's a mood-killer... - Wait...on second thought... - Convincing Godfrey - Questions answered - Your point? - Special gif - Where'd the bars go? - Calculations - Everyone's a critic - Confused? Thought so. - Arriving home - Guest filler - Heading home - bitch bitch bitch - No, he isn't in love - In case you can't tell, it's another meanwhile - Cloud nine is sadistic... - Oh Mishi, what will we do with you? - The return of...BURGER! - Mrs. Sensual - Meet the new neighbor! - knock...knock knock...knock knock knoc-I could do this all day - That...is just wrong. - The new IMPROVED dtl - BOOT! - Would you like some cheese with your wine? - They grow up so fast Chapter 7 - And so the chapter ends - Contest winner! - The Movie Starts. - Not Everyone's a Comedian - Ungraphic violence - The fight commences! - Oh, IT'S ON! - Here we go... - Photo booth - Man she's got big hands... - Those are the movie times, by the way - WHEW! - Oh no!!! - Meh, it's not so bad - The Big Date - Short Temper - The couch returns - Back early just for you! - It's alive! - Burger's final stand - Yay, I posted today! - And the winner is... - Vote for the outcome - The shame of a fat-filled filler... - God, what a jerk... - Drawn with...PEN?! - What a surprise! - A phone call - Yay! Top 100! - Stubborn Chef - The Burger Begins - ...BRILLIANT - A perfect plan fails - Stupid monkey - Oops - Leisurely flight - Howard Stern, meet Mister Hammer Chapter 6 - It's just too much for one night! - How about someone else? - Pffft, Ringo... - Well who else? - Spidra - Admire the coffin! - Delayed reaction - Arriving home - Bah, who cares? - Yum, ice cream! - Final interview - Sunday's update - Harlequinn - Picky picky picky - Late page - Anyone else scared now? - Black mail - ~Sigh~ Some spiders, man... - How do the fearless vampire killers do it? - Patience, young web-hanger - Poor faerie... - Walk in the line, rock your body and walk... - Hey, they're at a couch! - the beginning Chapter 5...Unemployment - End of this chapter - Guest strip - Some like it...dear god that dress is ugly - And it's not over yet! - Around and round we go - I'm sure he's a minor anyway... - The Doctor Takes His Leave...*finally* - Ba-break - He's got a point there, whitey - We all make mistakes - Bah! Logic is for fools! Logical fools ~scoff~ - Bwah...fillers... - If only... - Plot with a twist of lemon...or lime... - ...now even I'M confused, and I wrote this! - He stopped lovin' heeeeeeeeeer today! - ~sigh~ Damn it Pepe! - The Return of the Ambiguously named gypsy - An eerily familiar shadow...I think...sort of...that is, if you'd seen her shadow before...which you probably haven't... - Accent Smaccent - ~rubs magical 8-ball~ This background shall be...RED!...no BLUE! RED AGAIN! Back, a wee bit early...Ch. 4 - Short break - End of chapter three - Jt's second guest strip! EVER! - Sunning inside - Dun-duh-speech bubbles! - Copy and paste heaven - Return of the living Maddy - Plot hole - Spanish Spider - Sheesh, what a running joke - f***ing cold - Crazy? Maybe? Yes...of course. - Cry....BABY! CRY BABY! - Mist-o Change-background-o - I smell something sinister afoot...no wait, that's just my foot. - Bouncin's what zombies do best! - Man, what a moral dilemna! - A proposition of epic proportions! - Something isn't right here... - Shock and confusion - Speech bubbles - Rotten luck, stupid door! - I vanquish thee - Another wall pattern! Am I CRAZY?! - A resolve... - Exorcism's a bitch - Pink cloud - Happy New Year! - The checkered wall...RETURNETH! - And so it begins for er...what's-her-name - Courtesy of a friend... - Another character history - Why yes, yes I WAS bored - Could it be?! A NEW WALL TEXTURE?! - The beauty of dialogue - Merry Christmas - What a flamboyant dog house... - Another visit with the puppy - Cleanliness is next to godliness...unless you're really stinky...then it's not... - Quickest ps job in my life...well, not really - Is this going anywh-oh...that's where it's going... - Just another morbid joke at DTL - ...it begins...er...after that last chapter page, that is... Chapter three...begins - Happy 100 - And back to the couch! - I'm back and I've brought updates - English credit - So here's the real reason I've been lazy - New room mate... - A rare scene with Emmie - To the room-mobile! - What kind of name is Godfrey? - Oooo, bikini - Friday filler - Meanwhile at the spooky residence - Delayed reaction - Waking up - Radio-active DOOM! - Okay, wait...back to the topic at hand! - Corpse Bride fan filler - ...Oh dear, there's going to be another flashback, DAMN IT! - Ladies and gentleman, the wereman! - The Pet Shelter...OF EVIL! - Damn French Logic... - Yeah, I changed my mind - Filler with a lime couch - Emmie breaks it up - Ninja romance - Broken window Chapter two - End of Chapter 1 - GAH?! NOOOOO! - Heh, he's a mousy ^_^ - Oh no! He's been Zapped! - The penguin is caught! - Someone should do something... - An unfortunate interruption - Yay, flashback! - A discovery that may shock and apall - The quest to quest all quests...in a very questly fashion - The super amazing team of...super...dead people - Oh, SMOKE OF DOOM! - Ah damn, you evil pengie! - An introduction to undeath! - A one-track mind - Finally, back to the comic! - Going to rest a bit. - Dun dun dun - Pengie, finally alone - MISHI meet Pengie - Emmie, meet Pengie - A rivalry begins - Logic Shmogic, I've got a penguin! - Attack of the penguin lover - Evil revealed - A thoroughly though not quite entirely disturbing experience for at least one chap of service-able age to be considered a toddler - To the broom closet! - Excuses excuses... - JT Krueger - The beginning of the second beginning Chapter one: The ULTIMATE evil... - This is getting her nowhere! - Oh Mishi, will you ever learn? - Blah! Crappy eraser...you spite me... - Finally, they find what they seek - A special present - Guest Strip...Kinda... - The discovery... - Madame Tatame - A perfect plan backfires...IN COLOR! - A perfect plan backfires! - Don't even ask - It all makes sense now! - Gasp! Twins?! - Here JT! - Oh Mishi, if only you knew... - Another filler?! Yes, I'm crazy - Ah, the change of subject - Pffft, and you thought this would be a dramatic scene! - Is this the end of our flesh- eating friend? - Rude Awakening - The mystery has been solved! - Fillers taste like pocky - Hippocritical zombie - Relationship issues - Doctor Lublama's Curse - That's MAH AH! - Fear the possessive lady's man! - A fate worse than death twice... - Heh...shadowy... - The fridge! The dead! The appetite! - Meet Lord Rtinvlochq - Meh, coffins are cool too - Dead people have feelings too! - Moustaches rock - And the saga continues... - You know what's really strange? - I would say that the final panel is the best I've ever drawn - Pfft...Geometry's my bitch. - Mishi the Dense... - Bleh! I hate the divine wrath of my pencil... - Ah, nothing better than your best friend's remains... - Drama and chibis, perfect combination... - So...about the pathway and the human flesh... - Yeah it isn't like that time... - Back to the story! - We interrupt this comic for some bitching... - I like my men like I like my asphyxiation - The end of her cleaning saga... - Emmie, woman of cleaning...and yeah, the zombie thing too... - And now for a bite to eat! - Notice anything? - And now, for something completely crappy - Sleep deprivation makes a person a bad conversationalist - Mansion sweet...MOTHER OF GOD! The beginning Next Last Author notes Taking her sweet time... Disgruntledrm on Oct. 20, 2009 Just think…soon, the sepia will be gone forever! Farewell, fare sepia…I knew the well.If you didn't notice, the day before yesterday…I ended up posting 2 pages. So go back a page if you missed it (because I didn't update yesterday.) Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register ${ comment.author }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete Reply ${ comment.author }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete «previous set of pages «previous set of pages page ${ page.number }} ... next set of pages» next set of pages»
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