Ed Contradictory
Hopefully Not Too Annoyingly Happy
- Stranger Danger!
- How To Draw Comics The Pinder Way
'Stache Jacked!
- I Now Pronounce You...
Springtime, The Only Pretty Ring Time
- The Rules of Gentlemanly Discourse, page 11
The Rules of Gentlemanly Discourse, page 10
- Time Traveling Panda Bears, Part VI
- Time Traveling Panda Bears, Part V
- Time Traveling Panda Bears, Part IV
- Time Traveling Panda Bears, Part III
- Time Traveling Panda Bears, Part II
Time Traveling Panda Bears
- Panda Pants!
- Meta-Arguments Are Weird
- No Way Out
- Who's In Control Here?
- If You Say So
- Wine and Hooping and Sushi
- Tracer
- Why, hello there...
Wimmin Troubles
- The Rules of Gentlemanly Discourse, page 9
- The Rules of Gentlemanly Discourse, page 8
- Momma Needs Her Medicine
Gentlemanly Discourse
- Pouches.
- Finally!... Something unique!
- Line!
- Ah... Um... Err...
- Scary Cliches!
- Bad Premise?
- Squirrel Fight!!!
- A Very Valuable Lesson
- Oh, Snap!
Flipped Off!
- Sugar-tastrophe Brand Cereal
- Mittens!
- 1980s Movie Kid
- Gregor Bucks
The Adventures of Gregor in OUTER SPACE!
- Pinder's Revenge!
- Giggles Triumphant!
- Giggles Ascendant
- T-Shirt Designs... of DOOM!
- Confrontation!
- Black Boxes
- Countersuit!
- For Reals!
- Hamilton Merlingperlot, Esq.
Introducing... Giggles the Groundhog!
- Everyone's Favorite Playa Gameshow
Sad Burner Flowchart
- Cutting Corners
- You Spin Me Right Round
- Talkin' 'Bout Talkin' 'Bout Movies
- It's Soooo Hot!
- Everything's An Ad
- How Your Childhood Movie Heroes Would Fare In The Modern World
- Pew! Pew!
- The Collective Unconscious
Orange You Glad I Didn't Say...?
- I'm So Sorry
- Gotcha!
- The Green Fairy
- Gasp! Gasp! Gasp!
- The Sitrep
- A Nice, Healthy, Robot-y Glow
- Man... or Machine?
- The Laugh Scan 1500
- Which of These is Funnier?
- Look Closer for Inspiration
Uncle Funny's Ha Ha Fun-time Interwebby Seminar
- Internet: 1982!
- The Day The World Ran Out Of Money
- The Legend of Cakepie
- I Like Pie!
Hopefully Not Too Annoyingly Happy
- Stranger Danger!
- How To Draw Comics The Pinder Way
'Stache Jacked!
- I Now Pronounce You...
Springtime, The Only Pretty Ring Time
- The Rules of Gentlemanly Discourse, page 11
The Rules of Gentlemanly Discourse, page 10
- Time Traveling Panda Bears, Part VI
- Time Traveling Panda Bears, Part V
- Time Traveling Panda Bears, Part IV
- Time Traveling Panda Bears, Part III
- Time Traveling Panda Bears, Part II
Time Traveling Panda Bears
- Panda Pants!
- Meta-Arguments Are Weird
- No Way Out
- Who's In Control Here?
- If You Say So
- Wine and Hooping and Sushi
- Tracer
- Why, hello there...
Wimmin Troubles
- The Rules of Gentlemanly Discourse, page 9
- The Rules of Gentlemanly Discourse, page 8
- Momma Needs Her Medicine
Gentlemanly Discourse
- Pouches.
- Finally!... Something unique!
- Line!
- Ah... Um... Err...
- Scary Cliches!
- Bad Premise?
- Squirrel Fight!!!
- A Very Valuable Lesson
- Oh, Snap!
Flipped Off!
- Sugar-tastrophe Brand Cereal
- Mittens!
- 1980s Movie Kid
- Gregor Bucks
The Adventures of Gregor in OUTER SPACE!
- Pinder's Revenge!
- Giggles Triumphant!
- Giggles Ascendant
- T-Shirt Designs... of DOOM!
- Confrontation!
- Black Boxes
- Countersuit!
- For Reals!
- Hamilton Merlingperlot, Esq.
Introducing... Giggles the Groundhog!
- Everyone's Favorite Playa Gameshow
Sad Burner Flowchart
- Cutting Corners
- You Spin Me Right Round
- Talkin' 'Bout Talkin' 'Bout Movies
- It's Soooo Hot!
- Everything's An Ad
- How Your Childhood Movie Heroes Would Fare In The Modern World
- Pew! Pew!
- The Collective Unconscious
Orange You Glad I Didn't Say...?
- I'm So Sorry
- Gotcha!
- The Green Fairy
- Gasp! Gasp! Gasp!
- The Sitrep
- A Nice, Healthy, Robot-y Glow
- Man... or Machine?
- The Laugh Scan 1500
- Which of These is Funnier?
- Look Closer for Inspiration
Uncle Funny's Ha Ha Fun-time Interwebby Seminar
- Internet: 1982!
- The Day The World Ran Out Of Money
- The Legend of Cakepie
- I Like Pie!
Author notes
The final battle between Pinder and Giggles, between good and evil, between pie and cake! The world hangs in the balance as Pinder plays a deadly game to hopefully beat Giggles… can he win? Or is it already too late?
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