Electric Rabbit and Rocket cat

Electric Rabbit 1 page 12  Chapter End

Author notes

Electric Rabbit 1 page 12 Chapter End


Well, that's the end of Chapter 1, which may seem more like a preview actually.
Were I to re-do this page, i think I'd have the destruction of the creature a bit more dramatic..and I might fix Denki's face on panel #6 (Third one down, right.)
About Denki's gun. I'm sure a lot of people might think.."If she's got electrical zapping powers, why does she carry a gun??"
The answer to that is..the gun really does no more then focus Denki's electrical energy. Without it, she can use her powers, but as noted, it's not easy for her to do and it tends to drain her.
Rocket cat is a cyborg.
The little Bunny girl's name is Danae.
If you'd like to see more Electric Rabbit, please let me know!


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