Elemental Animarus

Author notes

hastycat onYes, they should have seen that coming. For some reason, I could NOT draw Ankoku in the panel 7. That was the first time i ever drew someone holding someone else, so not the best….
Shortie doesn't like being called Shortie, and its spelled S-H-O-R-T-I-E on purpose, not with a Y.
HAPPY HANUKAH! My mom forgot tonight was the first night, she thought it was tomorrow. So we didn't have latkes, but we bought falafels! This is my first Hanukah without my older brother, since he's in college. I never understand why school breaks favor the Christians more that the Jews. Not only that, but we got our math teacher to cancel our Geometry homework for the night! We told her that since its a holiday, the Jews should not get homework, so she ended up canceling it. Well, she usually cancels our homework anyway…
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