Oh…my…god! KETIOU UPDATED! ITS ALIVE! Can you believe it? Me neither! You can rejoice Shaun, Elementas has risen from the grave. But that doesn't mean its a zombie. Lolz So I have gotten carried away with life and facebook and enjoying it all and forgot about my beautiful comic here! But now thanks to Shauns lovely and wonderful comment, it motivated and inspired me to bring life back to this comic. Cause I love it so much and I (really) want to get out of this arc but I have a nicely planned way to do it, so it its properly given its time to smooth out plot holes and all. Gilgamesh unleashes his final attack. Is this the end for Brandon? *You can cut the tension with a knife. And the cheese. Haha XD" ENJOY! :D
:D Thanks. I know right, like almost a year dead. Thanks to Shaun for the comment, my inspiration has returned! ;D But probably not for the other ones, I deleted most of all my sprites to make room for a sims game *That barely worked* so all the custom sprites I had wont work. But I can still do this one easily ^_^
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Login or Registershaun at
aww man, the only update that happened for a while and I missed it, and your welcome by the way
DracheLehre at
and like a ninja… your're gone again without a trace…
Ketiou at
Haha thats ok. Thanks Spit! Your not late. ;P
spitfire_hokage at
Yay! An update! Sorry I'm late. :P
Ketiou at
I know! Yay Poonz ;D
poonipoonz at
Dude, great update. :D Everyone wondered where you went. Even the Tavern is missing you. :s
Ketiou at
:D Thanks. I know right, like almost a year dead.
Thanks to Shaun for the comment, my inspiration has returned! ;D
But probably not for the other ones, I deleted most of all my sprites to make room for a sims game *That barely worked* so all the custom sprites I had wont work. But I can still do this one easily ^_^
DracheLehre at
Holy crap! Welcome back!