Energize 1 - Page 19

Author notes

Energize 1 - Page 19


Energize #1 - Page 19:

Yes I know it has been too long since the last page, but I have been very busy and I have also been away a bit so that's my excuse.

Hope you like the latest page, it was done in little bits over the last couple of weeks which is not how I like to work, so im a little unsure of it…but…it does the job and edges me closer to the end of this scene.

What is good about it is that it is the start of Energize troubles to come and the whole point of the story…

One other thing. If you like this comic, I have started a Sketchbook comic which will contain Fanart and original pencils from Energize and other stuff. There are two pictures on it at the moment and each one is part of what will be the cover to Energize Part 2, so if you get a chance check it out.

Hope you enjoy.


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