- Battery - Expression - Shy - Hide - Ultimate Design - Paradox - Instantly - Confession - Talk - Parting - Unless - Required Secondary Power - Dodge - Wording - Punk - Freak Out - Black Diamond - Pep Talk - The Moment - Advice - Zoning Out - "Helping" - Sidetracked - South - Cover Story - Isolating the Target - Bingo - Freshmen - Nobody - Boyfriend - Friendship - A Symbol - or Something - The Dark Future - Replicatee - Kenshin - The Time Traveler - Confrontation - Expert - A New Light - Old Friends - Trouble Maker - Dr. Kunde - Problem - Student Handbook - Interrogation - Investigation - In The Lab - Heading Home - Power Drift - Foreseen - Steam Crash - Let Go - Tales of Masters - Forever - Evaporation - New Tricks - Smack Talk - Clang - Nice Try - New Friend - Getting Down to Business - Forged - A Card Trick - Catching up - The Reunion - Absolutely Nothing to Worry About - But it Worked - Figure it out - Angel and Devil - Close Enough - Overthinking - New Style - Special Spell - Because - Haggling - Tools - Shocking - Zap! - Ma~gic - Changing Tactics - Casual Encounter - Element of Surprise - Signature Technique - Narrative - Badass - Scatter Shock - Gunpoint - Electrical Field - Lightning Clash - Official - Left Eye - Role Models - Incredibly Biased Commentary - 147 - Still Fine - Aura - Fine - Flunkies - Deus Machina - Optimistically - Freaky - Assistance - Obligated - Spell Ribbon Malfunction - Confrontation - Spell Ribbon Circle - Show me - First-Year Formation - Checkmate - A Minor Oversite - Thud - Connection - Logging Out - Delay Tactics - Check - Rigging The System - Just Once - Reconciliation - An Unexpected Guest - In Between Word - Passing - MisIdentified - System Access - The Breaking Point - Explain That! - Sculpting - Threat Level Rising - Too Easy - Buddy - Tripping the Alarm - The Infirmary - BWA HA HA HA - Upload - Past the Limit - Analyzing the Thing - Cooperative All Along - Hiding Something - Sporid Resistance - Endurance - Spell Circle Circle - Negotiations - ZAP! - Lurking in the Shadows - Death From Above - Supporters - Run and Fortify - Tactical Retreat - oh...right - Infestation - Analysis - Plan B - Advantage - An Agreement - Halt - Repel - Energy Aura - Snowglobe - Dominance - Energy-Staff - Spectacle - Dubious - The Primary Control Station - Introducing Combatants - Brought To You By - Separated - Separating - Velocity - Blame and Justification - Blind Wandering - Map - Time and Place - Re-match - An Unexpected Return - Vulnerable - Arc-eology - Skilled Infiltration - Subterranean Municipal Shelter - Preparing For The Expedition - "Emergency" Meeting - Sale - Neurons Fire pt.4 - Neurons Fire pt.3 - Neurons Fire pt.2 - Neurons Fire - Petition - Sculpting - Garden - Theory - Ad Hominem - Sowing Chaos - Indiscriminate Suffering - Seeking Help - Weaving - Spell Weaving Class - Waiting - Late For Class - Security Reasons - Thinking With Portals - The Secret - Appeasement - A Good Point - The Return - Routine - Doors - Suddenly, S.P.A.R.K.S. - The Path of Ele-wait, no - The Path of Electricity pt. 11 - The Path of Stone pt. 11 - The Path of Stone pt.10 - The Path of Electricity pt.10 - The Path of Stone pt.9 - The Path of Electricity pt.9 - The Path of Stone pt.8 - The Path of Stone pt.7 - The Path of Electricity pt.8 - The Path of Stone pt.6 - The Path of Stone pt.5 - The Path of Electricity pt.7 - The Path of Electricity pt.6 - The Path of Electricity pt.5 - The Path of Stone pt.4 - The Path of Stone pt.3 - The Path of Stone pt.2 - The Path of Electricity pt.4 - The Path of Electricity pt.3 - The Path of Stone pt.1 - The Path of Electricity pt.2 - The Path of Electricity pt.1 - Solution - Go Complain - Unfair - On Par - Vira's Return - Condolences - Dodge - Greeting - Spark of the Inferno pt.31 - Spark of the Inferno pt.30 - Encroaching Flames pt.13 - Encroaching Flames pt.12 - Encroaching Flames pt.11 - Spark of the Inferno pt.29 - Spark of the Inferno pt.28 - Spark of the Inferno pt.27 - Spark of the Inferno pt.26 - Spark of the Inferno pt.25 - Spark of the Inferno pt.24 - Spark of the Inferno pt. 23 - Spark of the Inferno pt.22 - Spark of the Inferno pt.21 - Montage - Talking Animals - Spark of the Inferno pt.20 - Spark of the Inferno pt.19 - Spark of the Inferno pt.18 - Spark of the Inferno pt.17 - Expensive Equipment - Plant Weilding - Spark of the Inferno pt.16 - Spark of the Inferno pt.15 - Ice Cream - Scam - Business - Helicopter - S.P.A.R.K.S. - Spark of the Inferno pt. 14 - Spark of the Inferno pt.13 - Spark of the Inferno pt.12 - Rue This Day - Movie - Spark of the Inferno pt.11 - Spark of the Inferno pt.10 - Toasters Log 6 - Relating - Double Reverse Psychology - Harika - Mentoring - Pointless - Jewelry - Must Be Destroyed - More Time Machine - Time Machine - Spark of the Inferno pt.9 - Toaster Log 5 - Water Weilding Trick - Haircut - Toasters Log 4 - Toasters Log 3 - Spark of the Inferno pt.8 - Spark of the Inferno pt.7 - Spark of the Inferno pt.6 - Toasters Log 2 - Target Demographic - Dressing Vira - Dressing Diamond - Hartley's clothing and apparel - Rare Opportunity - Spark of the Inferno pt.5 - Spark of the Inferno pt.4 - Spark of the Inferno pt.3 - Probably - Toasters Log 1 - Huge - Spark of the Inferno pt.2 - Spark of the Inferno pt.1 - Mental Signals - Family - Watching Diamond - Temporary Teams - Tingling - Injection - Rumors - Green - Diamond and Spades - Repair - Test Tube - More Effective - With Fire - Continuing The Tournament - Roommate - Television - Limited - Raiding - Mage - Not Funny - Red vs Blue - Little Sister - Another Flashback - Good News! - Explanations - Standard Defection - Stealthy - Another Perspective - Deep Character - Importance - One More Thing - Qualified - The Wall - Examples - A Well Kept Secret - Thrusting - Rematch - Halt! - Side Trip - Under Control - A Little Late - Escape - Catch - Slingshot - Reprisal - Extracting a Bullet - Out of the Loop - Assigning Blame - Ambushed - Strategy - Latererest - Overseeing - Why - Blue Jacket - Another History Lesson - Reforming - Magical Exhaustion - Waking up - New Armor - Encroaching Flames pt.10 - Victory - Suspense - Breakdown - And Now it's Mine - Flame Burst - Encroaching Flames pt.9 - Encroaching Flames pt.8 - Grand Flaming Whip - Convenient - Two Years Ago pt.10 - Channeling - Blazing Cocoon - Untouchable - Spiraling Flame - Revealed! - Play Ball More! - Play Ball! - Aqua - Wind Soul - Combat Training - Two Years Ago pt.9 - Privacy - Learning Magic Eyes - Suspicion - Stalemate - Two Years Ago pt.8 - Two Years Ago pt.7 - Two Years Ago pt.6 - Mind Magic Fail - Two Years Ago pt.5 - Two Years Ago pt.4 - Two Years Ago pt.3 - Uses - Plan B - And See - Narrating - Nothing Important - A Few Things - Harsh - Arrival - Trapped - The Delphi Siblings - Failure - Heavy Lifting - Two Years Ago pt.2 - FEAR - Trap - Splorsh - How? - Two Years Ago - Cut Off - Magic Dampener Flaw - What Could Have Been - Lucky - Talkin' - In the Darkness - Mirage - Tripped up - Splitting up - Duplication - Betting - Cheating - Surrounded - Ambush - Defense - Limited Sight - Resources - Magical Combat Tournament - Backstory - Jumping - Seven - Affirmative - Qualified - Networked - Taking Charge - Bargaining Chip - Hiding - A Good Question - Seniority - Lord of Shadows - Delicious - Let There Be Light - Forgotten Something - Grandpa - Jet Pack - Hit Me - Personality Degradation - How Its Done - Changing - Here Boy - Cha-ching - Adequate - Sentry Drone - Juggling Fire - Benefactor - Hiding Out - War Stories - Weighted Clothing - Perfect - Parachuting in - Corroborate - The General - Landing - Sparring - Chart - Sword - Fluffy - Advanced - Features - Transformation - Over Thinking - Directions - Prophecy - The Seer - Unexpected Appointment - Lost - Sporid Connection - Technological Student Council - Ancient Sporid - History - Class - Encroaching flames pt.7 - Encroaching flames pt.6 - Encroaching flames pt.5 - Self Destruct...again - A Sudden Encounter - Heavy - Implied - Memory - Self Destruct - Concede Victory - Puns - Wind Tunnel - Basically - Regrettable - Deflection - Unfortunate - Not So Fast! - Individuals - Reflects Poorly - Knight - Quality - Fantasy World - The Worst Part - With These Last Words - Fog of War - Steam - Clonicide - Shattered Illusions - Brute Force - Our? Mine? Whatever - Retr'spect - Flight Balance - Flammability - Common Courtesy - Laterererness - Hierarchy of Color - Three Doors - Plan A - Dibs - Luckly - Doing Exactly What Akari Said Earlier - The Flame Teleportation Conundrum - Illusionary Trap - Not Fairness - Fictional Aerodynamics - Theoretical Floor Damage - Mental Magic - Space Lazer - Encroaching flames pt.4.5 - Teleportation - It Burns - Not Dying - Spell Weaving - The Rules - Cart - Rules Change - Bag of Holding - Adjacent Square - Wind Magi - Rook - Wasted Move - Chess King - Head Trauma - Research - Sword of Unending Flame pt.2 - Sword of Unending Flame - Assigning Pieces - Sixteenth - Certainty - The Laws of Physics - The Closet of Forbidden Magics - Walking - List - Chess Pieces - The Fork of Immeasurable destruction - Corrupted - Secret Mission - Awesome - Scaly's Intelligence - Declarations of Leadership - Encroaching flames pt.4 - Encroaching flames pt.3 - Building a Team - Accepting The Challenge - Lying - The Escape - The Chase - The Final Battle - Avoiding Responsibility - Tempest Dragon - Cool - Highly Competitive - Pretty Awsome - New Armor - Brain Juice Weilding - Darkness Beam - Tentacles - We'll Never Know - Scaly - Number - Toast - Origin Stories - The Armor - Tests - But Now You Did - Orphanage - New Model - Transformation Baggage - Rogue Hunters - The Balance of Power - Toaster - Artificial Intelligence - Forco Behind Closed Doors - The Telepathy - Councilors Delphi - The Twins - Madness - Pastry Weilding - Steel - Running From Person to Person - Easily Dropped Opinions - Delusional - Seeking Help part 2 - Seeking Help - Cliche - Auras - Pervert! - Kind of Creepy - Ostrasized - Boredom - Recordings? - Placed on Hold - Pain - More Important - GEGHH! - Stretch 'n Burn! - The Plan - More Important Questions - .....and BANG - Swarm - Intimidation - Not so Fast - The Apparently Infinite Storage Units - Neccessary - The Apparently Infinite Storage Unit - Deus ex machina - Taking Credit - Zerco - Magical Auras - ....Point Taken - Assistance - A Newcomer Approaches - ...Trick? - Captured - I Give Up - Damage and Destruction - The Elevator - Exploring - Reading - Switching - Three Classes - Exaggerated Story - Not Important - Career Path? - New Gun - Glorified Target Practice - That's close enough - Changing Seats - Never Happened Before - a Question - ...this is so stupid - Eclipsing Cannon - Hello!?....Anyone? - Preparation 2 - ...With Physical Impact - Practice - Blind Fighting pt.8 - Behold! New Armor - Funny Again! - Blind Fighting pt.7 - Blind Fighting pt.6 - Blind Fighting pt.5 - Kick-Back - Blind Fighting pt.4 - Blind Fighting pt.3 - Blind Fighting pt.2 - Blind Fighting pt.1 - Preparation - Strategically! - Encroaching flames pt.2 - Encroaching flames pt.1 - Tail wag - Perfect!? - Like, New Outfit - Establishing Dominance - The Sporid Council - Two Ways - Namari's Gauntlets - According to Plan - Uhhh...Forco... - Plasma Cannon - Heavy - Hanging - Pendulums - Colors - Watch Out! - AnnoyoBot - Diabolical Scheme - Something Better to do - Duplicate - Rainbow Hair - Search! - Lazerzzzzz - flamethrowers - ....Good Point - Like, Love and Stuff - Human Form - You Noticed? - Stupid! - Panic! - Talking to Yourself - Traitor! - LEAVING!! - Reports and Revelations - ....Probably - The Plan - Planning Revenge pt. 2 - Planning Revenge - Useless - Victory! - Boom Head Shot! - Team Three - Shadow's Grasp - Perseverance - Immortal! - The Regenerating Boy - Attack! - Spades - Entrance? - Spore Guardians - Spore-pods - Declaration of Leadership - Assigning Leaders - The Teams Team Building - Q-vision - Rebuilding - Blackmail - Dr. Revoco - Recovery - Victory Hurts - Quickly - Grab and Kick - Avoidance - The Battle Begins - Necessary - Help at Last - Magic Power - Even More Holograms - Holograms - veeeeeeery persuasive - Betrayal New Tech Students - Information Overload - The Girls - As Time Passed - Lil' Kayo - Chess Match - Flaming Blade - Lightning Blade - Wielders - Roommate - Classes - Sporid Forms - The Sporid - Quality Over Quantity The Colors - Two Ways - Copying Techniques - Everybody Wins, YAY! - White Fire Fist - Introducing the Lords - Shields and Confidence - Returning Fire.....Literally - Catching Wind - No One Uses the Stairs - Vira the Wind Mage - A Lesson on Rare Elements - Let the Battle Continue - Let the Battle Begin - Introducing Nox - The Parting of Ways - Story Begins Author notes Dr. Revoco lord tundra on Oct. 3, 2007 Fun Fact: The name Revoco is derived from the Latin word meaning-to call back, recover, refer, revoke. 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