
Author notes

Chapter 1 - 04
rococo onThis page is a bit rubbishly done because it is 1:30am and I'm knackered, but am refusing to go to bed until I update this. Otherwise I'll use having done it once as a reason to slack. XD
I've got my markers back after leaving them at my parents' house … problem is that all my greys seem to have dried up. Thus the lack of backgrounds, the lightest ones ran out by the time I'd done the skin. :C Buhr.
I'm pleased with how Leon looks n the first panel … and how Donatien looks in the last one, where it's actually almost visible that he is not a girl. (Couldn't work out whether it was names or sexes that people were mixed up about … I probably don't explain things too well, though they should hopefully explain themselves over the next few pages without commentary.) :D Laci … seems to be all rubber-ficated on this page. Ho well …
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