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rococo on… Yeah. u_u No mid-week page again this week, and probably not at the weekend either, as I had to do a seminar presentation this afternoon, have had a fucking boat-load of Maya modelling to do this week while pretty much teaching myself from scratch (still only about half-way through), and only just found out that my animatic and soundtrack were meant to be done quite some time ago. Animation is for losers, but sadly my degree is costing a lot more than uploading my webcomic to a free site is, thus it has to take priority,. :C
I took half an hour out to doodle this and explain, got some frustration off my chest! XD ('Sa me!) Alien Sex Fiend is indeed a real band. An awesome real band. Very much one that gets strange looks from people who haven't heard of them while you're wearing one of their t-shirts.
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