Everybody hates Herb
- T-shirt comin' soon!
- Unkept unkempt unhemped... not that a smoke it.
- ms paint
- The birds, and the trees, the bees and your knees..
- Order is restored....
- I'm so so so so so...
- What have I done?
- ...all along?
- Hmmk
- Artrage herb: Enough is not Enough!
- Enough?
- 70 points for vital point number 1!
- Round two?!
- Mediocre!
- Captin' FISH HOOOK!
- Its the time of the capricorn, la la la!
- Followed!
- hjgwdjqhwdg
- High First: A lady's man
- Marge...who're you trying to fool?
- Fixing requires...
- Wha?!
- Clean white shoes
- Pretty smooth escaping
- Getting kidnapped by the rents
- Love
- Captured!
- 18 years of wacky behaviour
- Bang! bang bang ang ang ng ng g,g,,g,,,
- Holly
- NEW YEAR and expectations.
- Phhheeeee~
- Chrimbooo
- No no, they must die.
- Guilt anyone?
- Oh, I see...
- "Take over?" D03S N0T COMPUT3.
- Woohoo!
- Sliced head
- SLICEeeeeee....
- Greg.. is dead?
- ...
- 200th page! (Well 201st but yeh)
- (:()
- In Theory.
- Harsh Greg
- Pissed
- Not the hat!
- Double edged sword
- High
- Greg action is fair.
- Tom and Jerry Classic
- Stop that crazy man!
- Come on guys.. :(
- Kalur? Colur? C-Colour?
- It's...over?
- Yeah man! Quit wavin' around that crazy asian stick!
- I can smell the testosterone...
- So...
- Figure it out Tom!
- The time has come
- She got a room with a view
- Forgotten
- Oh well..
- Fillor magic.
- ...Just floatin' in the space portal..
- Beam me up scotty! (wait a minute...)
- Good gosh! AGAIN!
- Fillor
- Possibly the worst mistake today..
- When in a tight spot...run to the girl's room.
- Suprise! attack.
- Chapter 7 begins...
- Poor High Second on mafia spaceship...
- The corridors of the Don spaceship...
- Cue Awwww!
- Fillor!
- Explain it.
- His fault!
- Wait WHAT?! That bass-tard..
- High Second knows his numbers! (photoshop version)
- Error
- Insight on Number 6! (wicked sick page)
- Number 6
- Herb wakes up
CHAPTER 6 (Wicked sick chapter)
- ACK! Sorrrry!
- Mope mope
- Herb is young grasshopper..
- Give a Bunny a break, son!
- I interrupt this program to tell you..
- Herb special: 3 panels! (Oops! Wrong bathroom..)
- Erm..gross.
- Give me a good reason not to...colour scan you!
- Oh you don't want to do that..
- To the space ship...WE GO!
- They don't like Colour?
- ZOMG! Lyke, Frikin', Don space ship!
- SPACE MAFIA...intergalaxic mafia...milky way mafia...
- Enter
- filler: Major Filler. Finale Filler. The killer Filler! Hey... I like that.
- Herb Fan Art! by Carly_Mizzou
- Herb Fan Art! by Ninja_jette!
- Herb Fan Art! by Krulz133
- Herb Fan Art! by Fern
- Filler 11: memories
- Filler 10: Shame on you Leone!
- filler 9 : hehehe
- Filler7: I Paniced!
- Filler 6: awesum
- Filler 5: Visual experimentationness.
- Filler 5:
- Filler 4: er yes?
- Filler2: Herb poster
- Filler 1: something I drew on my hand
- HIATUS? man I hate them. Anyways I'm taking one.
- They'll never tell the difference
- gotta get them all, pokemon!..oh wait..
- Island in the sun (8)
- You see him?
- Freedom!
- Open the prison gates!
- Herb is smart, Marge wins!
- They'll fight about anything
- Sneaky rabbits
- Mum's a bad leader..
- The WHYY???!!!!! filler
- YES!
- The time has come
- Chapter 5 - Bunnies don't fight wars
- Memories
- Back to Herb and Julia
- Is she upset?
- Er yes.
- Memory loss
- Intruder
- Julia
- PAGE 100 thats right bitches!
- Woops
- Who?
- Never Again!
- Smokin'
- Teleports have guards
- oooh...
- Page 2
- The explaining page
- suspece builder
- Hiatus - Con to the rescue!
- Not completely safe
- Herb confronted
- Marge Poster
- Herb's mom's friend.
- Panda dead
- Herb poster
- Chapter 4
- dum de dum dum!
- Christmas special page
- Christmas!!
- chat while fighting
- Small talk before we kill each other
- You have the fairy, and now you have the Panda
- Panda anga
- MAfia strikes again!
- They don't call us fairies for nothin'
- Lucky number 3
- The mafia
- They ride the panda
- woops
- Wild thang
- The bunnies are not really free.
- Greg is the hulk
- Herb is smart!
- Daddy failure and chinese rabbits
- mum to the rescue?
- Yellar moose continued!
- The kings speach.
- Drawing
- Shrinked herb
- Panda vs Herb
- Introducing the new guardian:
- The end..end.
- Good bye, 2nd best character!
- Big for rabbit small for Elf.
- Yellar moose!
- A special idea
- Herb :
- Here they come..
- Play along
- Smart wizard
- The Dog has plans for his meal
- The men are on their way
- through the woods
- Don't worry, he survives the fall. DRAT!
- Send in the Dogs!
- abit o gangster fun :D
- Well on our way.
- Plop!
- Escape
- A note!?
- 1st page and already we're on edge
- Heart Love.
Chapter 3
- Mum's adventure's poster
- End of Chapter 2
- Tragic ending
- ...Follow me
- This is a fast paced, dramatic romance people!
- Creepy Carly Fan art!
- oops
- Hero herb, Herbing the hero.
- Is she the one for my 3 year old son?
- Planning the wedding? wait.. whats the brides name again?
- Imbetweenpages
- New girl
- Filler before 1st page
Everbody Hates Herb: Chapter 2
- the filler before the comic
- And then the family of rabbits return to their den.
- The grand escape
- we know the boy, so lets kick his butt!
- Fi113R!
- Meanwhile at the kidnappers den..
- Hardcore store owner butt kicking
- Herb lover poster
- Super parent bunnies
- Extra page!
- Small bunny finds big town
- How do explain pink 2
- How do you explain pink?
- In the beginning 2
- In the beginning
Herb Cover
- T-shirt comin' soon!
- Unkept unkempt unhemped... not that a smoke it.
- ms paint
- The birds, and the trees, the bees and your knees..
- Order is restored....
- I'm so so so so so...
- What have I done?
- ...all along?
- Hmmk
- Artrage herb: Enough is not Enough!
- Enough?
- 70 points for vital point number 1!
- Round two?!
- Mediocre!
- Captin' FISH HOOOK!
- Its the time of the capricorn, la la la!
- Followed!
- hjgwdjqhwdg
- High First: A lady's man
- Marge...who're you trying to fool?
- Fixing requires...
- Wha?!
- Clean white shoes
- Pretty smooth escaping
- Getting kidnapped by the rents
- Love
- Captured!
- 18 years of wacky behaviour
- Bang! bang bang ang ang ng ng g,g,,g,,,
- Holly
- NEW YEAR and expectations.
- Phhheeeee~
- Chrimbooo
- No no, they must die.
- Guilt anyone?
- Oh, I see...
- "Take over?" D03S N0T COMPUT3.
- Woohoo!
- Sliced head
- SLICEeeeeee....
- Greg.. is dead?
- ...
- 200th page! (Well 201st but yeh)
- (:()
- In Theory.
- Harsh Greg
- Pissed
- Not the hat!
- Double edged sword
- High
- Greg action is fair.
- Tom and Jerry Classic
- Stop that crazy man!
- Come on guys.. :(
- Kalur? Colur? C-Colour?
- It's...over?
- Yeah man! Quit wavin' around that crazy asian stick!
- I can smell the testosterone...
- So...
- Figure it out Tom!
- The time has come
- She got a room with a view
- Forgotten
- Oh well..
- Fillor magic.
- ...Just floatin' in the space portal..
- Beam me up scotty! (wait a minute...)
- Good gosh! AGAIN!
- Fillor
- Possibly the worst mistake today..
- When in a tight spot...run to the girl's room.
- Suprise! attack.
- Chapter 7 begins...
- Poor High Second on mafia spaceship...
- The corridors of the Don spaceship...
- Cue Awwww!
- Fillor!
- Explain it.
- His fault!
- Wait WHAT?! That bass-tard..
- High Second knows his numbers! (photoshop version)
- Error
- Insight on Number 6! (wicked sick page)
- Number 6
- Herb wakes up
CHAPTER 6 (Wicked sick chapter)
- ACK! Sorrrry!
- Mope mope
- Herb is young grasshopper..
- Give a Bunny a break, son!
- I interrupt this program to tell you..
- Herb special: 3 panels! (Oops! Wrong bathroom..)
- Erm..gross.
- Give me a good reason not to...colour scan you!
- Oh you don't want to do that..
- To the space ship...WE GO!
- They don't like Colour?
- ZOMG! Lyke, Frikin', Don space ship!
- SPACE MAFIA...intergalaxic mafia...milky way mafia...
- Enter
- filler: Major Filler. Finale Filler. The killer Filler! Hey... I like that.
- Herb Fan Art! by Carly_Mizzou
- Herb Fan Art! by Ninja_jette!
- Herb Fan Art! by Krulz133
- Herb Fan Art! by Fern
- Filler 11: memories
- Filler 10: Shame on you Leone!
- filler 9 : hehehe
- Filler7: I Paniced!
- Filler 6: awesum
- Filler 5: Visual experimentationness.
- Filler 5:
- Filler 4: er yes?
- Filler2: Herb poster
- Filler 1: something I drew on my hand
- HIATUS? man I hate them. Anyways I'm taking one.
- They'll never tell the difference
- gotta get them all, pokemon!..oh wait..
- Island in the sun (8)
- You see him?
- Freedom!
- Open the prison gates!
- Herb is smart, Marge wins!
- They'll fight about anything
- Sneaky rabbits
- Mum's a bad leader..
- The WHYY???!!!!! filler
- YES!
- The time has come
- Chapter 5 - Bunnies don't fight wars
- Memories
- Back to Herb and Julia
- Is she upset?
- Er yes.
- Memory loss
- Intruder
- Julia
- PAGE 100 thats right bitches!
- Woops
- Who?
- Never Again!
- Smokin'
- Teleports have guards
- oooh...
- Page 2
- The explaining page
- suspece builder
- Hiatus - Con to the rescue!
- Not completely safe
- Herb confronted
- Marge Poster
- Herb's mom's friend.
- Panda dead
- Herb poster
- Chapter 4
- dum de dum dum!
- Christmas special page
- Christmas!!
- chat while fighting
- Small talk before we kill each other
- You have the fairy, and now you have the Panda
- Panda anga
- MAfia strikes again!
- They don't call us fairies for nothin'
- Lucky number 3
- The mafia
- They ride the panda
- woops
- Wild thang
- The bunnies are not really free.
- Greg is the hulk
- Herb is smart!
- Daddy failure and chinese rabbits
- mum to the rescue?
- Yellar moose continued!
- The kings speach.
- Drawing
- Shrinked herb
- Panda vs Herb
- Introducing the new guardian:
- The end..end.
- Good bye, 2nd best character!
- Big for rabbit small for Elf.
- Yellar moose!
- A special idea
- Herb :
- Here they come..
- Play along
- Smart wizard
- The Dog has plans for his meal
- The men are on their way
- through the woods
- Don't worry, he survives the fall. DRAT!
- Send in the Dogs!
- abit o gangster fun :D
- Well on our way.
- Plop!
- Escape
- A note!?
- 1st page and already we're on edge
- Heart Love.
Chapter 3
- Mum's adventure's poster
- End of Chapter 2
- Tragic ending
- ...Follow me
- This is a fast paced, dramatic romance people!
- Creepy Carly Fan art!
- oops
- Hero herb, Herbing the hero.
- Is she the one for my 3 year old son?
- Planning the wedding? wait.. whats the brides name again?
- Imbetweenpages
- New girl
- Filler before 1st page
Everbody Hates Herb: Chapter 2
- the filler before the comic
- And then the family of rabbits return to their den.
- The grand escape
- we know the boy, so lets kick his butt!
- Fi113R!
- Meanwhile at the kidnappers den..
- Hardcore store owner butt kicking
- Herb lover poster
- Super parent bunnies
- Extra page!
- Small bunny finds big town
- How do explain pink 2
- How do you explain pink?
- In the beginning 2
- In the beginning
Herb Cover
Author notes
This is one of the best pages in my comic. You'll have noticed that theres colour now, complete colour! That will be explained in the next few pages. remind me! and also there are different styles of media! I'm experimenting with photoshop :P I love this page, wizard man is cool! You'll learn his name…if you haven't already, very soon!
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