Explosion Proof

Explosion Proof - Page 2

Author notes

Explosion Proof - Page 2


Holy how another week went by! At the same time it seems like it flew, but also seemed like a really long time to go without posting. Weird.

ANYHOW first and foremost: a Toaster* goes to AzuJOD for being the first to post. I didn't really offer a toaster for that per se, but AzuJOD gets one none the less. Good job AzuJOD!

So here we are, on the second page. A bit of exposition, I know, but I tried to keep it interesting. Now, this is a five page story, and those of you familiar with my work might know I need a good 132 pages to get my point across sometimes. Anyhow, when I first took on this story, I thought, "write a five page story, how hard can that be?" but I found it to be a touch more challenging as I like the scope of my stories to be somewhat large.

So here I've set up a micro story in the context of a larger world, and hoped it made sense and is a satisfying read. The stories been out there in Lady Fight for a while now, and no complaints (oddly), so I guess that's a good sign! I kind of took the less is more approach to exposition, and tried to make it believable within the context of the story (versus, say, your typical bad guy monologue). This is about all you get for this one, but hey, its five pages. In the following story (coming up) I did eight pages and had sort of "background" story block, which I slightly regret now, but, when that comes up, let me know what you think.

ON THE MASTORISM FRONT: Not really doing much as far as DRAWING, but as far as writing, my brain seems to be exploding with good ideas that I'm sure the Mastorism fans out there will love. I had to write about it because I'm excited, but I don't really want to reveal anything either. So…. hmm… I'll just say for now that the bad guy is who you think it is, and by the time we pick up the story (some time has passed) a lot of people in the Mastorism U will probably have wished they had been more supportive to John John.

Alright… that's quite a bit of typing for one evening, so I'll just say thanks for reading and commenting, and we'll pick up again next Wednesday!


Comment replies:

AzuJOD - Honorary toaster. Heck, I'll mention it in the page page comments even (which You've likely already read, but I have yet to write… strange).

Jazzcop - Nice to see you here.

DAJB - Not until she's had her coffee, anyway!

trevor - Some how, I knew you'd enjoy this.

Jabali - in control and out of control, all once, I'd say.

darkwaterfrey - Glad you diggit! I still need to get back to you about that possible collab… still thinking about it… just.. slow I guess!

mushroom - You have! More than most, actually, since you have the book. Other folks may have caught that particular page as a "break filler" in between Mastorism 3 and 4, but without the lettering.

Ben - I thought about that, but then people would think I'm a hot chick, and I'd probably start getting weird emails. What you don't like my self portrait?

repoman - Awsomized!

wellsee - Aww you just caught her on a bad day!

oldguy - Hmm… or the Spanish Inquisition?


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