Extra stuff of the other comics First Prev - Setar: Aya and Sanae - Setar- Random Rich Setarian - Setar: Trina Sekait 'Armor' Design! - Setar: Yur (80s vision) - Setar: Ukitah - SETAR WALLPAPER - Memory tower! - Mu's Avatar 2010 - Setar: Zara Armor Design 01? - RM: Ramza brown profile - Other: Ramza red profile - Setar: Zara meets books - BIRTHDAY CAKE - Setar: Height comparison - SETAR WALLPAPER: Zara wallpaper! - Valentine Picture! - Random Swords! And how! - PSO: Wacom fun with Music Kitty - Setar: Veitz and Gin - I'm alive! - PSO: Random FOmar - Setar: Trina practice page. - All: Child's practice, - Setar: Typical girl outfits - Setar: Things that are pretty... - Random/unamed story: Scarlets - Setar: Happy halloween! 08 - PSO Comic: A PREVIEW! - Random: Random puppy boy! - Random: Flash doodle. - Setar: WRYYYY - Setar: A typical city in the desert - None: Random Cyborg theif 'Thou' - Setar: Very small picture of a 'place' - Setar: Soon-future character doing the good old LEEKSPIN - Setar: Fanart from Toshubi - Setar: Fanart from KALI! - Sonic Booooooooooooooooooom *Name unrelated* - Zatya's Jestress (Giftart!) - Secret Santa Received Fanart of Trina - Setar: Future character - Setar: Adventures in catnip - Comic of which I haven't made yet: Trio of troublemakers. - SETAR: ANIMATED FIRST PAGE WTF O,o?! - Setar: Halloween 2007 - Setar: Reverse gender beam! *Kapow!* - Random: Dead man's face - Random: Shot in the Back - Setar: What page 16 looks like without flat Coloring. - Setar: Old Katrina - Setarish: A residence of Tara - Setar: Zara in normal clothes - No comic: Small update - No comic: Haaay you guuuuys! - Setar: MS Paint no 6 - Fanart: Everyday life of Sho and Kye. - Setar: MALACHITE DANCE INCOMPRETE - PSO: Pwew Pwew Pwew Lazers! - MS paint series 5/5 - MS paint series 4/5 - MS paint series 3/5 - MS paint series 2/5 - MS paint series 1/5 - Setar: Zara watches fireworks with some non-feline guy!! - Setar: Shirtless Zara *nosebleed* - All and None: More better/newer race sketches! - Setar: Cover, dress type, Ver. 01 - Unreleased story Mutation: Ru-Red! - Setar: Possible cover sketch. - All/none: Xel has happy fun time - None: Snaaaaaaaake mech! - All and none of the storys: A sketch of various races. - FANART: BEST FRICKEN PUN EVER - Setar: Comparison page - FANART: Toshubi, from Blade of Toshubi, by Toshubi. - Setar/Alixixi story: Hey... who is that person thats actually tall? - A Picture of my friend! - PSO: The leekspin! - Setar + Random person: Sideways Fireworks! - PSO fanart: MEGID 08 07 06 05 04 - Setar: Lookie! Gin with a scyth! - Setar: Ivy cat! - Claw Dance: MILKES! - Setar: Zara profile - Setar: Profile picture of Malachite. - Setar: Gyper profile - Setar: ZOMG deitys - Setar: Another pretty picture! - Setar: Unfinished Watercolor of Zara - Setar: Easter Fanservice Malachite (Look away Chay Chan!) - Setar: Tara - Setar: Veitz - DD Civil War: Mutation - Phantasy Star Online: Kujo 2.0 Or, "Kujjles" Or ,"Skanky Ho 2.0" - Setar: This sword = Important - Gin Amana - Setar: New series teaser? O.o - Heaven: Unfinished Cover - Concept art Alixixi's friend's room - Concept art: 'Serephim's conferance room' - Ballroom Conceptual visuals - Unlikely - Setar: Far future Character, (Took for ever. O.o) - Setar- Alixixi - Setar - Kavirna Next Last First Prev - Setar: Aya and Sanae - Setar- Random Rich Setarian - Setar: Trina Sekait 'Armor' Design! - Setar: Yur (80s vision) - Setar: Ukitah - SETAR WALLPAPER - Memory tower! - Mu's Avatar 2010 - Setar: Zara Armor Design 01? - RM: Ramza brown profile - Other: Ramza red profile - Setar: Zara meets books - BIRTHDAY CAKE - Setar: Height comparison - SETAR WALLPAPER: Zara wallpaper! - Valentine Picture! - Random Swords! And how! - PSO: Wacom fun with Music Kitty - Setar: Veitz and Gin - I'm alive! - PSO: Random FOmar - Setar: Trina practice page. - All: Child's practice, - Setar: Typical girl outfits - Setar: Things that are pretty... - Random/unamed story: Scarlets - Setar: Happy halloween! 08 - PSO Comic: A PREVIEW! - Random: Random puppy boy! - Random: Flash doodle. - Setar: WRYYYY - Setar: A typical city in the desert - None: Random Cyborg theif 'Thou' - Setar: Very small picture of a 'place' - Setar: Soon-future character doing the good old LEEKSPIN - Setar: Fanart from Toshubi - Setar: Fanart from KALI! - Sonic Booooooooooooooooooom *Name unrelated* - Zatya's Jestress (Giftart!) - Secret Santa Received Fanart of Trina - Setar: Future character - Setar: Adventures in catnip - Comic of which I haven't made yet: Trio of troublemakers. - SETAR: ANIMATED FIRST PAGE WTF O,o?! - Setar: Halloween 2007 - Setar: Reverse gender beam! *Kapow!* - Random: Dead man's face - Random: Shot in the Back - Setar: What page 16 looks like without flat Coloring. - Setar: Old Katrina - Setarish: A residence of Tara - Setar: Zara in normal clothes - No comic: Small update - No comic: Haaay you guuuuys! - Setar: MS Paint no 6 - Fanart: Everyday life of Sho and Kye. - Setar: MALACHITE DANCE INCOMPRETE - PSO: Pwew Pwew Pwew Lazers! - MS paint series 5/5 - MS paint series 4/5 - MS paint series 3/5 - MS paint series 2/5 - MS paint series 1/5 - Setar: Zara watches fireworks with some non-feline guy!! - Setar: Shirtless Zara *nosebleed* - All and None: More better/newer race sketches! - Setar: Cover, dress type, Ver. 01 - Unreleased story Mutation: Ru-Red! - Setar: Possible cover sketch. - All/none: Xel has happy fun time - None: Snaaaaaaaake mech! - All and none of the storys: A sketch of various races. - FANART: BEST FRICKEN PUN EVER - Setar: Comparison page - FANART: Toshubi, from Blade of Toshubi, by Toshubi. - Setar/Alixixi story: Hey... who is that person thats actually tall? - A Picture of my friend! - PSO: The leekspin! - Setar + Random person: Sideways Fireworks! - PSO fanart: MEGID 08 07 06 05 04 - Setar: Lookie! Gin with a scyth! - Setar: Ivy cat! - Claw Dance: MILKES! - Setar: Zara profile - Setar: Profile picture of Malachite. - Setar: Gyper profile - Setar: ZOMG deitys - Setar: Another pretty picture! - Setar: Unfinished Watercolor of Zara - Setar: Easter Fanservice Malachite (Look away Chay Chan!) - Setar: Tara - Setar: Veitz - DD Civil War: Mutation - Phantasy Star Online: Kujo 2.0 Or, "Kujjles" Or ,"Skanky Ho 2.0" - Setar: This sword = Important - Gin Amana - Setar: New series teaser? O.o - Heaven: Unfinished Cover - Concept art Alixixi's friend's room - Concept art: 'Serephim's conferance room' - Ballroom Conceptual visuals - Unlikely - Setar: Far future Character, (Took for ever. O.o) - Setar- Alixixi - Setar - Kavirna Next Last Author notes Setar: Zara in normal clothes Mutation on Aug. 31, 2007 I forgot that I sent this to someone for a reason…And didn't put it up here. So, Zara. In normal clothes. Comments Please login to comment. 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