FF4 REAdvance

The Ninja Code really does say that

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The Ninja Code really does say that


Well here we are another instalment, also that jury duty I told you about kicks in tomorrow so yeah uh lots of fun.

Also the comic has a site now, for those of you who missed it. It's not much though. http://www.freewebs.com/ff4readvance/

Now another little thing that's been annoying me all day. This whole idea of the ASCC (Anti-Sprite Coalition) starting a flame war or whatever it is people think their immature enough to do.

I think we're all better then starting flame wars now arn't we? I have no problem with ASCC infact I have skims through their forums now and again to see what sprite comic faults to avoid as the posts tend to be pretty useful in that regard. I wont joine mind you as I'd have nothing to post, there's even posts on how they can help spriters.

But a flamewar!? That's just stupid.


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