Fate of Friends

Author notes

IRToaster onGym's Entry one:
I look back to that one fateful day, eight years ago. Thats when it all started. Manic and Gerald had came over to my home, to help hone my battle skills, so I could test to become a swordsman. Gerald had brang an acolyte with him, teacher her the ways of healing so she could become a priest at an early age.
Manic had baught my a sword. It was pretty heavy at first, but I got use to it. While we were training, Jiren had came out, alerting us that prontera was under attack. However, it didn't sound like a normal attack… [To be continued]
This is my frist RO comic with a background. The background is a bit fuzzy, since I kept stretching it. However, I got it down. Please comment on the title page too. I'd like commentary on my drawing. :D
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Sure wish I had photoshop. I'll take your advice.
Hariku at
yeah. and photo shop for my chat bubbles.
IRToaster at
You are using paint?
Hariku at
Here's a tip, if your using paint, do "Comic Sans MS" for your font, thats what i use.
Hariku at
Pretty good! Keep it up! I enjoy reading some RO Comics /no1
alchemicallyyours at
Woohoo! Love the RO sprite comics… I'll be watching this one.
Only thing I'd suggest you change ATM is the font. It's not bad, but it's not as readable as it could be. :o
Zjin at
sweet, i love me some RO comics, keep em coming ;)