

Author notes



I had a really busy weekend.

On Friday night, we had a Coffee House at my school. It was rad. I wrote and read a story. Also, I drank lots of coffee!!!

On Saturday I went to a battle of the bands. (The boyfriend's friends are in a band and were AWESOMELY AWESOME and so we went to see them. There were over 100 bands there!)

Today, I went to the Bears game. It was really cold. I've never been to a Bears game before, so of course I had to go to the coldest one this season so far for my first game, haha. It was fun, though. Watching a bunch of guys run and crash into each other makes me laugh.

Anywho, I will try and update this ridiculousness tomorrow evening. (And if you have been reading this comic so far, thanks so much! Just thought I'd say that.)


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