- Just another minute. - Hold that thought. - Different generations. - Time to sleep. - where is engelbert - Look out, behind you! - Terrible weapon. - Yeep and Mauser, running for their lives. - Yappy dog! - Listen first, kill later. - Fraternizing with bears. - The hunt is on. - We can hear them. - Questions that need answers. - Explain it to me. - Glad to hear it. - No need for violence! - Too many! - No heroics. - I smell blood. - Use of weapons. - Did you hear something? - There's another way. - Sneaky little spy. - The bears are coming. - What is this place? - They are coming. - This is forbidden. - Can we eat him? - Step aside. - Strange noises. - The secret. - You need not worry. - How did I get here. - bear very angry - New arm looks cool. - cat jump high - New addition. - This is a crime scene. - Are you hungry? - Are you trying to anger me? - No way back! - What could possibly go wrong? - Are they alive? - Have I touched a nerve? - Bad day. - Stay dedded. - There is no need for alarm. - No need to be nervous. - Answering Nature's call. - Piddle on it. - Fresh meat. - Is that okay? - Initiate behavioral therapy. - Engelbert. - Nuthin' to it. - I'll find a way. - This is your last day. - Sounds like dinner to me. - Gets my vote. - You big, dumb bear! - I'm feeling peckish. - Pack law. - Just don't get caught. - What in poop's name is that? - Fancy meeting you here? - Insatiable curiosity. - Obey your master. - Storage chamber. - Close shave. - Watch out for the traps! - You are here. - Basic misunderstanding. - Where am I? - Gotta find a way inside. - Long way down. - Just let go. - It's an awful long way down... - Can you swim? - Throwing your voice? - Why'd you help me? - Sneaking, me? - The Penalty Author notes I'll find a way. dpat57 on July 5, 2017 Mauser isn't going to give up.He noticed the cable when he was jammed in the air duct earlier, hiding from the magister.Other comics on The Duck:Captain Gold and the Robotrons • Crowbar: A Sci-Fi Adventure • Space Pirates of the Black Quarter! • Starship Captain II • MARS II • Secret Agent: British Intelligence II • Sword Princess Yukisaki II • You Call That A Stick Figure Comic?My webcomics hub (offsite). Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register ${ comment.author }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete Reply ${ comment.author }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete «previous set of pages «previous set of pages page ${ page.number }} ... next set of pages» next set of pages»
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