Ellipsis The end of the travel from a run-down tavern to the place where Octavia waits patiently for Thane to come back with a decent firepower… While Thane completes his letters, Nero enjoys the trip, even though boat travel isn't exactly his cup of tea. However, you can travel incognito better by renting a cruise ship than by taking the Oversea Train.
Which doesn't link the countries of the Sphere to the Outer Ring.
Explanations on those concepts are coming in the next pages! Reply:
Szyszka666: Thanks a lot and welcome to this story!
KimLuster: Thanks a lot! I hesitated a bit with the brutal transition, but it may be a good way to get down to business. :p
Tharisfal: Welcome back! Sorry to have taken so much time to update again. :p I'm glad it filled your expectations so far (though having posted two pages until now), I can promise that it'll get more exciting from now on!
Jamie59: I was sure I had corrected that when proofreading! xD Oh well… Thanks!
Peipei: Thanks a lot! I'm still trying to improve though… XD
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