GOLD 24 Hour Comic Day 2020 project version 1
![Page 11](/media/users/Toby%20Durr/comics/GOLD_24_Hour_Comic_Day_2020_project_version_1/web/BExzwgqaa9.jpg)
Author notes
Page 11
Toby Durr onI had an idea ages ago that you could have a character with ice powers who actually heats themselves up when freezing other stuff. It seems to follow a kind of logic (as much as you can bring logic into magic), like the heat that's drawn out to make stuff freeze is drawn into his body, or… something.
I don't know how obvious it is, but this is also why he was sitting further away from the fire on page 10 (because he's still hot from using his powers) and why he pushed her across the ice bridge first on page 9 (in case he accidentally melted it while walking across himself). Without that context it kind of just looks like he's being a dick in both cases. Whoops
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