Goldstar Of Wishes and Miracles
Goldstar: Of Wishes and Miracles Issue 1 Page 28

Author notes

Goldstar: Of Wishes and Miracles Issue 1 Page 28


Alright! Here we are, the last page of the first issue of five of "Goldstar: Of Wishes and Miracles"!
I seriously can't believe that I actually did it, usually I get lazy and postpone for like months or even years before I get that energy burst I need to get things done. Maybe its because I had help with friends from the wonderful community group within Deviant Universe to let me overcome my own insecurities as a writer and artist by just having fun and do the comic for myself and be happy if anyone reads this and enjoys what I have in mind.
While this issue may have been rather lacking of action scenes, I really wanted to establish things like the relationships between the main characters, the MacGuffin that is the mysterious wish granting artefact and such before we get to the actions and thrills that will be happening.
The random flashbacks of Goldstar fighting her opponents from the DU Battle Royale tournament was actually inspired by this really damn good comic "Starlight: The Return of Duke McQueen" by written by Mark Millar with art by Goran Parlov which is basically a huge love letter to those older space opera and science fantasy classics like Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers and the John Carter of Mars series and what I can best describe it as "Flash Gordon meets The Incredibles". In the first issue, the main protagonist Duke McQueen who is like in his late 60s has random memory flashbacks as his prime time as a space hero and saving distant planet from a tyrannical overlord forty years earlier.
I felt that I wanted to do the same, establish the story that takes place after the tournament in outer space that Goldstar won without people having to read that story in order to understand what has happened in this one and while it may not the best way to tell, I do feel like I did good enough job about it.


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