
Author notes

The Greatest Superhero p1
CartoonistWill onWelcome back, Gospel Chums!
Page one of the Gospelman Adventures story "The Greatest Superhero" is officially complete!
I need to go ahead and jump back to the Benaiah comic, but I've been on fire lately to create comics. Really wanted to hit Gospelman here. The anime "Bakuman," about two boys creating comics together, has really motivated me lately. I guess seeing others, even fictional people, creating comics is encouraging me to do likewise.
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/GospelmanMinistries
For those of you just "tuning" in who do not have a subscription to my Patreon, I'm a cartoonist and missionary Will Boyer and for just $1 a month you can help support this comic book and children's character costume ministry to continue to produce stories and perform skits and magic tricks in order to reach young people - and their parents - for Christ. Just click on the link above that says "Become a Patron." And if you would rather subscribe for higher than $1 a month, by all means, you can. You get special behind the scenes posts as I work on the pages. The pages will not be publicly shown to readers until they are 100% finished. The comic is always free to read but books cost money to print and your subscription or donations can help to alleviate printing costs so that I can get both the free and cover price issues of Gospelman into the hands of children and their parents. Your subscription or donations will also go towards costs of the children's costume and gospel magic ministry. And if you can't afford to support this ministry of mine financially, please consider praying for me. Thank you!
Anyway, fun factoids about today's comic page:
A. The characters are outside Micheal's Marvels (misspelled intentionally) comic shop, previously found in Sanford, NC. Pastor Robbie who owned and managed the store and I were talking years back about him supporting Gospelman comics in exchange for his shop appearing in one of the stories. I proposed this one and sent him some roughs or storyboards of the comic. I think he wanted to see real progress before committing. Unfortunately he passed away to be with the Lord in the years since. Unless his family objects, I'll be putting in the old shop logos (original drawn by Al Bigley) and dedicating this issue to him in his memory.
B. Beulah, USA, where Gospelman lives, is a small rural American town. To capture this feel I cameoed Archie, Jughead, Veronica and Betty as well as Clark Kent walking down the sidewalks, all characters from small towns. I'm sure that these cameos aren't copyright infringing in the least or I wouldn't have done them.
C. Billy and his little brother Timmy are both named after Billy and Tommy from Marvel comics but are also visually based after Beetle Bailey and the UK and American Dennis the Menace characters. Billy is known as Billy the Bully and Timmy as Timmy the Timid, to honor Dennis the Menace. Their last names are Humphreys after a missionary to the Jewish people I knew back in Bible college who I believe may have gone on to be with the Lord in recent years.
Until next time, Gospel Chums!
- Will Boyer
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