
Grim 4-43

Author notes

Grim 4-43


IM SORRY!!!!!! yeah…i didint update fer like…4 days..or was it 5….umm well sorry….but umm i did do all those bulk update things…so yeah….but its back to one page a day now. cause i got school again…dam…that week went by waaay to fast…..

so yeah. isisnt genrou pretty? i love genrou….but again…he dosint have a very big part in this so far. cause hes not really intertwined with anything that grims presently doing… more about genrou.. i think i mentioned that ahh! forget it. ill talk about him in the FORUMS so go read it. cause genrou's explination is too long to put here…

on a very off topic side note….whats with may? (the month) a ka-jillion good movies are coming out in may*cough*spiderman3shrek3andotherreallycoolstuffthatidontrememberrightnow*cough*, really good video games are being released in may *cough*.hack//GUvol.2*cough* and then theres mothers day…gah! must think of a gift for mother! (–); aaan then we have fanime con! the con im gonna go to in sanjose!……are any of you guys going? i admit its not a very widely know con…..but umm yeaaah….


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