
Author notes

Chapter1 Page8
Joneko onA suggestion very unappreciated, Jack.
Hey! I'm not dead! My scanner was, and my laptop was, my markers were, and even photoshop died on me briefly but I AM NOT DEAD AND NEITHER IS THIS COMIC.
I can't explain what a relief, what a happy feeling, it is to finally be able to update this.
I've also begun UStreaming along with Real-Scott (who inspired character Scott on pages 3 and 6), who accompanies my comicking with instrumentation. This last time was clarinet, this next may be sax or violin or who knows! At any rate, the channel is http://www.ustream.tv/channel/hamelin-artandentertainment and keep an eye out, as the casts are quite fun and arts-filled. Soon there may also be recorded videos up, whether those be instrument-related or art-related. What might you all be interested in seeing?
I have also made some wonderful comic-friends, please go check out Goodbye Chains (http://www.goodbyechains.com) with exquisite art that far surpasses this, and Lavender Legend (http://emeraldwinter.net/lavender/?id=1), the characters of which have at one point made me laugh until there were tears in my eyes. The artists of both are really just great, very fun people.
Thank you thank you thank you and I am back.
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