Chapter 2 Page 12

Author notes

Chapter 2 Page 12


I remember when Deep Space 9 premiered, and people said how hard it is to keep things interesting on a space station, as opposed to a space ship. A ship can just go where the action is!

In this case, I wanted to create a contained space that was ripe with mystery. Here, you don't really have to go far to venture into the unknown…

There's a deeper reason for choosing this location too. "Exploration of the unknown" in a "contained space" can be a metaphor for a lot of things. As you probably know, I like to use several layers of meaning at once; and among these, there are two dominant layers in this comic. One of these - a pretty basic one - is reflecting the process of making the comic within the comic itself: a sort of meta-layer. These are just little hints though… I wouldn't wanna spoil anything :3 But I hope HOLON can be enjoyed just for its "surface" story too. In fact, I have to actively remind myself at times to not JUST tell the story, but to keep track of the other layers of meaning.

Thanks for reading and commenting!


sux: Once again, I couldn't have said it better myself :-) Space-travel simply comes with a different sort of psychological stress than being on a station. But since I'm also channelling my own experiences here, and I'm less of an adventurer than a hermit, a space station might not be too far-fetched :P

Lemniskate: Die Augen können ja aus verschiedenen Gründen brennen! Aber in der Regel hoffe ich doch, dass das tiefere Einsteigen in meine Comics nicht mit körperlichen Schmerzen verbunden ist :-) Und zu dem "as you know" von letzter Seite: Narrative Klischees sind manchmal eben doch von Vorteil… ist letztlich eine Kosten-Nutzen-Abwägung. In meinem Fall ist es so, dass ich früher ALLE möglichen narrativen Klischees in Bausch und Bogen abgelehnt habe. Was dazu geführt hat, dass die wenigsten meine Comics verstanden haben… also benutze ich jetzt zumindest (hoffentlich?) sparsam Klischees. Das auf der vorherigen Seite könnte auch als reine Betonung gesehen werden, nicht nur als Wiederholung von etwas, was alle bereits wissen. Manchmal "erinnert" man sich gegenseitig im Gespräch an Dinge, um sie extra zu betonen.

DAJB: Hush! I don't want you scaring away any androgynous readers! :3

Jabali: I have to admit that I may have been slightly too young for DS9 back when it aired for the first time. I had really enjoyed TNG and the whole concept of "to boldly go, etc.", so DS9 didn't grab me quite as much. I did watch it regularly for a few season though, I think ^_^

skreem, Peipei, raven37, Nepath, Zephyrion, man in black, mmm bacon0: Thanks!


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