How Unfortunate

Chapter Nine- Page 14

Author notes

Chapter Nine- Page 14


Hello Duckies. I hope that everyone had a great Holiday weekend. My Christmas was pretty busy but it was a good one. I could do without the snowstorm that's hitting my area at the moment. Shoveling sucks!

Now to the comments:

Void- I'm happy that you're still happy! :D

ghostrunner- Ah, the wonders of sci-fi technology.

croxtonhas- Thank you and I hope that your holiday was great as well.

Antionestrife- She is on a roll tonight.

Peipei and jerrie- Thanks! :D

That's all for now. Now that the shopping and visiting relatives and all of the other craziness of Christmas is done, the next update should be ready on Thursday. So I'll see you then for the final update of 2010.

Rock on!


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