How Unfortunate

Chapter Nine- Page 15

Author notes

Chapter Nine- Page 15


Hey Drunken Ones. Here it is. The last update of 2010. Hope that you enjoyed it.

On to the comments:

ghostrunner- Judging by the explosion, I think its safe to assume that Tina heard the 'bimbo' comment. :D

jerrie- One of the hotties had to go. Something had to give. Life is so unfair.

Void- Keep on with the happiness. :)

croxtonhas- Thanks. :D

Antionestrife- Yep, Brenda most definitely knows Tina. And she's responding like most people done wrong by a friend would (If they had superpowers, that is).

Peipei and indigobunting- Thanks!! :D

Well, that's all for now. I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Lets hope that 2011 is much better to all of us. Thanks again for reading How Unfortunate.

Rock On!!


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