- Through the Tunnels
- Follow Me
- Waterfall
- Joined Effort
- The Devil's Throat
- Disciples
- Meteorite
- Anxious For Battle
- What I Missed
- Silenced
- Luck
- None of the Above
- Multiple Choice
- Sparring
- Premium Demon
- Demon Attack
- Double Needle Syringe
- Going Through
- Helping Juan
- Ambulance
- Perhaps
- Deprived of Their Souls
- Son of Angel
- Nephilim
- In Control
- Intangible
Chapter 2: The Devil's Throat
- Through The Heart
- More Man Than Monster
- Tears
- Kick in the Butt
- Bad News
- The color of blood
- When Fists Do The Talking
- Glow
- Strongest One?
- Bleed?
- Enter the Hulk!!!
- 'Nuff Said!
- Green Pills
- Breaking In
- Meet My Friendly Fist
- That's Gotta Hurt!
- Run!
- Smashed Beetle
- Not a Pleasure
- Healthy Patient
- Chit-Chat
- Doctor Needs Doctor
- Savior
- Nutcracker
- Off Guard
- Bullets Do Hurt
- PAF!
- Bestialo Attacks!
- Orange Pill
- Too Late
- Ciclos
- Volkswagen Beetle
- Shooting Beauty
- New Target
- Guillermo Vilas
- Paseo Pueblos Blancos
- Problems On The Double
- Aspirin
- Big Branch
- Let's Go Look
- ... Do It Yourself
- Noise
- Bang!
- On My Own!
- Stalker in the Woods
- Bonafide
- My Torment
- Brilliant Man
- Live In No Hurry
- Mar de las Pampas
- At Ezeiza
- It's a Bird
- Under Control
Chapter 1: Perdiendo el Control
Author notes
Having such strength in his legs, it's curious that the Hulk doesn't kick his opponents more often. Fortunately, he used that technique here, and as the episode well states, Bestialo won't be able to sit down for a month.
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Login or RegisterMr Kaos at
pure epic! xD
julio at
Stevesan, thanks much!
Stevesan at
Amazing art and story, this is definitely The Incredible Hulk!