I got it in my mouth First Prev - Mind Boom City. - Hat. - Lesson 2. - LaughGasm. - Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Tit. - Nascar Effect. - Women Shouldn't Drive....Seriously, They Shouldn't. - Mild Hiatus. - Fap Away Home. - Negro Friday. - Topical Humour a Few Weeks Late. - Von: Now Officially Old. - The DrunkRing. - Why Do Women Do It? - Back In The Game. - Trivia. - Sploosh! - Swish! - Gamble the Rent. - To Be Or Not To Be - Cher. - Run. Quickly. Now. - Bird Shat on My Head. Fuck That. - It's Not Racist If It's Funny. - Fuzzy Money Logic. - The Content Smile of Tedmund. - Pseudo-300. - Forget Donkey Punch; Dream Punch. - Attractiveness Vs. Wealth. - Any Sex with a Fat Woman is Rape. - Classic Dicks. - World Ending Poon. - Not Even Women Get Women. - Fuck Being a Fan. Like My Name. - V to A. - Xenophobia. - Classy TV. - Birology. - Glasses Not Included. - Ice Cold. - Micheal Jackson Said Something Similar. - Cheese, Grommit! - If You Try to Fail and Succeed.... - The Hangover Devil. - Chumps - Venion's Torment. - Drunk Thoughts. - Worst Excuse Ever. - Hand-job the Owie Instead, Perhaps? - No Promotion, Like a Boss! - Simplified Speed Dating. - Go Away. - Hippies; Natures Hypocrites. - Charlie Sheen's Show. - Routine, Routine. - I Want to Retire. - They Always Go Pop! - iPad3. - Scaling. - Raype. - I Nearly Did it... Charlie Sheen's Show. Hippies; Natures Hypocrites. Work. Simplified Speed Dating. No Promotion, Like a Boss! Hand-job the Owie Instead, Perhaps? Computer Go Boom! 250! - I'm Back! And So is Tedmund's Cock! Win, Win! - Multi Tasking. - Australia. - Drink Break. - BAM! And the Cum is Gone! - Kinect....LIVE! - Apparently Happiness Equals Drunkenness. - Gamble Merry You Punters. - Bieber Brundlefly. - Festive Cock: Not Just a Merry Rooster. - The Baconator: Chock Full of Maturity. - My Cock Smells Like Bacon and I Love it! - Breaky; The Eighth Seventh Dwarf. - Fatty Diet. - Mac Attack. - Warm and Fun For Everyone. - Grandma Gives Good Hand Jobs. - Double Meanings Fucking Rock. - She Just got a Mouthful of Literature. - Winston, You Sly Dog. - Hand in Hand They Don't Go. - Half the U.S Would be Muted if These Existed. - Tasty Beans. - Circular Room? FUCK YOU!?! - How to Trick Stupid People. - Fuck I Come Up with Strange Titles. - Boss's Are Fucking Stupid. - Looking Down. - Racist? Probably... - Two Hands With One Cock. - Something Alcohol This Way Comes. - Internet. - Racist? Probably... - The Bane of Free Time. - Puzzle Dick. - Gettin' Jiggly With It! - Terrible Parents. - C.S.I Here I Come! - Foreskin Forehead. - Jacking The Baby. - Fool Me Twice, I'll Hospitalise You! - Despite All My Rage... - Gotta Catch 'Em All!! - Laundry Day. - Beginnings. - Nuf. - It Should be a Real Life Achievement! - Genius. - Irreversible Case of Death. - I've Never Read Them. - Getting Fucked by Probability . - Russian Chat Roulette! Everybody Wins! - IEMD: Improvised Explosive Mint Device. - Forklifting. - Diving; and not the Muff Kind. - Drunk Duck? Drunk Von! - Von Exposes Rampant Sexism. - Dead Horse, I'm Beating It. - Tricky Dick. - Shake it, Baby. - Hypothetical Miscarriage. - Winter Warmth. - Splitch. - Shaven Haven. - Justice Cock. - Young People are a Bunch of Assholes. - Cancer Check. - Obstacle Cock. - Might Cock! - Consuming Ass. - Whoops. - That Sickly Pallor. - Pop Goes the Dealer. - Rad Shot. - Right In the Mouth. - He was only 21. - Thrusting Swipe. - Trick Question. - Police Fire. - Fart High. - Dick Comments. - Face Like a Passion Fruit. - Tedmund the Intimate. - The Condition is Known as Fatuglyitis. - Run Bama! - Rude Little Shit. - Retards on Special. - Baby Got Back Bet. - All On BrackRack! - In N Out N Repeat Burger. - 10 Tonne Dick Joke. - Mutual Masturbation. - I Look Good in Leather Welts. - Minus the Awkwardness. - Straight as an Erect Dick. - How Long Does it Take Black Eyes to Heal? - Squiggles. - Tit Hug. - Pub Love. - The Story of Venion. Part 4. - The Story of Venion. Pt 3. - The Story of Venion. Pt 2. - The Story of Venion. - Embassy Hi-jinx - Kidneys are Fucking Awesome! - Phlegm of Luck. - Obama Vs Popularity. - Sexy Back. - Does Not Comply. - DUI - Determined to Undermine Integrity? - Zombie Love. - Nibble that Neck, you Dirty Bitch. - Zombie Racism -- A National Concern. - Zombie Larry. - I'm Going to Hell. - The Wedding Planner. - Dig Up, Stupid. - Very Wordy, or do I Mean Woody? - Deep, Penetrating, Political Content. - Clean Divorce. - Bobby the Inappropriate Masturbation Man. - The Obvious Answer. - Holding Hands. - Johnny the Revelator. - So Lonely. - Hate Crime. - Tedmund of Security. - Painted Face. - Easy Monies. - Baby Got Back (Revenge) - Hot Shotgun Injection. - Risky Fucking. - Upload This! - It's only Racist if it isn't Funny. - Discus Babies. - Her Name is Jiggles. - Two Birds. - Edgy Bitches. - Johnny in Love. - Whore Roar! - El Cid. - First Decent Angry Eyebrows. - Idiom is Just an Anagram for AWESOME! - Lock, Line, and Sinker! - Upper Muscle Sadness - Just Keep Digging. - Prejudice Bitches. - 101 - Why I Drink. - Breaking the Casino. - Tedmund. - Eroded Marriage. - Bitch Punch. - Croissant? - Cheque Please! - Hearing the Music. - Violence begets funerals. - Non-endowed Password. - Fucking Airports. - Johnny Fats - Demon Hole. - Assist This! - Fuck Windows 7 MSpaint. - Illegal in Most States. - Almost a True Story. - Bubble Friend. - Grape Flavoured. - Dilema. - Self Defence. - Spit Take - Johnny Cock-rin. - Bathroom Logic. - Guy Mopey. - Bad Dog. - Cock Chop v2.0. - Johnny Sunshine. - Johnny be Good....or not... - Oh, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny... - Thinking American. - Onya', Jim! - Johnny the Inconsiderate Cock. - Bread - Blow Back. - Skip the Snake. - Advice for Girls. - If only... - Himppossible - Flathead. - No Rain. - True Story. - Dot Com - Gargantuan Insizwa!! - Proteins and Explosions. - Bitch got run down. - Small Condoms - How loose? That loose! - More Gay Jokes. - Gambling and Intelligence don't mix. - Lolaznfag! - Fly away home. - Doggie Style. - The Australian Statue of Liberty. - Iraqi Fly. - The Smiley Pill. - Best Break Down EVER! - Burned. - Not to be taken orally. - Oblivious. - It's the end of the world as we know it; and I just smile! - Dad for Father's day. - Cock Chop. - I'm Obama the moon. - Snake Eyes. - Skiing 101 - Cock Blocking. - Gun Ownership2 - More Americans. - Garbage Pop. - Bitch be trippin' bricks. - Axle Head Ratio. - Loads and loads of foundation! - A mushroom and a retard. - More Racial Humour. - Gun Ownership. - Lumpy Balls. - Unintentionally Racist Man. - Awkward Silence Man. - Dedicated to LampDeskChair. - Pregnancy scare. - Save the Whales! - Bitch is evil! - An escape worthy of Houdini. - The Bible makes me lol. - Uncle Johnny isn't a very good uncle. - I wouldn't suggest this kind of behaviour. - The more cousin, the better. - Happy Birthday Mum! - Do celebrites' opinions matter? No, they don't. - This also happened to me. - This really happened to me. - Gameboy or Crackpipe? - He should join Atkins. - Gravity makes me lol. - Vegetarians should FOAD! - He'd be lucky to get on a roller coaster. - Cold, hot, HOT, BOILING! ~ I lost your child. - The trail of emo's increases. We must be close. - How to be inspired. Next Last First Prev - Mind Boom City. - Hat. - Lesson 2. - LaughGasm. - Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Tit. - Nascar Effect. - Women Shouldn't Drive....Seriously, They Shouldn't. - Mild Hiatus. - Fap Away Home. - Negro Friday. - Topical Humour a Few Weeks Late. - Von: Now Officially Old. - The DrunkRing. - Why Do Women Do It? - Back In The Game. - Trivia. - Sploosh! - Swish! - Gamble the Rent. - To Be Or Not To Be - Cher. - Run. Quickly. Now. - Bird Shat on My Head. Fuck That. - It's Not Racist If It's Funny. - Fuzzy Money Logic. - The Content Smile of Tedmund. - Pseudo-300. - Forget Donkey Punch; Dream Punch. - Attractiveness Vs. Wealth. - Any Sex with a Fat Woman is Rape. - Classic Dicks. - World Ending Poon. - Not Even Women Get Women. - Fuck Being a Fan. Like My Name. - V to A. - Xenophobia. - Classy TV. - Birology. - Glasses Not Included. - Ice Cold. - Micheal Jackson Said Something Similar. - Cheese, Grommit! - If You Try to Fail and Succeed.... - The Hangover Devil. - Chumps - Venion's Torment. - Drunk Thoughts. - Worst Excuse Ever. - Hand-job the Owie Instead, Perhaps? - No Promotion, Like a Boss! - Simplified Speed Dating. - Go Away. - Hippies; Natures Hypocrites. - Charlie Sheen's Show. - Routine, Routine. - I Want to Retire. - They Always Go Pop! - iPad3. - Scaling. - Raype. - I Nearly Did it... Charlie Sheen's Show. Hippies; Natures Hypocrites. Work. Simplified Speed Dating. No Promotion, Like a Boss! Hand-job the Owie Instead, Perhaps? Computer Go Boom! 250! - I'm Back! And So is Tedmund's Cock! Win, Win! - Multi Tasking. - Australia. - Drink Break. - BAM! And the Cum is Gone! - Kinect....LIVE! - Apparently Happiness Equals Drunkenness. - Gamble Merry You Punters. - Bieber Brundlefly. - Festive Cock: Not Just a Merry Rooster. - The Baconator: Chock Full of Maturity. - My Cock Smells Like Bacon and I Love it! - Breaky; The Eighth Seventh Dwarf. - Fatty Diet. - Mac Attack. - Warm and Fun For Everyone. - Grandma Gives Good Hand Jobs. - Double Meanings Fucking Rock. - She Just got a Mouthful of Literature. - Winston, You Sly Dog. - Hand in Hand They Don't Go. - Half the U.S Would be Muted if These Existed. - Tasty Beans. - Circular Room? FUCK YOU!?! - How to Trick Stupid People. - Fuck I Come Up with Strange Titles. - Boss's Are Fucking Stupid. - Looking Down. - Racist? Probably... - Two Hands With One Cock. - Something Alcohol This Way Comes. - Internet. - Racist? Probably... - The Bane of Free Time. - Puzzle Dick. - Gettin' Jiggly With It! - Terrible Parents. - C.S.I Here I Come! - Foreskin Forehead. - Jacking The Baby. - Fool Me Twice, I'll Hospitalise You! - Despite All My Rage... - Gotta Catch 'Em All!! - Laundry Day. - Beginnings. - Nuf. - It Should be a Real Life Achievement! - Genius. - Irreversible Case of Death. - I've Never Read Them. - Getting Fucked by Probability . - Russian Chat Roulette! Everybody Wins! - IEMD: Improvised Explosive Mint Device. - Forklifting. - Diving; and not the Muff Kind. - Drunk Duck? Drunk Von! - Von Exposes Rampant Sexism. - Dead Horse, I'm Beating It. - Tricky Dick. - Shake it, Baby. - Hypothetical Miscarriage. - Winter Warmth. - Splitch. - Shaven Haven. - Justice Cock. - Young People are a Bunch of Assholes. - Cancer Check. - Obstacle Cock. - Might Cock! - Consuming Ass. - Whoops. - That Sickly Pallor. - Pop Goes the Dealer. - Rad Shot. - Right In the Mouth. - He was only 21. - Thrusting Swipe. - Trick Question. - Police Fire. - Fart High. - Dick Comments. - Face Like a Passion Fruit. - Tedmund the Intimate. - The Condition is Known as Fatuglyitis. - Run Bama! - Rude Little Shit. - Retards on Special. - Baby Got Back Bet. - All On BrackRack! - In N Out N Repeat Burger. - 10 Tonne Dick Joke. - Mutual Masturbation. - I Look Good in Leather Welts. - Minus the Awkwardness. - Straight as an Erect Dick. - How Long Does it Take Black Eyes to Heal? - Squiggles. - Tit Hug. - Pub Love. - The Story of Venion. Part 4. - The Story of Venion. Pt 3. - The Story of Venion. Pt 2. - The Story of Venion. - Embassy Hi-jinx - Kidneys are Fucking Awesome! - Phlegm of Luck. - Obama Vs Popularity. - Sexy Back. - Does Not Comply. - DUI - Determined to Undermine Integrity? - Zombie Love. - Nibble that Neck, you Dirty Bitch. - Zombie Racism -- A National Concern. - Zombie Larry. - I'm Going to Hell. - The Wedding Planner. - Dig Up, Stupid. - Very Wordy, or do I Mean Woody? - Deep, Penetrating, Political Content. - Clean Divorce. - Bobby the Inappropriate Masturbation Man. - The Obvious Answer. - Holding Hands. - Johnny the Revelator. - So Lonely. - Hate Crime. - Tedmund of Security. - Painted Face. - Easy Monies. - Baby Got Back (Revenge) - Hot Shotgun Injection. - Risky Fucking. - Upload This! - It's only Racist if it isn't Funny. - Discus Babies. - Her Name is Jiggles. - Two Birds. - Edgy Bitches. - Johnny in Love. - Whore Roar! - El Cid. - First Decent Angry Eyebrows. - Idiom is Just an Anagram for AWESOME! - Lock, Line, and Sinker! - Upper Muscle Sadness - Just Keep Digging. - Prejudice Bitches. - 101 - Why I Drink. - Breaking the Casino. - Tedmund. - Eroded Marriage. - Bitch Punch. - Croissant? - Cheque Please! - Hearing the Music. - Violence begets funerals. - Non-endowed Password. - Fucking Airports. - Johnny Fats - Demon Hole. - Assist This! - Fuck Windows 7 MSpaint. - Illegal in Most States. - Almost a True Story. - Bubble Friend. - Grape Flavoured. - Dilema. - Self Defence. - Spit Take - Johnny Cock-rin. - Bathroom Logic. - Guy Mopey. - Bad Dog. - Cock Chop v2.0. - Johnny Sunshine. - Johnny be Good....or not... - Oh, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny... - Thinking American. - Onya', Jim! - Johnny the Inconsiderate Cock. - Bread - Blow Back. - Skip the Snake. - Advice for Girls. - If only... - Himppossible - Flathead. - No Rain. - True Story. - Dot Com - Gargantuan Insizwa!! - Proteins and Explosions. - Bitch got run down. - Small Condoms - How loose? That loose! - More Gay Jokes. - Gambling and Intelligence don't mix. - Lolaznfag! - Fly away home. - Doggie Style. - The Australian Statue of Liberty. - Iraqi Fly. - The Smiley Pill. - Best Break Down EVER! - Burned. - Not to be taken orally. - Oblivious. - It's the end of the world as we know it; and I just smile! - Dad for Father's day. - Cock Chop. - I'm Obama the moon. - Snake Eyes. - Skiing 101 - Cock Blocking. - Gun Ownership2 - More Americans. - Garbage Pop. - Bitch be trippin' bricks. - Axle Head Ratio. - Loads and loads of foundation! - A mushroom and a retard. - More Racial Humour. - Gun Ownership. - Lumpy Balls. - Unintentionally Racist Man. - Awkward Silence Man. - Dedicated to LampDeskChair. - Pregnancy scare. - Save the Whales! - Bitch is evil! - An escape worthy of Houdini. - The Bible makes me lol. - Uncle Johnny isn't a very good uncle. - I wouldn't suggest this kind of behaviour. - The more cousin, the better. - Happy Birthday Mum! - Do celebrites' opinions matter? No, they don't. - This also happened to me. - This really happened to me. - Gameboy or Crackpipe? - He should join Atkins. - Gravity makes me lol. - Vegetarians should FOAD! - He'd be lucky to get on a roller coaster. - Cold, hot, HOT, BOILING! ~ I lost your child. - The trail of emo's increases. We must be close. - How to be inspired. Next Last Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register Hucca at 25 Jul, 2008, 03:19 AM Lolwut: http://pojatitkee.blogspot.com/2008/06/serkumpi-on-herkumpi.html
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Lolwut: http://pojatitkee.blogspot.com/2008/06/serkumpi-on-herkumpi.html