I got it in my mouth First Prev - Mind Boom City. - Hat. - Lesson 2. - LaughGasm. - Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Tit. - Nascar Effect. - Women Shouldn't Drive....Seriously, They Shouldn't. - Mild Hiatus. - Fap Away Home. - Negro Friday. - Topical Humour a Few Weeks Late. - Von: Now Officially Old. - The DrunkRing. - Why Do Women Do It? - Back In The Game. - Trivia. - Sploosh! - Swish! - Gamble the Rent. - To Be Or Not To Be - Cher. - Run. Quickly. Now. - Bird Shat on My Head. Fuck That. - It's Not Racist If It's Funny. - Fuzzy Money Logic. - The Content Smile of Tedmund. - Pseudo-300. - Forget Donkey Punch; Dream Punch. - Attractiveness Vs. Wealth. - Any Sex with a Fat Woman is Rape. - Classic Dicks. - World Ending Poon. - Not Even Women Get Women. - Fuck Being a Fan. Like My Name. - V to A. - Xenophobia. - Classy TV. - Birology. - Glasses Not Included. - Ice Cold. - Micheal Jackson Said Something Similar. - Cheese, Grommit! - If You Try to Fail and Succeed.... - The Hangover Devil. - Chumps - Venion's Torment. - Drunk Thoughts. - Worst Excuse Ever. - Hand-job the Owie Instead, Perhaps? - No Promotion, Like a Boss! - Simplified Speed Dating. - Go Away. - Hippies; Natures Hypocrites. - Charlie Sheen's Show. - Routine, Routine. - I Want to Retire. - They Always Go Pop! - iPad3. - Scaling. - Raype. - I Nearly Did it... Charlie Sheen's Show. Hippies; Natures Hypocrites. Work. Simplified Speed Dating. No Promotion, Like a Boss! Hand-job the Owie Instead, Perhaps? Computer Go Boom! 250! - I'm Back! And So is Tedmund's Cock! Win, Win! - Multi Tasking. - Australia. - Drink Break. - BAM! And the Cum is Gone! - Kinect....LIVE! - Apparently Happiness Equals Drunkenness. - Gamble Merry You Punters. - Bieber Brundlefly. - Festive Cock: Not Just a Merry Rooster. - The Baconator: Chock Full of Maturity. - My Cock Smells Like Bacon and I Love it! - Breaky; The Eighth Seventh Dwarf. - Fatty Diet. - Mac Attack. - Warm and Fun For Everyone. - Grandma Gives Good Hand Jobs. - Double Meanings Fucking Rock. - She Just got a Mouthful of Literature. - Winston, You Sly Dog. - Hand in Hand They Don't Go. - Half the U.S Would be Muted if These Existed. - Tasty Beans. - Circular Room? FUCK YOU!?! - How to Trick Stupid People. - Fuck I Come Up with Strange Titles. - Boss's Are Fucking Stupid. - Looking Down. - Racist? Probably... - Two Hands With One Cock. - Something Alcohol This Way Comes. - Internet. - Racist? Probably... - The Bane of Free Time. - Puzzle Dick. - Gettin' Jiggly With It! - Terrible Parents. - C.S.I Here I Come! - Foreskin Forehead. - Jacking The Baby. - Fool Me Twice, I'll Hospitalise You! - Despite All My Rage... - Gotta Catch 'Em All!! - Laundry Day. - Beginnings. - Nuf. - It Should be a Real Life Achievement! - Genius. - Irreversible Case of Death. - I've Never Read Them. - Getting Fucked by Probability . - Russian Chat Roulette! Everybody Wins! - IEMD: Improvised Explosive Mint Device. - Forklifting. - Diving; and not the Muff Kind. - Drunk Duck? Drunk Von! - Von Exposes Rampant Sexism. - Dead Horse, I'm Beating It. - Tricky Dick. - Shake it, Baby. - Hypothetical Miscarriage. - Winter Warmth. - Splitch. - Shaven Haven. - Justice Cock. - Young People are a Bunch of Assholes. - Cancer Check. - Obstacle Cock. - Might Cock! - Consuming Ass. - Whoops. - That Sickly Pallor. - Pop Goes the Dealer. - Rad Shot. - Right In the Mouth. - He was only 21. - Thrusting Swipe. - Trick Question. - Police Fire. - Fart High. - Dick Comments. - Face Like a Passion Fruit. - Tedmund the Intimate. - The Condition is Known as Fatuglyitis. - Run Bama! - Rude Little Shit. - Retards on Special. - Baby Got Back Bet. - All On BrackRack! - In N Out N Repeat Burger. - 10 Tonne Dick Joke. - Mutual Masturbation. - I Look Good in Leather Welts. - Minus the Awkwardness. - Straight as an Erect Dick. - How Long Does it Take Black Eyes to Heal? - Squiggles. - Tit Hug. - Pub Love. - The Story of Venion. Part 4. - The Story of Venion. Pt 3. - The Story of Venion. Pt 2. - The Story of Venion. - Embassy Hi-jinx - Kidneys are Fucking Awesome! - Phlegm of Luck. - Obama Vs Popularity. - Sexy Back. - Does Not Comply. - DUI - Determined to Undermine Integrity? - Zombie Love. - Nibble that Neck, you Dirty Bitch. - Zombie Racism -- A National Concern. - Zombie Larry. - I'm Going to Hell. - The Wedding Planner. - Dig Up, Stupid. - Very Wordy, or do I Mean Woody? - Deep, Penetrating, Political Content. - Clean Divorce. - Bobby the Inappropriate Masturbation Man. - The Obvious Answer. - Holding Hands. - Johnny the Revelator. - So Lonely. - Hate Crime. - Tedmund of Security. - Painted Face. - Easy Monies. - Baby Got Back (Revenge) - Hot Shotgun Injection. - Risky Fucking. - Upload This! - It's only Racist if it isn't Funny. - Discus Babies. - Her Name is Jiggles. - Two Birds. - Edgy Bitches. - Johnny in Love. - Whore Roar! - El Cid. - First Decent Angry Eyebrows. - Idiom is Just an Anagram for AWESOME! - Lock, Line, and Sinker! - Upper Muscle Sadness - Just Keep Digging. - Prejudice Bitches. - 101 - Why I Drink. - Breaking the Casino. - Tedmund. - Eroded Marriage. - Bitch Punch. - Croissant? - Cheque Please! - Hearing the Music. - Violence begets funerals. - Non-endowed Password. - Fucking Airports. - Johnny Fats - Demon Hole. - Assist This! - Fuck Windows 7 MSpaint. - Illegal in Most States. - Almost a True Story. - Bubble Friend. - Grape Flavoured. - Dilema. - Self Defence. - Spit Take - Johnny Cock-rin. - Bathroom Logic. - Guy Mopey. - Bad Dog. - Cock Chop v2.0. - Johnny Sunshine. - Johnny be Good....or not... - Oh, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny... - Thinking American. - Onya', Jim! - Johnny the Inconsiderate Cock. - Bread - Blow Back. - Skip the Snake. - Advice for Girls. - If only... - Himppossible - Flathead. - No Rain. - True Story. - Dot Com - Gargantuan Insizwa!! - Proteins and Explosions. - Bitch got run down. - Small Condoms - How loose? That loose! - More Gay Jokes. - Gambling and Intelligence don't mix. - Lolaznfag! - Fly away home. - Doggie Style. - The Australian Statue of Liberty. - Iraqi Fly. - The Smiley Pill. - Best Break Down EVER! - Burned. - Not to be taken orally. - Oblivious. - It's the end of the world as we know it; and I just smile! - Dad for Father's day. - Cock Chop. - I'm Obama the moon. - Snake Eyes. - Skiing 101 - Cock Blocking. - Gun Ownership2 - More Americans. - Garbage Pop. - Bitch be trippin' bricks. - Axle Head Ratio. - Loads and loads of foundation! - A mushroom and a retard. - More Racial Humour. - Gun Ownership. - Lumpy Balls. - Unintentionally Racist Man. - Awkward Silence Man. - Dedicated to LampDeskChair. - Pregnancy scare. - Save the Whales! - Bitch is evil! - An escape worthy of Houdini. - The Bible makes me lol. - Uncle Johnny isn't a very good uncle. - I wouldn't suggest this kind of behaviour. - The more cousin, the better. - Happy Birthday Mum! - Do celebrites' opinions matter? No, they don't. - This also happened to me. - This really happened to me. - Gameboy or Crackpipe? - He should join Atkins. - Gravity makes me lol. - Vegetarians should FOAD! - He'd be lucky to get on a roller coaster. - Cold, hot, HOT, BOILING! ~ I lost your child. - The trail of emo's increases. We must be close. - How to be inspired. Next Last First Prev - Mind Boom City. - Hat. - Lesson 2. - LaughGasm. - Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Tit. - Nascar Effect. - Women Shouldn't Drive....Seriously, They Shouldn't. - Mild Hiatus. - Fap Away Home. - Negro Friday. - Topical Humour a Few Weeks Late. - Von: Now Officially Old. - The DrunkRing. - Why Do Women Do It? - Back In The Game. - Trivia. - Sploosh! - Swish! - Gamble the Rent. - To Be Or Not To Be - Cher. - Run. Quickly. Now. - Bird Shat on My Head. Fuck That. - It's Not Racist If It's Funny. - Fuzzy Money Logic. - The Content Smile of Tedmund. - Pseudo-300. - Forget Donkey Punch; Dream Punch. - Attractiveness Vs. Wealth. - Any Sex with a Fat Woman is Rape. - Classic Dicks. - World Ending Poon. - Not Even Women Get Women. - Fuck Being a Fan. Like My Name. - V to A. - Xenophobia. - Classy TV. - Birology. - Glasses Not Included. - Ice Cold. - Micheal Jackson Said Something Similar. - Cheese, Grommit! - If You Try to Fail and Succeed.... - The Hangover Devil. - Chumps - Venion's Torment. - Drunk Thoughts. - Worst Excuse Ever. - Hand-job the Owie Instead, Perhaps? - No Promotion, Like a Boss! - Simplified Speed Dating. - Go Away. - Hippies; Natures Hypocrites. - Charlie Sheen's Show. - Routine, Routine. - I Want to Retire. - They Always Go Pop! - iPad3. - Scaling. - Raype. - I Nearly Did it... Charlie Sheen's Show. Hippies; Natures Hypocrites. Work. Simplified Speed Dating. No Promotion, Like a Boss! Hand-job the Owie Instead, Perhaps? Computer Go Boom! 250! - I'm Back! And So is Tedmund's Cock! Win, Win! - Multi Tasking. - Australia. - Drink Break. - BAM! And the Cum is Gone! - Kinect....LIVE! - Apparently Happiness Equals Drunkenness. - Gamble Merry You Punters. - Bieber Brundlefly. - Festive Cock: Not Just a Merry Rooster. - The Baconator: Chock Full of Maturity. - My Cock Smells Like Bacon and I Love it! - Breaky; The Eighth Seventh Dwarf. - Fatty Diet. - Mac Attack. - Warm and Fun For Everyone. - Grandma Gives Good Hand Jobs. - Double Meanings Fucking Rock. - She Just got a Mouthful of Literature. - Winston, You Sly Dog. - Hand in Hand They Don't Go. - Half the U.S Would be Muted if These Existed. - Tasty Beans. - Circular Room? FUCK YOU!?! - How to Trick Stupid People. - Fuck I Come Up with Strange Titles. - Boss's Are Fucking Stupid. - Looking Down. - Racist? Probably... - Two Hands With One Cock. - Something Alcohol This Way Comes. - Internet. - Racist? Probably... - The Bane of Free Time. - Puzzle Dick. - Gettin' Jiggly With It! - Terrible Parents. - C.S.I Here I Come! - Foreskin Forehead. - Jacking The Baby. - Fool Me Twice, I'll Hospitalise You! - Despite All My Rage... - Gotta Catch 'Em All!! - Laundry Day. - Beginnings. - Nuf. - It Should be a Real Life Achievement! - Genius. - Irreversible Case of Death. - I've Never Read Them. - Getting Fucked by Probability . - Russian Chat Roulette! Everybody Wins! - IEMD: Improvised Explosive Mint Device. - Forklifting. - Diving; and not the Muff Kind. - Drunk Duck? Drunk Von! - Von Exposes Rampant Sexism. - Dead Horse, I'm Beating It. - Tricky Dick. - Shake it, Baby. - Hypothetical Miscarriage. - Winter Warmth. - Splitch. - Shaven Haven. - Justice Cock. - Young People are a Bunch of Assholes. - Cancer Check. - Obstacle Cock. - Might Cock! - Consuming Ass. - Whoops. - That Sickly Pallor. - Pop Goes the Dealer. - Rad Shot. - Right In the Mouth. - He was only 21. - Thrusting Swipe. - Trick Question. - Police Fire. - Fart High. - Dick Comments. - Face Like a Passion Fruit. - Tedmund the Intimate. - The Condition is Known as Fatuglyitis. - Run Bama! - Rude Little Shit. - Retards on Special. - Baby Got Back Bet. - All On BrackRack! - In N Out N Repeat Burger. - 10 Tonne Dick Joke. - Mutual Masturbation. - I Look Good in Leather Welts. - Minus the Awkwardness. - Straight as an Erect Dick. - How Long Does it Take Black Eyes to Heal? - Squiggles. - Tit Hug. - Pub Love. - The Story of Venion. Part 4. - The Story of Venion. Pt 3. - The Story of Venion. Pt 2. - The Story of Venion. - Embassy Hi-jinx - Kidneys are Fucking Awesome! - Phlegm of Luck. - Obama Vs Popularity. - Sexy Back. - Does Not Comply. - DUI - Determined to Undermine Integrity? - Zombie Love. - Nibble that Neck, you Dirty Bitch. - Zombie Racism -- A National Concern. - Zombie Larry. - I'm Going to Hell. - The Wedding Planner. - Dig Up, Stupid. - Very Wordy, or do I Mean Woody? - Deep, Penetrating, Political Content. - Clean Divorce. - Bobby the Inappropriate Masturbation Man. - The Obvious Answer. - Holding Hands. - Johnny the Revelator. - So Lonely. - Hate Crime. - Tedmund of Security. - Painted Face. - Easy Monies. - Baby Got Back (Revenge) - Hot Shotgun Injection. - Risky Fucking. - Upload This! - It's only Racist if it isn't Funny. - Discus Babies. - Her Name is Jiggles. - Two Birds. - Edgy Bitches. - Johnny in Love. - Whore Roar! - El Cid. - First Decent Angry Eyebrows. - Idiom is Just an Anagram for AWESOME! - Lock, Line, and Sinker! - Upper Muscle Sadness - Just Keep Digging. - Prejudice Bitches. - 101 - Why I Drink. - Breaking the Casino. - Tedmund. - Eroded Marriage. - Bitch Punch. - Croissant? - Cheque Please! - Hearing the Music. - Violence begets funerals. - Non-endowed Password. - Fucking Airports. - Johnny Fats - Demon Hole. - Assist This! - Fuck Windows 7 MSpaint. - Illegal in Most States. - Almost a True Story. - Bubble Friend. - Grape Flavoured. - Dilema. - Self Defence. - Spit Take - Johnny Cock-rin. - Bathroom Logic. - Guy Mopey. - Bad Dog. - Cock Chop v2.0. - Johnny Sunshine. - Johnny be Good....or not... - Oh, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny... - Thinking American. - Onya', Jim! - Johnny the Inconsiderate Cock. - Bread - Blow Back. - Skip the Snake. - Advice for Girls. - If only... - Himppossible - Flathead. - No Rain. - True Story. - Dot Com - Gargantuan Insizwa!! - Proteins and Explosions. - Bitch got run down. - Small Condoms - How loose? That loose! - More Gay Jokes. - Gambling and Intelligence don't mix. - Lolaznfag! - Fly away home. - Doggie Style. - The Australian Statue of Liberty. - Iraqi Fly. - The Smiley Pill. - Best Break Down EVER! - Burned. - Not to be taken orally. - Oblivious. - It's the end of the world as we know it; and I just smile! - Dad for Father's day. - Cock Chop. - I'm Obama the moon. - Snake Eyes. - Skiing 101 - Cock Blocking. - Gun Ownership2 - More Americans. - Garbage Pop. - Bitch be trippin' bricks. - Axle Head Ratio. - Loads and loads of foundation! - A mushroom and a retard. - More Racial Humour. - Gun Ownership. - Lumpy Balls. - Unintentionally Racist Man. - Awkward Silence Man. - Dedicated to LampDeskChair. - Pregnancy scare. - Save the Whales! - Bitch is evil! - An escape worthy of Houdini. - The Bible makes me lol. - Uncle Johnny isn't a very good uncle. - I wouldn't suggest this kind of behaviour. - The more cousin, the better. - Happy Birthday Mum! - Do celebrites' opinions matter? No, they don't. - This also happened to me. - This really happened to me. - Gameboy or Crackpipe? - He should join Atkins. - Gravity makes me lol. - Vegetarians should FOAD! - He'd be lucky to get on a roller coaster. - Cold, hot, HOT, BOILING! ~ I lost your child. - The trail of emo's increases. We must be close. - How to be inspired. Next Last Author notes The Smiley Pill. Von on Sept. 21, 2009 Guy Smiley in pill form. Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register RedCast15 at 02 Aug, 2010, 07:10 AM Hehe
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