Ice Pick
Volume 1, Chapter 1: First Frost

Author notes

Volume 1, Chapter 1: First Frost


Niccea: I'm happy to finally be able to release this project. My husband and I were trying to get this rolling for almost two years. It just took some time to figure out how it was going to get done. I'm sorry for the cop out for just having the cover page, but I like to have things nicely spaced, and the process of making these pages takes quite a bit a time. I would loose my advantageous buffer way too quickly.

Also, please check out my blog. There is a link for it on the left. It has behind the scenes information for the comic and other thing related. I will also have more lengthy comment responses when need. When I have enough posts, there will also be Project Wonderful space.

Ice Pick: Hello everyone. This is my first comic I have ever made. I have wanted to bring this to life for a long time. If it was not for my loving wife Clara (Niccea), motivating me to make this comic, and my collaboration with RPGgrenade to make this comic look awesome, this comic would not be coming today. I would like to make this a long going series, with great characters, a well thought out story plot, and, as in most action comics, great action scenes. Hope you all enjoy this series.


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