Insanity of Xade

Author notes



Yeah, I know, a modern looking cop car shouldn't be a stick shift, on Earth. However, this is Xade, a planet near the Horse Head Nebulae. Here they haven't invented automatics just yet. Time as they know it restarted. At one time they had technology to put us to shame but a huge war between Xadians and Aliens almost totally wiped them out. Very few humans survived and those that did (including Alex's many great grandfather) had to adapt. The Spirit of Xade altered what animals were left to be compatible with the humans so that her hard work wouldn't go to waste. Thus, Xadians are anamorphic except a select few (who are very inbred cause they thought it was disgusting to mate with animals) and they often have unique powers granted by Xade herself. Some animals evolved into anamorphic all by their lonesome. You will meet one of them in the next story arc.

Besides, ya gotta admit stick shifts are cool!
Yeah I know, my feet are wonky.


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