Insanity of Xade
#27 There be changes in my mirror

Author notes

#27 There be changes in my mirror


public humiliation Theres a few of them Now you know why her wings poked out of the bottom at Attach This! she can fold them around her like a cloak because they're really flexible; but after a while they get tired so she lets them relax behind her.

rmccool got her part up before I got mine but I still got it done. Not the way that I wanted to, I wanted to have Alexis feel his face with her hand since she's blind and that is how blind people "see", but I didn't have time. It's bedtime for me so I kind of skimped out on the last 3 panels, opting to make it an extra long portal. Where Bollard is and PH are far away from each other, actually, so in a way it is justified. There, I fixed the portal text. now it is easier to read cause I put a black border around it.

Speaking of the panels how do you like the new layout that I am trying out? Instead of dividing them up like I did before, I simply made them the size that I needed. I kind of like the effect, personally. This way I don't have a bunch of space that I gotta fill with background junk. Of course backgrounds are important but when it's just a bar or something like that there doesn't need to be a bunch of stuff in there and they are easily expandable. . .

Wish me luck on getting my tooth pulled tomorrow, there's some complications that require it to be surgically removed and I could use all the luck I can get. I just hope I wake up with my jaw in one piece :S

Dad's brakes went out and hes having trouble putting them on, he just couldnt wait until we got back, he just HAD to do it 10 mins before I left so now I got to risk infection and all that stuff that comes with a bad cavity for another 2 weeks. :(


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