Leif is factually one of my best friends, and is one of the greatest GMs i've ever Roleplayed under. It is, to be said, however, that there is a running trend exhibited in any game he has run. And this is the dramatical diatribe known as 'the monologue.' And not only does he get into it….he even does voices while doing it. Usually different variations of angry british people or something that comes across as vaguely yiddish. To those viewing in from an outside perspective (and some from inside the group, i might add), it's a ridiculous spectacle. It's all in good fun….for the first hour of talk.
This comic is poking fun at a current D&D game we're playing. The guy drives three hours to come visit us every two weeks…only to play a game, and then have a bunch of snarky ingrates give him shit just for trying to carry across something 'epic', in a 'four grown men (Gabe doesn't play. He's just here because he swore to god (and me) that he'd never in a thousand years play D&D with leif.) playing a silly game of make-believe with dice' kinda situation.
He's been bugging me also to be in the comic (this is the last.), and i've really wanted to put him in it—because of the mother lode of RPG/type jokes that loom within our encounters – i just didn't know how to do it. Luckilly Luis (Lughaidh) owed me a guest strip (and by owed, i mean, i asked him, and then later made it sound like he owed me…which makes me sound like i'm Jabba The Hutt cool, or some shit.), and he wrote something that was pretty goddamn awesome…
…and then i butchered the living hell out of it, doctored the ending, took a little more from the script (i actually drew Krogda…Kr….(name)..instead of just having leif standing still and talking in a different font.
i apologize for the font's…difficulty on capital letters. i'm going to change it when/if i ever do something this daring again.
for what it's worth, i think this comic kicks ass. favorite parts are gabe's SUDDEN departure in the end, james' commentary about the chicken to gold exchange…and every single freakin scene with Kara….Kroth….K….(name.) (who needs to come back in a guest appearance, with a shorter, easier to write name…LUIS.)
To those who have never roleplayed, i apologize, and promise a comic involving someone shitting their pants or getting hit with a pie next week. I'm not sure yet, but my next update may be on Saturday…with the fourth coming up (and with that, the awaited Transformers flop)…i'm going to be pretty busy with my want to sit around, watch a movie, and get reacquainted with my Nintendo DS.
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